The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,711 Reappearance of Doomsday Weapons

Salem was holding on, but Trilis, the sixth-level magician who fought him before, really had better fighting ability.

Holding a world-class secret treasure short staff, every spell of Trilis can pose a great threat to the enemies in front of her and the underlying Gallente Federation Legion.

Moreover, Thain's master is actually a rare "double magic wand style" elemental master.

In addition to a short magic wand, there is another special magic wand in front of Trilis, which is ancient and simple, and its surface is burning with blazing green flames.

This magic wand is actually the wand Trilis usually uses.

As for her world-class secret treasure short staff, if this civilized war hadn't forced her to use her full strength, Thane had never seen her master use such a weapon before.

The two magic wands gave Trilis a strong elemental power.

And Thain, the master, is a treasure.

It seems that Thain has never heard of his master as a great alchemist, but the ring on Trilis's hand and the magic robe she wears are both extraordinary! 🄲

Thane's spider silk robe, which has been mended many times and is still wearing, is of much lower quality than Trilis's lavender magic robe.

This is the foundation of a veteran top magician. Cuillis has lived for more than 100,000 years. After such a long time of accumulation, the depth of her foundation is not something that a "young" like Thain can catch up with in a short while.

While Triris was killing everyone on the front line, affected by the rebellion in Salem and the ancient desert wasteland world, as well as the rout in the Apocalypse World Legion area, the situation on this central battlefield was unclear to the Gallente Federation. There are signs of collapse.

At this time, a strong counterattack is urgently needed to allow the Gallente Federation to regain its footing.

"How is the doomsday weapon charging?!"

"I need the 'Wandering Reaper' to fire again right now!" Five-star General Macedonia scolded.

The Wandering Reaper doomsday weapon was not directly mounted on the Macedonian general's fleet, it was on another battleship.

In order to support the energy consumption and ammunition required for this doomsday weapon, the Gallente Federation even equipped it with many ships and command personnel.

Soon, a federal admiral, wearing four stars on his shoulders, responded to the Macedonian general.

This four-star general is not only the direct commander of the doomsday weapons, he is also the person responsible for the logistics, resources and ammunition supply of this subspace battlefield.

"98% of the preparation work for the doomsday weapon 'Wandering Reaper' has been completed. Ammunition loading and line charging have been completed, leaving only the last step of testing." In the screen, the four-star federal general said.

After all, it was a weapon that was eliminated by the Gallente Federation's master-class war fleet.

The "Wandering Reaper" doomsday weapon was still a standard equipment for the Gallente Federation's master-class ships more than 100,000 years ago. However, looking back now, it is clear that this weapon still has too many shortcomings and disadvantages in all aspects.

However, in the past tens of thousands of years of war, the Wandering Reaper doomsday weapons used by the Gallente Federation's sixth-level fleet group have had accidents only twice.

The five-star general Macedon didn't think he was so unlucky, so he ordered the general in front of him to skip the detection link and open fire immediately!

On the battlefield, in extraordinary times, extraordinary means must be used.

It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, and most of the military generals of the Gallente Federation are straightforward.

Although the Macedonian general's adjutant may have something to say, the four-star general in the light screen in front of him directly ordered to fire after saluting!

During the activation process of the doomsday weapon "Wandering Reaper", there is some power leakage.

If you don't know it in advance, you may overlook this detail.

However, these doomsday weapons have previously destroyed the Tongtian Building and many energy barriers of the Aiyou Landie civilization. Since they have been displayed once in this subspace battlefield, Cuilisi will naturally be somewhat wary of them.

According to the information Triris obtained about the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons, judging from the time, it was almost time for the opponent to open fire.

Therefore, when special and suppressed energy fluctuations appeared behind the Gallente Federation fleet group, Trilis felt something abnormal almost immediately.

But at this time, the wizard civilization army was already deeply engaged in a deep battle with the Gallente Federation Army. If you order a retreat suddenly, not only may you not be able to avoid the fire of the federal doomsday weapons, but you may also be pursued by the concentrated fire of the federal fleet.

On this kind of civilized battlefield, pursuit battles are often the battles that cause the greatest proportion of casualties.

On the contrary, it is a positional battle and a blocking battle. The casualty rate of both sides in the short term is not necessarily too high.

And facing a doomsday weapon like this is something that the brave and strong should consider.

The bottom creatures can only try their luck, because you can't run away, you can only hope that they don't hit you.

This is also the tragedy of the weak.

Immediately, Trilis sent an early warning to the powerful wizards and civilizations on the surrounding battlefields.

The people who received the reminder immediately were the alien gods of the alliance.

There is no need to inform the bottom creatures. According to the attack strength and range of this doomsday weapon, even if it is drilled to a depth of several thousand meters underground, it will be annihilated into particles almost instantly.

This central battlefield happens to be the ruins of Aiyoulandie Civilization Hongguang Science and Technology Center.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, you can see that this is a giant basin with a diameter of more than 100,000 meters.

This was the last federal doomsday weapon. It consumed a lot of power when it passed through the remaining energy barriers and bombarded the external barrier of Hongguang Technology Center.

Otherwise, all the firepower will be poured down, and the strike range will probably be expanded several times!

This is the power of doomsday weapons, and it also represents the dominance level means of power.

Thain, who was in a corner of the battlefield and was participating in the siege, also received an early warning from his master Cuilis.

This time, Thain arrived at the central battlefield without bringing his Ashes Holy Tower Legion with him, so he did not need to care about the life and death of the surrounding underlying creatures, he only needed to take care of himself.

The sixth-level creature in the Apocalypse World in front of him has reached the end of the crossbow after a period of siege.

The wounds on this guy's cheek and neck have not recovered yet, and they are still bloody, which shows that it does not have enough life source to repair those injuries.

Trying to survive is what this guy desires most right now.

Not long after, a dazzling white light flashed across the battlefield, and then, a series of dense red light spots appeared in the sky.

Each of these crimson light spots represents an ultimate rocket.

The color of their warheads is red, but the tail flame is dark blue.

These ultimate rockets, when combined, are the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon - the "Dangerous Wanderer".

In an instant, many strong men on the battlefield, including Thain, felt the suffocating pressure.

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