The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,706 Betrayal!

A huge gray-black mushroom cloud rose again in this subspace.

This is the secret realm of Aiyou Landie Civilization, the third mushroom cloud that has been encountered recently.

The first time was when Thain injured Fumila, the second time was when the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon opened fire, and the third time is now.

After the last release of doomsday weapons through the Gallente Federation, there has not yet been a second release, which shows that weapons of this level cannot be released just by you.

The long interval between attacks is a major shortcoming of this doomsday weapon.

The Gallente Federation's practice of using level six war fleets to carry doomsday weapons can also be summed up in one word - small boats carrying cannons.

To use a doomsday weapon as a conventional weapon requires extremely stringent and difficult-to-make special energy core functions, as well as various performance requirements for the ship on which it is mounted. Also very high.

Only those Dominator-class war fleet groups can routinely carry out similar attacks.

Just as there are countless master-level creatures in the wizarding civilization, the Gallente Federation's master-level war fleet groups are also rare.

Even for top-level civilizations, the number of dominant-level creatures would not be too exaggerated.

The dark mushroom cloud and the tidal wave of energy elements swept away in all directions.

At this time, there were many level six combat units on both sides of the subspace battlefield. In fact, both sides also released attacks similar to the power of super magic bombs.

However, in most cases, the attacks of those level six creatures are single-target attacks, so that when facing opponents of the same level, the attack force can be maximized.

Movements like this that cause great shock and shock waves to the surrounding battlefield areas are definitely rare.

Not to mention, the center of gravity of the explosion just now was obviously detonated from Salem's wasteland armor.

The air wave encircled by the huge mushroom cloud lasts forever.

There are still extremely obvious and intense desolation, decay, violence and other divine factors around, indicating that the sixth-level peak creature Salem has not fallen.

Yes, how could a sixth-level peak creature fall to death so easily?

However, the power of the sandstorm in the surrounding area has obviously been weakened, indicating that Salem definitely did not get a good deal from the explosion just now.

Finally, gradually, the storm and sand began to dissipate.

What reappeared in front of everyone was a muddy man

A peak powerhouse with thick blood dripping from his body and still wearing the wasteland armor.

The electric ax in Salem's hand was still emitting a "thunder bang!" electric light.

After all, the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila was somewhat affected by the explosion shock wave just now.

After all, the explosion was so fast and concealed.

How far can she hide after being severely injured by Salem's blow?

Four of the wings behind Fumila have lost their luster, and the remaining four wings are also extremely dim.

Although she lost an arm and was severely injured, Fumila did not show any timidity or fear.

She still looked at Salem high in the sky with cold and calm eyes.

In the explosion just now, the only strong person who was not affected at close range was Cui‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Lise.

She has always maintained a safe distance from Salem, and she has never lacked various types of magic shields on her body.

Although the explosion just now was sudden and powerful, it did not disorient Triris.

At this time, Triris and Fumila were both staring at Salem who was temporarily motionless in mid-air.

Trilis seemed to have discovered something, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Suddenly, Salem, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly raised his head and laughed.

His excited expression was completely opposite to the indifferent and indifferent expression he had always maintained before.

For those who don’t know, I thought this guy was blown up and knocked unconscious?

Salem, who had had enough laughter, stared at the electric ax in his hand, and then made a throwing gesture.

Not knowing the truth, Thain and others thought that this guy was going to hurt Fumila again.

So much so that Thain was so excited that he wanted to go to Fumila and support her as much as possible.

But those who are more attentive and calm at the scene will find that it is the surrounding Gallente Federation fleet group that is clearly taking evasive action at this time!

as expected! The heavy ax shot out dazzling yellow lightning, and under the power of Salem's unparalleled power, it spun and flew towards the nearest Gallente Federation fleet!

A series of explosions echoed inside and outside the Gallente Federation fleet group.

The sudden rebellion of the sixth-level peak creature Salem directly caused widespread chaos and collapse among the Gallente Federation fleet groups in the surrounding area.

After inflicting this shocking blow, Salem was still not satisfied.

Thick red blood was still seeping out from the gaps in Salem's body surface wounds and the wasteland armor.

The scarlet eyes, hidden by the mask of the Wasteland Armor, looked even more monstrous and ferocious.

The sixth-level unit closest to Salem at this time is not the Gallente Federation fleet group or the giant mecha, but a sixth-level creature from the Apocalypse World.

Its opponent was originally the Corruption God of the Wizards Alliance.

After locking onto this Apocalypse World Level 6 creature, Salem, who originally looked seriously injured, turned into a bloody light and shadow and rushed towards the opponent.

After arriving near this level six apocalypse creature, he simply opened the wasteland armor mask.

"What are you going to do?! Salem!" The sixth-level Apocalypse World creature looked at the bloody monster in front of him in surprise.

At this time, Salem, whose cheeks were covered with explosion wounds, looked particularly ferocious.

Even the sixth-level God of Decay, who is extremely ugly and possesses the power of decay, pollution, dilapidation, and other laws, is not as scary as Salem in front of him.

"What am I going to do? Of course I'm going to eat you!"

"I will pay back a hundredfold what you have done to me!" Salem roared.

An extremely small black chip fell and flew out from the wound on Salem's cheek. This may be the reason why Salem was so angry.

I saw Salem's mouth enlarged, and four extremely strong and pale fangs protruded from his mouth. After tightly hugging the sixth-level Apocalypse World creature in front of him, Salem went straight to bite the opponent's neck. go!

"Hiss!" "Suck!" The tearing and swallowing sounds appeared in the sky of the battlefield.

It was also mixed with the pain and screams of Level 6 Apocalypse Great World creatures.

This Apocalypse Great World creature, which is a level six strongman after all, was actually tightly restrained by Salem wearing the wasteland armor, making it difficult to move at all.

The long and narrow light blades on both sides of his arms are also good treasures.

Even if it does not reach the level of world-class secret treasures, but it can be used by the sixth-level Apocalypse powerhouse, it is definitely among the top-grade or top-level artifacts.

But his counterattack in a weak state could only add white marks on the surface of Salem's solid wasteland armor.

For Salem's body, it doesn't seem to have caused much impact.

In this way, such a sixth-level creature made less and less movement amidst Salem's constant devouring and chewing sounds...

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