The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,713 Enemies meet (additional update)

In terms of personal strength, this dominant being of the Rose Dynasty civilization must surpass the Gallente Federation Legion in front of him.

But the Gallente Federation Master-class war fleet in front of us is not a weakling. Its commander-in-chief, Marshal Rommel, personally led the fleet during the war against the Rose Dynasty Civilization and killed a Rose Dynasty Civilization Master-class concept. By.

The combat effectiveness of scientific and technological civilization legions like the Gallente Federation is really difficult to quantify.

Because space ships have no life levels, and the special weapons carried on some ships are likely to play unexpected roles on the battlefield.

At this time, behind the Gallente Federation Army, in the huge black wormhole, a steady stream of ships poured out of it.

This is not just a single Dominator-class war fleet, but in addition to the Dominator-class fleet group, there are also a large number of secondary fleet groups.

Even in the vague space turmoil, dozens of interstellar fortresses with a diameter of 10,000 meters slowly emerged in the subspace. 🄼

Among these fortresses, the two largest ones both have an exaggerated diameter of 100,000 meters.

Even Thain's Ash Fortress feels a bit like a "little brother" in front of these two giant federal fortresses.

And these two federal star-level war fortresses, in the power label of wizard civilization, both have a level that rivals level 6, or even the peak level 6 combat power.

It can be seen from this that the Gallente Federation Legion that appears this time has bad intentions.

At the same time, the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion, the latest to arrive on the subspace battlefield, is also continuously sending troops to this subspace.

The power system of Rose Dynasty civilization is somewhat similar to that of the Wizarding World.

In the wizarding world, knights and magicians constitute the mainstream of the profession, while the civilization of the Rose Dynasty relies on readers and mecha legions to maintain the power of civilization.

Like the magician, the reader also has a transcendent status in the Rose Dynasty civilization and is good at long-range attacks, but has poor melee capabilities.

Every time the Rose Dynasty Civilization's Legion of Minders is dispatched, at least the same number of Mecha Legions are needed for close combat protection.

The difference between the wizard civilization and the wizard civilization is that whether the reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization is strong or not depends not on her wisdom and talent, but on her bloodline.

The stronger the bloodline, the more powerful the mind is naturally.

On the contrary, mecha warriors often need acquired study and hard work to improve their personal strength.

An excellent mecha builder is not necessarily a top mecha warrior, but a top mecha warrior must be a mecha builder or modifier with various certificates and honors in the Rose Dynasty civilization. division.

Those mecha warriors who have left strong traces in the history of Rose Dynasty civilization are basically in the field of mecha design and research and development, and have achievements that future generations can admire.

Even many models of mechas in the Rose Dynasty Civilization are named after the masters of previous generation mechas.

It's just that in the Rose Dynasty civilization, the person with the greatest status and authority is the reader.

This is based on the pressure of civilized tradition, as if those who read are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and can possess extremely powerful power without much effort.

The strongest bloodline of readers in the Rose Dynasty civilization is the royal bloodline.

Throughout the history of Rose Dynasty civilization, several master-level thinkers appeared, and they all came from the royal family.

They are the real ruling class of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

The Rose Dynasty civilization master-level reader who appeared on the subspace battlefield in front of her was named Moraya, and she was at least hundreds of thousands of years old.

She is the only master-level thinker left in the current Rose Dynasty civilization, and it is said that she has a close relationship with the top leaders of the wizarding civilization.

Mainly because Moraya had dealt with the leaders of the next generation of wizard civilization.

Bev, the contemporary leader of wizard civilization, although her strength far exceeds that of Moraya, she may still be a little lower than her in terms of seniority.

This master-level thinker also worked with her father, the strongest knight.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the wizarding civilization is quite kind to Moraya.

This remnant of the Rose Dynasty civilization received a lot of care and resource subsidies from the wizard civilization after they fled to the wizard civilization star domain.

Moreover, these powerful men of the Rose Dynasty civilization seem to be very "sensible". In addition to the master-level reader Moraya and her personal guard legions, there are actually other mecha legions that arrived at this subspace battlefield at the same time. Two regiments of Royal Guards!

The Royal Mecha Corps of the Rose Dynasty civilization was an elite force directly used to defend the royal family.

Take these two Royal Guard regiments as an example. The mechas driven by their regimental commanders all possess level six peak biological combat capabilities!

The survivors of the Rose Dynasty civilization fled to the wizarding civilization, and their family fortune was completely lost.

These two Royal Guards regiments are probably the only two remaining royal troops of the civilized royal family of the Rose Dynasty.

Despite this, the Rose Dynasty civilization is willing to send them to assist this subspace battlefield.

I wonder if the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization will feel more relieved when they find out about this.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Moraya, the dominator-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization, has a grudge against this Gallente Federation dominator-level war fleet that appears on the subspace battlefield.

Federal Marshal Rommel, known as the "Desert Fox", once killed the master-level reader who was Moraya's niece.

Therefore, when she saw this fleet group with a dark yellow outer alloy armor, Moraya's originally smiling expression subsided and was replaced by deep hatred and gnashing of teeth.

Moraya did not need any additional instructions. The Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion, which had a blood feud with the Gallente Federation, was already slowly approaching the Federation fleet under the leadership of their respective commanders.

Mecha warriors, adjust your weapons to ready state.

The army of telepathizers at the rear also accumulated telepathic storms and concussive ripples one after another.

The fierce battle was about to break out, and the Gallente Federation Legion was also very considerate, setting up AT protective force fields at the right time.

When the Civilized Legion of the Rose Dynasty put on a full offensive posture, Marshal Rommel, who was in the flagship of the Gallente Federation's master-class war fleet, was dealing with a series of affairs in front of him very calmly and methodically.

There are three flagships in the Federation's Dominator-class war fleet, each of which has extremely strong protection and escape capabilities. Even the Gallente Federation's own fleet commander does not know which flagship Marshal Rommel is on.

The purpose of this is naturally to prevent hostile civilizations from carrying out beheading plans on these federal fleets.

Not to mention that in addition to the three flagships, there are countless other confusion ships and escort fleets that serve as interference.

All in all, it is quite difficult to bypass other ships and directly carry out a precise attack on the leader of the Gallente Federation fleet.

The Gallente Federation has also accumulated considerable experience in countless years of war.

At this time, Marshal Rommel in the flagship did not pay too much attention to the intimidation and pressure brought by the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion.

He knew exactly what he was here for, and he also had a rough plan for the overall war situation in this subspace battlefield.

This plan was summed up by him on the way here, combined with the frontline information he continued to receive.

For example, Marshal Rommel has already learned about the rebellion of the ancient desert wasteland world and the sixth-level peak creature Salem.

However, at this time, the federal marshal did not immediately target them.

But when he felt the increasingly intense elemental fluctuations in the subspace, he couldn't help but frown.

Pointing to the coordinates of Trilis in the center of the subspace, Rommel said solemnly, "Launch high-frequency concussion bombs and kill her!"

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