The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,709: Beating (Additional update)

The God of Corruption is a level six existence with no fixed form.

Just getting a little closer to it, the pollution, decay, dilapidation and other lawful divine factors conveyed from its body made Thain feel faintly uncomfortable.

This is not because the God of Corruption intentionally targets Thane, but it is completely released unconsciously.

No wonder this god of corruption is not popular among the Wizards' Union.

Who wants to be friends with such a being?

If you stay with the God of Corruption for a long time, not only your true body of laws may be affected by certain contamination, but it may even bring you "bad luck".

Luck has its theoretical basis in wizard civilization.

Magicians who are involved in fields related to mysticism are most familiar with this luck-like power factor.

Thain has also seen more than one existence above level four who masters the laws related to luck.

Lei‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The big penguin in Nuo Xing City, the goddess of luck and the goddess of misfortune in Faerun Continent are all experts in this field.

No one wants to have bad luck one after another. This god of corruption is obviously the "disaster" in the eyes of many beings.

Except for the corrupt creatures in the Corrupt Plane itself, there are very few creatures in the Wizards Alliance that are adapted to the aura of the God of Corruption.

At this time, the God of Corruption has already begun to beat and beat up the sixth-level Apocalypse creatures.

In fact, the God of Corruption is the serious opponent of this sixth-level apocalyptic creature.

Since entering the subspace battlefield, the God of Corruption has fought against each other many times.

Just now, Salem rushed over unexpectedly and directly severely damaged the sixth-level apocalypse creature, which was considered an advantage of the God of Corruption.

Because without the early consumption of the God of Corruption, and if the God of Corruption had not slowed down the reaction speed of the sixth-level apocalypse creatures with special divine factors such as decay and ruin, Salem would never have been able to suppress and catch the opponent so easily!

The sixth-level apocalypse creature can't defeat Salem, can't it escape?

A large piece of dirty gray mucus, like a thick cloud with no end as far as the eye can see, directly enveloped this sixth-level apocalyptic creature.

The severely injured Apocalypse Great World powerhouse is also constantly asking for help from all around.

Unfortunately, except for the Apocalypse Great World Legion and a few limited fourth- and fifth-level Apocalypse World creatures who came to support it, there are currently no other Gallente Federation legions to lend a helping hand to it.

The dense cloud of corruption of the God of Corruption can be regarded as its law domain.

Things like the divine domain are the favorite methods of those who believe in the god-making system.

This kind of divine realm can not only greatly support the gods themselves, but also

It can also increase the combat effectiveness of the army of believers under his command.

For example, around and directly below the God of Corruption, in addition to the slight improvement in the strength of the fourth- and fifth-level corrupted creatures, the Corrupted World Legion with a scale of nearly ten million is the most exciting!

On the ground, a large filthy wave was rolling forward.

A large number of Gallente Federation's underlying robots, autonomous artillery groups, and many defensive fortresses were swallowed up and annihilated by the wave, leaving only ruins and traces of corrosion.

These filthy waves are none other than the corrupted plane creatures that are pushing and shoving together one after another.

These corrupted plane creatures feel quite similar to water elements.

It's just that they obviously don't have the pure aura of the water element, and when they gather in a certain number, they only give people the feeling of disgust and rejection.

Even the Knights and Magicians of the Wizarding World, who are the masters of the Corruption Position‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, don’t have a good impression of these smelly and extremely disgusting slime creatures.

At this time, the sixth-level creatures of the Apocalypse World shrouded in the Corruption God's Domain have been attacked by the God of Corruption.

It seems that even without Thain's deliberate targeting, this level 6 apocalypse creature would have almost no chance of escaping.

What the God of Corruption is best at is weakening, surrounding, and wearing down his opponents.

Falling into the hands of the God of Corruption, the possibility of escape for level six creatures in Apocalypse World is far lower than when targeted by other level six creatures!

And it can be seen that the God of Corruption is not in a hurry.

If nothing unexpected happens, it plans to slowly digest and process this enemy.

The light blades and haloes that the sixth-level apocalypse creatures constantly exerted their efforts to create, could only cause a few ripples in the domain of the God of Corruption.

These injuries may not even be able to damage the body of the God of Corruption.

He is so weak, no wonder a fifth-level creature like Thane dares to take advantage of him.

But the appearance of Thane and Fumila was obviously an "accident" to the God of Corruption.

In the Wizarding Alliance, no matter how high the level of the foreign gods is, they will always be inferior when facing the powerful locals in the wizarding world.

Only the gods of the Titan world can barely communicate with their powerful peers in the Wizarding world, but only "barely".

For example, in the Wizarding Alliance, the Elf God, who possesses great power and profound prestige, is a dominant powerhouse and has always treated the powerful wizarding civilization with great courtesy.

It is said that more than 90% of the sixth-level knights and magicians in the Wizarding World have visited the Elf World and received gifts from the Elf God.

Just imagine, even dominator-level creatures are against wizards

This is the attitude of a civilized strong man.

What qualifications do ordinary wizard alliance gods such as the God of Corruption have to show off in front of the powerful wizard civilization?

The God of Corruption didn't know Thain. It had very poor popularity and information channels in the Wizards' Alliance, and it didn't even know that Thain was Trilis's disciple.

However, when Thain led Fumila and others straight towards the sixth-level apocalypse creature, the corrupted god who was already in combat status hesitated for two seconds, and finally chose to retreat on his own initiative.

The body of the God of Corruption gradually showed signs of moving away from this battlefield area.

However, its Law God Realm did not withdraw immediately, but continued to shroud directly above the sixth-level apocalypse creature.

It feels like... it has done almost all the work and then respectfully presented it to Thain.

They are even afraid that the other party will run away, and they have to keep control of the other party. They just wait for Thain to come up and "take the head."

This performance of the God of Corruption actually made Thain lose his ability.

Although Thain relied on the prestige of his master Cuilis and the connections he had maintained and operated in recent years, he had obtained certain legitimate interests for himself in the Wizards Alliance.

But he has never done anything to bully others.

Not to mention that the person in front of me is still a level six god from the Alliance!

Thain is very grateful for what the God of Corruption has done, and he really wants to monopolize the benefits of this sixth-level apocalyptic creature.

But after thinking for two seconds, Thain gave up the idea of ​​"eating alone" and took the initiative to invite the God of Corruption who was about to leave: "Let's target this guy together."

"Fumila's injury is serious, and I'm not sure I can keep him."

"If you, the God of Corruption, fight with us, you will definitely kill this creature from the Apocalypse World!" Thain said.

Thain's invitation was very sincere.

In his heart, he also hated and rejected the divine power of the God of Corruption, but Thane, who was wearing the Mask of the Formless, did not show this mentality.

The God of Corruption has always suffered from the exclusion of alliance creatures and command-like assignments from powerful wizards.

At this time, it was suddenly invited by Thain so sincerely. It was stunned for a while, and then slowly replied: "Okay."

The body of the God of Corruption, which was about to evacuate, this time pressed on the sixth-level Apocalypse World creature again, making it almost breathless.

When Thane and the God of Corruption jointly attacked this level six Apocalypse World creature.

The sixth-level magician Triris, who had been paying attention to a corner of the battlefield here, couldn't help but nodded approvingly to her disciple Thain.

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