The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,707 Dictator

The development of the situation on the scene was beyond the expectations of many people.

Not only were many powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization stunned, but even the wizarding alliance creatures and the vassals and followers of the Gallente Federation didn't know what to do for a while.

Cuillis was one of the first understanding people present to react.

She looked at Salem who was in a crazy, violent, and bloodthirsty state in front of her, and couldn't help but sigh: "Did most of the chips controlled by the Gallente Federation be removed in the explosion just now?"

"Even I didn't expect that his hatred for the Gallente Federation would be so deep."

"If I had known this, maybe I should..."

"Although his body is still severely injured at this time, if he can survive this crisis safely, he will definitely be able to secure his throne as a sixth-level peak creature."

"The ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ robot carried out a close-range attack on Salem, which not only helped him release the control of the Gallente Federation, but also released its potential."

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. After this, will you really have the combat power of a sixth-level peak creature? Hum hum hum!" Cuilis looked at Salem not far away and sneered.

At this time, Bruce Wayne, a fifth-level creature of the Black Bat Civilization who was also concerned about Salem's crazy behavior, could not help but tremble slightly.

Wearing tight-fitting black armor, Bruce, who has always given people an unusual sense of strength and justice, would actually show such a side, which is really surprising.

"This is the real Salem! He was once like this, bringing fear to many surrounding planes and creatures."

"Was that indifferent attitude before deliberately suppressed, or was it just a pretense?" Bruce Wayne thought to himself.

Because Salem put too much pressure on him and his spirit and state were tense, the bat-wing helmet worn by Bruce Wayne could not help but emit circles of gravitational ripples in all directions.

Salem, who also felt the fluctuation of the world-class secret treasure bat-wing helmet, finally stopped chewing and turned his head to look this way.

After spitting out a ball of scarlet flesh and blood in his mouth, Salem glanced at Bruce and snorted softly: "Huh, is Black Bat a civilized little thing?"

The ancient desert wasteland world and the Black Bat Civilization have always been hostile. Salem and the contemporary sixth-level creatures of the Black Bat Civilization have been enemies for many years.

Just when Bruce Wayne took a deep breath, got into a fighting stance, and held his breath to prepare for Salem's blow.

The strongest man in the ancient desert wasteland world, but

Instead of flying towards him, he glanced coldly at the sixth-level Apocalypse World creature who was tightly held in his arms. Most of his neck was covered in blood and flesh, and his life breath was extremely weak.

Salem threw the sixth-level Apocalypse World creature to the ground, pulled down his mask again, wrapped himself in the seemingly dilapidated wasteland armor, and swooped towards the nearest Gallente Federation fleet.

Judging from his action of throwing the electric ax just now, it can be easily distinguished whether his current camp is an enemy or a friend.

"Intercept him!"

"His body is already at the limit of overload."

"We are at the end of our strength now. Don't be frightened by what he just did!" In the flagship of the Gallente Federation Center, the five-star Admiral Macedonia slapped the control panel in front of him and issued an order to the surrounding Federation fleet. ‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Da commanded.

First, the eight-winged angel Fumila rebelled, and then the sixth-level peak creature Seren rebelled.

The situation is very unfavorable for the Gallente Federation Legion currently on the subspace battlefield.

When the five-star general Macedonia issued the order, the sixth-level magician Trilis on the wizarding civilization side also issued a similar order to all the powerful wizarding civilizations on the surrounding battlefields.

"Help Salem and participate in a coordinated attack on the Gallente Federation fleet group."

"His condition is not as good as expected. Try not to let him die like this." Cuilis ordered the people around her.

Help Salem?

This combat order is not an easy thing to accept for Bruce, the fifth-level powerhouse of the Black Bat Civilization.

How many people from the Black Bat civilization have been killed or injured due to the fall of Salem in recent years?

How to settle this account!

Not only the Black Bat civilization, but also the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior Carl who appeared on the subspace battlefield at this time, the fourth-level fantastic plane strongman Gal Gadot, and the fifth-level strongman Arthur of the Planet of the Sea, all have no good impressions of this guy. .

They are all victims of oppression imposed by the ancient desert world and the dictator Salem.

But there is no way, the wizard civilization still has the final say on this battlefield.

After Trilis spoke, not only the knights and magicians of the wizarding world came to aid Salem, but also many foreign gods in the Wizards Alliance began to cooperate in the direction of Salem's flight.

Of course, Salem is not stupid or deaf. Faced with the statements of his former rival Triris and the Wizarding Civilization, Salem reciprocated.

Judging from his appearance alone, this guy really doesn't look like he's at the end of his tether.

He looked up to the sky and roared, making a sound that was loud enough for all the ancient desert wasteland world legions on the surrounding battlefields to hear, "Attack the whole army, follow me to fight against the Gallente Federation Legion and the Apocalypse Great World Legion!"

"They are all shameless liars and sneak attackers! Kill them!" Salem's roar was enough to show his hatred towards the Gallente Federation and the Apocalypse World.

It seemed that just now he almost swallowed alive a Level 6 creature from the Apocalypse Great World, but that didn't completely subside his anger.

At this time, there are not many ancient desert wasteland world legions left on the subspace battlefield.

It can also be seen from this that in the previous war, the Gallente Federation completely used the ancient desert world as cannon fodder.

I don’t feel bad at all for the casualties suffered by the Legion in the ancient desert wasteland world.

Faced with Salem's high-profile counterattack, more than two-thirds of the few remaining ancient desert wasteland world legions still responded to their king!

Without hesitation, he turned around and joined the Gallente Federation Legion and the Apocalypse World Legion around him.

What is a "dictator"? This is a dictator!

Although Salem has a poor reputation in the surrounding star fields, there is currently no other creature in the ancient desert world that can surpass Salem's majesty and respect.

At the same time, the ancient desert wasteland world also truly began to move towards glory in the hands of Salem.

If there are no accidents, the ancient desert wasteland world really has the potential to be a large-scale world!

The birth of any powerful plane civilization is based on the white bones of countless weak civilizations around it.

In the past, Salem really didn't feel how much disaster and damage he had brought to the plane civilizations in the surrounding star fields.

The law of the jungle is the basic law of the star world.

Was it not because of his lack of strength that Salem was deceived and controlled by the Gallente Federation and turned into the "ghostly look" he had before? !

The other third of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion did not respond to Salem's call, but before they even took action, they took the first step and were attacked by the concentrated firepower of the Gallente Federation fleet that had reacted earlier. Became scum.

The central battlefield in the subspace has become even more chaotic than before!

In this chaotic background, Thane did not rush to find the Gallente Federation Legion to fight, but flew first to the seriously injured Eight-Winged Angel Fumila.

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