The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,712 Shocking Power

The battlefield in the center of this subspace is huge. No matter how wide the coverage of the doomsday weapon is, it still has its limits.

When the activation order was issued, the five-star general Macedonia was also quickly identifying where to fire.

The central computer of the Gallente Federation also quickly screened and merged dozens of alternatives.

Finally, the Macedonian general pointed northeast of the central battlefield.

It is a place where the wizard civilization army gathers relatively densely, and it is also the junction of the war zone where the sixth-level magician Cuilisi and another sixth-level knight Harrison are located.

The Macedonian general had a keen sense of smell on the battlefield throughout his entire life in the military.

At the same time, he also has a deep understanding of the wizarding world and the wizarding alliance system.

In the Macedonian general's view, killing more Wizard Alliance creatures and those so-called "exotic gods" is of no use at all.

They are all just fagots, and the wizarding civilization may not be too concerned about their life and death.

Only by killing as many local knights, magicians, and creatures above level four in the wizarding world as possible on the battlefield can we fundamentally benefit the Gallente Federation. 🄲

If there are too many knights and magician legions killed in battle, the wizarding civilization will feel pain and will be unable to sustain the subsequent war.

The main firing point marked by the Macedonian general was where a large number of knights and magician legions gathered.

In addition, among the powerful wizards and civilizations within the coverage area, in addition to the two sixth-level creatures Trilis and Harrison, there are a dozen other fourth- and fifth-level knight magicians, and nearly twenty alliance aliens. Gods are also in the aftermath of doomsday weapons.

A series of rocket strikes exuding suppressed power fluctuations were fired almost in front of Thain's face, towards the depths of the wizard civilization army in the distance of his field of vision.

Just now, Thane thought that this series of doomsday strikes would be launched towards himself, or towards the rebellious Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion.

After all, the collapse of the Apocalypse World Legion on our side was the most serious, and the rebellion of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion and the sixth-level peak creature Seren were the main inducing factors that caused the collapse of the Gallente Federation's front line.

Thain was even ready to break away from the battle at any time.

After all, no matter how attractive the level-6 biological specimens are, they must be taken with a life.

But it is obvious that compared to reversing the decline in local war zones, or killing the sixth-level peak creature Seren and the remnants of the ancient desert world to vent their anger, the Gallente Federation commander is more inclined to attack the local army of the wizard civilization, causing more casualties. blow.

"Boom!" A series of violent explosions and terrifying turmoil appeared in the northeast of the battlefield.

Black mushroom clouds rose into the sky one after another. These mushroom clouds gathered together to create the most eye-catching event in this subspace battlefield.

No matter where you are in this subspace at this moment, I believe that the warring creatures on both sides have noticed the shocking phenomenon here.

In the center of the explosion, the originally stable power of space has been torn to pieces. If a brave and capable person enters and observes, he will find that a large number of space cracks and various rule differences have appeared in that area. Image remains.

The power of these space cracks and special rules will not dissipate in a short time.

Even based on the intensity of the firepower released by the Gallente Federation, it is not surprising that these cracks have existed in this subspace for thousands of years.

The Wandering Reaper's doomsday weapon is a swarm coverage strike, and its long duration is a major feature of it, which Thain has already experienced.

At this time, in the sky, dense rockets were still being fired from behind the Gallente Federation fleet and flying towards the target node.

Even if some powerful wizards and civilizations outside the affected area have the intention to intercept, they do not have the ability.

The war zone where Thain is located can be considered a relatively small area affected.

He had to thank the large number of Corrupt Plane creatures around him, as well as other Alliance combat units.

Otherwise, the war zone where he is located is also one of the dozens of alternative points where the Gallente Federation Center Computer was originally located.

The energy wave overflowing from the doomsday weapon slightly affected the offensive actions of Thane, the God of Corruption and others.

However, since the main hit area is not here, Thain and others do not need to evacuate. Their top priority is to continue to attack the Apocalypse creatures in front of them.

It's just that at this time, Thane is no longer fully devoted to the battle like before.

His phaseless mask and magic wand continued to release elemental strikes at the enemies in front of him, but Thain's attention couldn't help but look towards the turbulent area on the battlefield.

Because the original location of Thain's master Cuilis was within the coverage of the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons.

Interrupted by the vision of the terrifying mushroom cloud, as well as the violent energy tides and law fluctuations generated on the surrounding battlefield, Thane, wearing the phaseless mask, was unable to capture the situation of his master for a while.

"Should it be okay?" Thain thought to himself.

The Wandering Reaper's doomsday weapon has a long duration compared to other beam attacks. No matter how long it lasts, it has a limit.

The number of rockets that the Gallente Federation spent so long loading was limited.

Not long after, when the Federation's doomsday weapon launches ended, not to mention the corruption and miserable conditions in the center of the attack, what excited the powerful wizards and civilizations in Thane and many surrounding battlefields was that Cuilis was the first to... The sixth-level existence rushed out of the mushroom cloud and turbulent fog.

Another sixth-level knight named Harrison was the second to rush out.

Sure enough, this kind of doomsday weapon, after losing the suddenness of the first launch, is still very difficult to cause a fatal blow to a sixth-level creature.

