The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,703 The Iron Triangle (Additional update)

The Bat Wing Helmet is a world-class secret treasure of the Black Bat Civilization. It was brought to this battlefield by Bruce Wayne today, which is enough to show that the Black Bat Civilization has followed the Wizarding World wholeheartedly, and Bruce Wayne is also the recognized leader of the next generation of the Black Bat Civilization. By.

As Bruce Wayne's vehicle, the Phantom Chariot is also a good technological and civilized vehicle in Thane's opinion.

This chariot even has the ability to travel short distances in the star realm.

While it divides into countless phantom clones to fight, it can also receive long-range strike assistance from the tank.

After wearing the bat-wing helmet, Bruce Wayne's strength has obviously been greatly enhanced.

Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior on the other side, does not have the blessing of a world-class secret treasure, but as the most talented and potential warrior among the Kryptonian survivors today, he has ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ It was also the blood of the strongest person in the Kryptonian civilization. Karl's performance on this battlefield was also extremely eye-catching.

He and Bruce Wayne, one on the left and one on the right, one blue and one black, became the most eye-catching presence in this central battlefield.

There are also many powerful fifth-level wizard alliance creatures near this battlefield, but they have all stolen the limelight.

To be honest, some level 5 knights and magicians in the wizarding world may not be as powerful as these two.

After Thane joined the battlefield, the first people he approached were Carl and Bruce.

In a chaotic and large-scale battle like this, if you rush to support a weak area, you will only be able to lead yourself into a ditch. It is very likely that you will be surrounded and suppressed by surrounding enemy forces later.

Helping the good but not the bad, joining Carl and Bruce's war group can maximize the advantage of the wizard civilization army in the surrounding area.

It is much better to let the enemy come to you on his own initiative than to blindly fight around.

The arrival of Thane and Fumila made Karl, who was gradually being besieged, breathe a deep sigh of relief.

They did show great advantages in the surrounding battlefields.

But it was precisely because their performance was too "outstanding" that they gradually became a thorn in the side of the Gallente Federation.

In addition to the mechas and ship troops that had appeared in front of them, there were also many Gallente Federation legions hiding in the dark, locking them with artillery from a distance.

The appearance of Thane and Fumila formed a circle for them.

"Let's push in that direction!" Thain pointed.

The center of the battlefield said, and then, fierce ash flames spurted out from the demon wings on both sides of him.

Fumila did not use lightsaber attacks at this time. Facing the large number of Gallente Federation ships in the surrounding area, Fumila's body surface showed a large number of energy muzzles.

The astonishing firepower erupted from these energy cannons in an instant was comparable to any space fortress in the Wizarding World.

Bruce Wayne's Phantom Chariot doesn't even have half the firepower of the Fumila.

This angel-type robot is ruthless enough. Not long after he defected and joined the Wizards Alliance, he was able to deal such an exaggerated blow to his former employer, the Gallente Federation Legion, without any hesitation.

Perhaps just as the heart of the robot is cold, although Fumila has awakened to her own wisdom, the way she looks at things is still habitual to treat each other as the same. String data stream.

In this case, she would be relieved of a lot of mental load by killing the Gallente Federation Legion.

The appearance of Thane and his order, the two powerful level 5 wizards from the Wizards Alliance, had no intention of disobeying him.

They have known for a long time that Master Thain has very high connections and status in the Wizards Alliance, including Master Trilis, who is also his ancestor.

When Thain and Fumila took the lead and advanced straight towards the center of the battlefield, Karl and Bruce consciously guarded Thain's flanks on the left and right.

In fact, Thain's relationship with these two guys is average.

Bruce Wayne was hesitant about joining the Wizards League before, which was a waste of the olive branch extended by Thane.

Carl had aligned himself with the Blue Star creatures in his early years, and Thane had a good relationship with his uncle Karazo and other Kryptonian warriors including Cram.

But in the current state of war, it is meaningless to worry about the little unpleasantness in the past.

Carl and Bruce didn't slack off at all.

In terms of their positions on both wings, the strong support they provided to Thain was not a little stronger than that of the Ice Tomb Enchantress, who was also at level five in the war not long ago.

The iron triangle formation maintained by Thane, Fumila, Carl and Bruce became one of the most eye-catching focuses on this chaotic battlefield.

They advanced all the way, approaching the battlefield where Trilis was. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were rushing towards Trilis' aid.

In front of Triris

The enemy is Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert world. Therefore, when facing the advancing support of Salem and others, the Gallente Federation did not show any signs for a short period of time.

After all, the ancient desert world is just a cannon fodder world under the Gallente Federation.

Those generals of the Gallente Federation are too lazy to care about Salem's life and death.

Let Salem's limited life be used to block more wizard civilization legions for a longer period of time, which is considered to be its value.

And even if it wants to support Salem, its priority is not the highest.

However, when Thane and others were about to arrive around the battlefield where Trilis was, a powerful external force stepped forward to block them.

This is a combat army from the great world of Apocalypse.

The great world of Apocalypse is a cultivation civilization. The creatures in this civilization ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ generally have razor-shaped heads, and the weapons they use are mainly double-armed swords. host.

This Apocalypse World Army that crossed over had several fourth- and fifth-level creatures.

Even not far from here, there is a sixth-level Apocalypse World powerhouse participating in the battle.

However, the sixth-level Apocalypse World powerhouse could not immediately support him because there was also a powerful man from the Wizarding Civilization in front of him to restrain him.

The one currently fighting against the powerful men of the sixth-level Apocalypse World is the sixth-level creature of the Wizards Alliance - the God of Corruption.

It was a monster with no fixed form, and its body was covered with brown-red viscous liquid.

The combat power of the God of Corruption is considered good among level six creatures, but its appearance is very poor.

And because of the special vocations such as corruption, dilapidation, and pollution that he mastered, this guy didn't have many friends in the Wizards' Alliance, and he was an extremely lonely existence.

I heard that the God of Corruption didn’t join the Wizards Alliance for a long time. He should have participated in the last Wizards Alliance conference, but there were too many foreign gods attending the conference at that time. In addition, this guy probably didn’t speak during the conference. En Leng just had no impression of it.

Knowing the name of the God of Corruption, and before rushing to rescue Trilis, Thane specifically inquired and collected who were the sixth-level creatures currently invested by the wizard civilization in this subspace battlefield.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield over there, Thain does not need to worry about the sudden intervention of level six Apocalypse World creatures for the time being.

Therefore, Thain and others only need to quickly deal with the fourth and fifth level creatures in the Apocalypse World in front of them.

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