The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1714: Respective tasks (additional update)

The Dominator-class war fleet group and its affiliated fleet groups led by Rommel had relatively obvious energy fluctuations remaining on or around many ships.

This shows that this Gallente Federation fleet group is not peaceful on its way to this subspace battlefield.

In fact, the federal fleet led by Rommel was indeed constantly surrounded and blocked by the wizard civilization army on the road.

Otherwise Rommel would have arrived here long ago.

How could it be a coincidence that the reinforcements of the Rose Dynasty civilization arrived at the same time.

When the Gallente Federation fleet experienced obvious fluctuations, and soon a long and narrow missile emitting a harsh sound was launched from the bottom of a certain Dominator-class ship with a "whoosh!" and headed toward the subspace at lightning speed. When the center flies away.

Moraya, the dominator-level reader, frowned.

Moraya is considered to be at a relatively high level among dominant-level creatures.

Although her soul of dominance was severely damaged in the Rose Dynasty Civilization Defense War, her realm and reaction ability are there.

She was also the number two figure in the Rose Dynasty civilization.

The long and narrow missile launched suddenly was powerful enough to threaten Dominator-level creatures.

More importantly, it has a very fast rate of fire and is highly concealable.

Generally, the newly promoted dominant-level creatures may not be able to defend against it.

Moraya arrived on this battlefield to support the wizard civilization army.

What she needs to do is not to kill how many Gallente Federation legions, but to reduce the losses of wizard civilization as much as possible.

This high-frequency concussive bomb was obviously aimed at Cuillis, who was releasing the forbidden curse.

After feeling its power fluctuations and launch trajectory, Moraya, who had already considered it in a blink of an eye, gave up immediately attacking the federal fleet in front of her. Instead, she first released a master-level telekinesis to intercept the launch. missile.

At the moment Moraya took action, the Gallente Federation fleet opened fire.

Ever since Moraya took action, she had entered the rhythm of the Gallente Federation fleet.

The dark yellow fleet, with a large number of energy beams and long-range strikes, came like a violent storm, like the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion.

The Rose Dynasty civilization has already entered a state of readiness for war. Thick layers of mental shields appeared directly in front of the Rose Dynasty Civilization Legion.

In addition, the mecha designers of the Rose Dynasty Civilization actually developed energy shields and other defensive means for the mecha troops.

It's just that the energy shield of the Rose Dynasty civilization is far behind the AT protective force field of the top civilization Gallente Federation.

The shields of most mechas can only cover a very small distance within the range of their own mecha.

Unlike the Gallente Federation's force field, it covers an area at once.

However, the mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization also have their own unique features.

The giant mecha army of the Gallente Federation was originally the Rose Dynasty civilization that "stole its masters".

Obtaining the master-level mecha manufacturing technology of the Rose Dynasty civilization is also recognized as the main factor why the Gallente Federation spent a lot of money in its early years to destroy its opponent.

Unlike the Gallente Federation, which is piloted by two people, the mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization are all piloted by one person.

Moreover, the mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization did not pursue excessive enlargement, nor did they deliberately require high power.

The giant mechas of the Gallente Federation have combat capabilities above level three.

Because low-level combat units and cannon fodder can be used by robots and drones without increasing the pressure on other military industries.

The mecha troops of the Rose Dynasty Civilization cover various fields from level one to level seven.

For example, among the mechas of the Rose Dynasty civilization that appeared on the subspace battlefield at this time, the largest number were the first- and second-level bottom-level mecha warriors.

These mechas, which are comparable to first- and second-level combat power, come in different models and sizes.

The smaller mechas are only three or four meters tall, the larger ones are no more than ten meters, and most standard mechas are seven or eight meters tall.

This should also be the optimal body shape considered by the mecha designers of the Rose Dynasty Civilization.

Of course, the Rose Dynasty civilization also had giant mechas.

The mechas driven by the two regiment commanders of the Royal Guards are giant mechas that are close to a thousand meters in height.

These mechas can also change forms during combat, taking on larger sizes or more special combat postures.

Including those level 4 and level 5 mechas, they can easily reach hundreds of meters in height.

When the giant mecha legions of the Gallente Federation collided with the mecha legions of the Rose Dynasty Civilization, it was truly a visual feast.

Gallente Federation mecha style, thicker and stronger.

The mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization are even more flexible.

There are still many subtle differences between the mechas of the two civilizations.

Of course, the most eye-catching difference is that the mechas of the Gallente Federation all have the federation's logo engraved on their chests.

It was a symbol composed of dozens of stars. Every president of the Federation was sworn in under this symbol.

The Rose Dynasty Civilization has an armband pattern engraved on the shoulders of their mechas. It is a crown-shaped symbol, which depicts the crown worn by the successive queens of the Rose Dynasty Civilization.

The principle of supremacy of imperial power has long been deeply rooted in the Rose Dynasty civilization, and it is also one of the few civilizations in the star world where women dominate.

This situation is probably due to the fact that most of the Rose Dynasty civilized reader bloodlines have to be in the hands of female family members in order to be able to reach their full potential.

Although the Rose Dynasty civilization also had male practitioners, their general strength was inferior to that of females.

Just like in today's wizarding world, there are very few wizards.

Two civilized legions that had already had irreconcilable hatred for each other once again fought in this subspace battlefield.

The Dominator-class reader Moraya did not have the mentality of watching the excitement before. After intercepting the Gallente Federation's high-frequency concussive bombs, she herself directly approached the Dominator-class war fleet led by Rommel.

On the side of the Gallente Federation, facing the approach of the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion, Marshal Rommel drove his main fleet to face Moraya and the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion. On the other hand, he separated half of the fleet as much as possible, using To support the central battlefield of this subspace.

Rommel was fully aware of the mission he was assigned to this subspace battlefield.

If Moraya's mission is to support and protect the Wizard Civilization Legion, then Rommel's mission is to lead his fleet to collect as much technological information as possible from the super-ancient technological civilization, the Aiyoulandie Civilization.

To be honest, Rommel didn't think it was meaningful to do so.

If it were a peaceful time, it would naturally be of great benefit to mine the scientific and technological information of the top civilizations in super ancient times, and it would very likely trigger a new round of scientific and technological innovation in the Federation.

But this is war time.

In this current environment where all resources are poured into the field of war and military manufacturing, how much energy and wealth can the Gallente Federation have to devote to the research of ancient civilization technology?

Even if something is finally researched, will the Federation still have the ability to transform its military industry and iterate its war equipment in large quantities?

Will the wizard civilization army, which is in a superior position on the battlefield, sit back and watch them do all this?

Marshal Rommel thought a lot and had a deep understanding of war.

But unfortunately, no one person has the final say in the Gallente Federation.

Although he is a federal marshal, he must also obey orders from the military and the president.

In his position, he will do his job.

Marshal Rommel, who had already arrived in this subspace, decided to conscientiously complete the tasks assigned to him by the Federation.

“Need to add 35 more chapters~”

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