Triris did not withdraw alone, she even carried a bloody figure in her hands.

After watching it for a long time, Thane finally realized that the bloody figure turned out to be his master Bo Jia Garu.

Hey, so busy worrying about Trilis, Thain even ignored his master, Bogagaru, who was also in the doomsday weapons concentration area.

The concentrated fire power of this doomsday weapon is indeed exaggerated. A fifth-level body-refining magician like Gargaru ended up in such a miserable situation with the help of Trilis. It is conceivable that it will affect other fourth- and fifth-level people. How hard the creature hits.

Another sixth-level knight, Harrison, who flew out of the explosion area, was not in good condition either. One of his arms was hanging down weakly, and his strong chest was also covered in bloodstains.

A guy was hit by the Federation's doomsday weapon, or it could be his disciple Gargaru who was severely injured, which angered Triris.

This sixth-level magician wielding two staffs, after pushing Gargaru to a safer area behind the wizard civilization army, suddenly chanted the forbidden spell in the center of the battlefield.

The Federation used doomsday weapons to attack the wizard civilization army, and Triris responded with a forbidden curse!

The forbidden spell released by a magician like Cuilis who is about to reach the peak of level 6 is naturally more powerful than Thane, who is only at level 5.

And when Trilis releases the forbidden spell magic, she uses her own world-class secret treasure short staff to amplify it.

The surging and turbulent power of green earth fire gradually appeared everywhere in this central battlefield.

When the magicians of the wizarding civilization chant forbidden spells or release certain powerful magics, there is a certain probability that the elements in the surrounding environment and the power of plane laws will resonate.

Only those who have a strong control over the power of elements and have a profound understanding of the laws can have such power.

Apparently, Triris did both.

Forbidden spell-level magic——Silent Volcano!

This is a standard large-scale forbidden spell. In the wizarding world, only magicians of level six or above are qualified to release this level of forbidden spell.

But under normal circumstances, ordinary sixth-level magicians are not willing to release this level of forbidden spells.

Because of the huge consumption of magic power and the uncertainty of the release process, once the release fails, the pain caused by the elemental backlash is enough to take away half the life of a sixth-level magician.

Only those level six peak magicians, and even true spirit level magicians, can use this level of forbidden spells.

At this time, Cuillis released the large-scale forbidden curse "Silent Volcano". Was it because of her confidence in her own strength, or because she was furious because of the huge losses suffered by her disciples and the wizard civilization army, and she wanted to attack the Gallente Federation no matter what? The Legion fought back.

"Stop her! All fleets attack immediately! All spare giant mechas are also deployed!" Five-star Admiral Macedon immediately ordered from inside the flagship.

Logically speaking, the process of Cuillis releasing the forbidden spell was much longer than the prelude to the doomsday weapon he just ordered to fire.

Sometimes just chanting the forbidden magic incantation takes half a month or even longer, which is not surprising.

And since Cuillis dared to openly chant such a large-scale forbidden spell that consumes a lot of money on the battlefield, she was either crazy enough to lose her mind, or she had other sources of support.

Obviously, as a magician, Trilis is not a level six being who can be carried away by anger.

During the process of releasing the forbidden spell, Trilis took out a bright orange-red crystal ball from the magic robe in her arms.

In the bright crystal ball, the power of the fire element surges and explodes, and people can clearly feel it even from a distance.

This was not about releasing a forbidden spell on the spot, but about releasing a forbidden spell that had been stored in advance by Cuillis using special means.

The spell Cuilis chanted at this time was more like the spell that inspired the bright crystal ball prop in her hand.

As Cuilis chanted the spell, the tone became higher and higher, and the concentration and activity of the fire element particles on the surrounding battlefield also increased.

It can be seen that directly below the Gallente Federation fleet and ground combat units, a crimson pattern similar to the outline of a volcano gradually appears!

At this moment, the sixth-level magician Trilis replaced the doomsday weapon of the Gallente Federation and became the focus of this subspace battlefield.

When Seren, the strongest person in the ancient desert world, breaks away from the control of the Gallente Federation and finally determines his sixth-level peak realm, Trilis will also truly ascend to the throne of a sixth-level peak magician in this subspace battlefield. Stairs!

It was also at this time when everyone was watching, two violent turbulences and space law ripples appeared in two different areas of the subspace sky.

What appeared on one side was a densely packed group of countless Gallente Federation ships. The most eye-catching one was a series of dark yellow ships.

The space ripples it emits all reveal that this is a Dominator-class fleet!

What appeared on the other side was an equally large number of mecha legions, as well as humanoid creatures that maintained a specific formation behind the mecha legions.

These mechas and humanoid creatures are very similar to the Rose Dynasty civilization creatures that participated in the last Wizards Alliance Conference.

A woman who also exuded the aura of majesty and dominance appeared at the forefront of this army of mechas and readers.

Wearing a long white dress, she obviously also noticed the fluctuations of doomsday weapons that had not dissipated in this subspace battlefield, as well as the large forbidden spell chanting tone that was echoing in the sky.

"Oh my, it seems we came by chance!" A chuckle came from the master's mouth.

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