The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1708: Chase (Additional update)

Fumila was seriously injured at this time.

The blow that Salem gave her before was really cruel.

In addition to the arm being severed at shoulder level, there was also an extremely deep slash mark on Fumila's back.

After Thane arrived at Fumila, he couldn't help but touch Fumila's back with his hand.

Robots should not feel pain, but Fumila said last time that she was in great pain after being blasted by Thane's super magic bomb.

Thinking about it, Fumila must also be in pain at this time, right?

"How is it? Can you continue fighting?"

"How about I find a way to get you out of this battlefield first?" Thain said to Fumila.

At this time, the fighting around Thain was no longer too intense.

The sixth-level peak creature Salem rebelled, and the other end ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The life and death of the sixth-level creature in the Apocalypse World is unknown, and Thain’s master Cuilis also began to turn his attention to other areas .

If Thane calls Carl and Bruce Wayne to act together, there is a high probability of breaking out safely.

After all, on this battlefield, it seems that the wizard civilization is about to gain an advantage.

Faced with Thain's concerned inquiry, Fumila shook her head slightly.

In her current state, she is still capable of fighting.

Especially when Thane pulled out a handful of energy amethysts.

The recovery effect of energy amethyst on Fumila is of course not as intuitive as the Rubik's Cube.

But for the smart robot family, energy amethyst is also a good restorative prop.

Since Thane's Rubik's Cube completed several upgrades, the quality and quantity of the energy amethyst produced have improved several times compared to before.

Perhaps in the subsequent war, not only can the use of robots such as Flame and Fumila be maintained, Thane can also make a deal with the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

When the energy amethyst was held in Fumila's hand, a touching blue-purple light emanated from Fumila.

The energy amethyst's recovery effect on Fumila was naturally not as exaggerated as allowing her to immediately regenerate her severed limbs, but it repaired a lot of the deep injuries on Fumila's back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Including the four originally dim wings on Fumila's back, two of them gradually began to shine.

Thain has been in contact with Fumila during this period, and he also knows that this is a person who is never shy.

of robots.

Since Fumila said that he could continue fighting, Thane stopped trying to persuade him.

The severe damage caused by the sixth-level Apocalypse World creatures made the fourth- and fifth-level Apocalypse World creatures on the surrounding battlefield less willing to fight.

This is the chain reaction after the fall of a leader.

If Trilis and several other sixth-level knights of the wizard civilization were seriously injured and on the verge of death, it would definitely have a huge impact on the momentum of the wizard civilization army.

So Thain decided to stare at the creatures in the Apocalypse World and beat them up.

The wizarding civilization sent him to help Trilis and other powerful people, and Thain had accomplished his set goal.

The Gallente Federation Legion, which is more difficult to deal with, should be left to friendly forces on other battlefields.

Not far from Thane and others, Carl and Bruce Wayne were mainly facing the creatures of the Apocalypse World.

However, Thain did not choose to join them immediately. After waiting for a long time with the Mask of No Form, Thain finally found a sixth-level Apocalypse World creature that was eking out a living in a corner of the surrounding battlefield.

This level six Apocalypse Great World creature is really tough!

Salem had eaten most of his neck and cheeks alive, but he was still not dead.

Salen didn't know whether he was too arrogant or had no energy left to kill this Apocalypse World creature. After severely injuring it, he did not continue to pursue and kill him. Instead, he encouraged the surrounding Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion to fight back against Galen with him. Special Federation Fleet.

This Level 6 creature from the Apocalypse World was also a thief. After finally escaping from Salem, whom he was afraid of, it moved its remaining body quietly and furtively, and unknowingly had escaped some distance away.

This level six apocalyptic creature still has some eyesight.

He did not fly directly to the Gallente Federation fleet group to seek shelter, but fled to the flank of the battlefield as much as possible.

What a joke, on the frontal battlefield, those facing the Gallente Federation fleet were none other than Seren, the sixth-level pinnacle creature, and Cuilis, who led the wizard civilization legion.

With his current appearance, if he took the initiative to fly over, he would probably be wiped out by the wizard civilization army or Salem before he received the assistance of the Gallente Federation ship.

It just so happened that Thain had no intention of interfering in the upcoming battle on the central battlefield. This level 6 apocalypse creature with only one breath left was simply tailor-made for him.

"Is there going to be an extra level six biological specimen in my laboratory?" Under the phaseless mask, Thain's eyes revealed greed and excitement.

The devil's hand couldn't help but point at the sixth-level apocalypse creature. Thain looked like a villain at this time.

The sixth-level apocalyptic creatures he targeted were full of weakness, helplessness and pitifulness.

As the newly recruited thug under Thain, the eight-winged angel Fumila naturally felt Thain's strong thoughts and possessiveness.

Fumila actually doesn't quite understand the pathological research desire of magicians in the wizarding world, as well as the desire to dissect and collect specimens.

But she instinctively hopes to fulfill Thane's wish.

I don’t know if it’s the influence of the Rubik’s Cube or some other factor.

Fumila, who doesn't show off to others, still has a good impression of Thane.

Is this "love"?

What a special emotion.

Just now, when Thain put the energy amethyst into Fumila's hand, and when Thain's devil's claw touched Fumila's injured back, it caused some ripples in Fumila's heart.

I still remember that it was also Thain who blew her up so much that he gave her the first glimmer of wisdom and awareness.

Her bond with Thane had long since become extremely deep and complicated.

When Fumila spread her wings and flew straight towards the sixth-level Apocalypse World creature, Thane hurriedly waved his demon wings to follow.

Without any additional greeting from him, Carl and Bruce Wayne next to him also took the initiative to move closer.

They were originally an iron triangle, and Carl and Bruce Wayne also knew who they were following so that the ethnic groups and civilizations behind them could get along better in the Wizarding Alliance.

When Thane kept approaching the level 6 apocalypse creature, he was shocked to find that someone had the same idea as him!

At this time, there is also the sixth-level alien god of the Wizards Alliance, the God of Corruption, who is also constantly getting closer to the sixth-level apocalyptic creature.

The God of Corruption didn't arrive alone, he was accompanied by a group of younger brothers.

At least a dozen fourth- and fifth-level creatures from the corrupted plane appeared on the surrounding battlefield.

Oh, maybe they didn't come here specifically to find this level six apocalyptic creature, but the surrounding area was originally the battlefield area that the Corrupted Plane Legion was mainly responsible for.

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