The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,704: Blood for blood (additional update)

As a large-scale world civilized creature, Apocalypse World still has the fighting qualities of a strong person.

Unlike some weak, medium- and low-level creatures of level 4 or above, who would even be timid before fighting during a war, these razor creatures in the Apocalypse World, even though they know that their strength is not as good as Thain and others, they still dare to fight Bite the bullet and come forward.

The first one to rush towards Thain was a level five creature from the Apocalypse World holding an energy light blade.

If you have been at war with the Gallente Federation for a long time, you will find that whether it is the Federation's giant mecha warriors or their vassals and subordinate civilized creatures, it seems that many of them use energy-based technological weapons such as lightsabers and light blades.

This is because the lightsabers produced by the Gallente Federation are indeed useful.

Taking the level five razor creature in front of me as an example, the weapons made by their Apocalypse World are not necessarily more cost-effective than the lightsabers provided by the Gallente Federation.

Just like the foreign gods in the Wizarding Alliance, they are all very keen on pursuing the magic tools created by the wizards of the Wizarding World.

Could it be that those foreign gods really like to lick their faces and give money to the magicians in the wizarding world?

The main reason is the quality and standard!

It still makes some sense for the wizarding civilization to plunder the resources of the entire alliance through magic coins.

You can choose not to buy some creatures from the alliance plane, but then your weapons and equipment will be inferior to others.

In addition, the wizarding civilization also has many means and methods to forcefully open the alliance plane market that is unwilling to open.

That's another story.

The halo attack that suddenly shot towards Thain's face was blocked by the magic shield around Thain's body.

In this chaotic battlefield, with federal warships firing everywhere, it was really not the time to resist with your body.

So Thain had filled his body with magic shields before entering the arena.

Including the one-time defensive magic tools that Thain has on hand now, he took the time to make them before setting off.

These one-time defensive magic weapons do not necessarily have outstanding defensive effects, and the materials used are not particularly high-grade.

But it is very useful on a chaotic battlefield, and Thane has already experienced it.

Moreover, Thain also made many disposable magic bombs. Compared with long-range magic attacks, Thain actually used these magic bombs the most after entering the central battlefield.

After the body surface magic shield blocks the light wheel attack, dozens of elemental rays are released by the Phaseless Mask.

, is Thane’s response to the fifth-level apocalyptic creature in front of him.

World-class secret treasures are, in most civilized worlds, only reserved for creatures above level six.

The fifth-level apocalyptic creature in front of him obviously did not have a world-class secret treasure nearby. Faced with the high-frequency and powerful attacks released by Thain in an instant, he was immediately at a disadvantage.

Bruce and Carl on the left and right wings were in a similar situation. Although their strength had been greatly depleted, they quickly repelled the opponents in front of them because they received fire support from the eight-winged angel Fumila.

Thain glanced at the distance between his position and his master Cuilis. He didn't have time to think for a longer time, so he said to Fumila beside him: "You go to help my master first, just use me in advance." That thing handed to you.”

Fumila was not shy when she saw this, and nodded slightly‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Afterwards, the eight metal wings spread out fiercely, and headed towards Cuilis and Salem. The battlefield flies away.

The power of the original laws of Salem, the strongest person in the ancient desert world, should be inclined to the laws of earth, sand or storm.

For example, in the center of the subspace battlefield, Salem's incarnation was a dark gray and oppressive terrifying storm, confronting Trilis in front of him in a distant sea of ​​fire.

In addition to the power of these laws, Thane also felt profound "decay", "desolation", "violence" and other special divine factors.

This guy's fighting ability is really good. Just from a distance, Thane judged that his strength was far greater than Fumila.

Fumila's strength should be inferior to Thain's master Cuilis.

Letting her join the siege of Salem cannot be called an overwhelming effect. It can only be said to have greatly relieved the pressure on Triris.

There are currently only so many level six combat forces in this subspace battlefield.

No matter which side has one more or one less, it will still have a huge impact on the game of high-level combat power between the two sides.

Therefore, Thain's contribution to this subspace war was very great, not only the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization technology he brought back, but also the successful instigation of the eight-winged angel Fumila. The wizard civilization would have to give him a lot of money when he turned around. rewards.

As for the eight-winged angel Fumila rushing to aid Cuilis, I believe no one would have thought that in addition to Fumila's own combat power, she would also bring another thing in the box - super magic bombs.

The last person to be injured by the magic bomb developed by Thane was Fumila herself. Now she obviously wants to inflict this pain on others.

When Fumila waves the eight wings behind her

, when he arrived at the Trilis war group, this angel-type robot was still quite smart. He did not choose to act recklessly, nor did he reveal his trump card as soon as he came up.

This is the biggest difference between intelligent and non-intelligent creatures.

I recall that when Thain met Fumila for the first time, he thought she was a tough guy who didn't know how to deal with changes. He had to chase them despite the elemental shock wave of the super magic bomb.

But it has only been a while, and the once iron-headed person is now playing tricks on others.

Fumila, who entered the sixth-level battle group, first burst out with a dazzling golden light from the six metal wings behind her.

In this collision between the sea of ​​​​fire and the desert storm, Fumila represents that beam of light.

The lightsaber in his hand, inspired by Fumila, instantly grew dozens of times in size.

The huge lightsaber that could tear apart space fiercely slashed at Salem's head.

Facing Fumila's prepared attack, Salem just turned his head slightly to the side.

The surface of the world-class secret treasure, the Wasteland Armor, is covered with scratches. These marks are proof that Salem has experienced many battles.

"Cang~!" A concussive sound wave spread to all directions. Facing Fumila who was participating in the siege of him, Salem, who had a cold expression under the iron shield on his cheeks in the wasteland armor, suddenly raised the electric ax in his hand.

"Thunder!" The terrifying thunder rippled among Salem's electric axe.

Normally at this time, Fumila should take a step back first.

But when he faced Salem's prepared attack, he didn't dodge at all. As if he was still the robot who didn't know how to adapt and could only follow death orders, he flew towards Salem's body again in a daze.

Seeing this, Salem snorted coldly. The law energy of the electric ax in his hand had accumulated to its limit.

Triris also took a surprised look at this level six robot that suddenly joined the battlefield and behaved a little strangely.

Of course, Triris would not sit back and watch this eight-winged angel being severely injured by Salem in front of her or cause other excessive blows.

The short Rubik's Cube staff in his hand instantly accumulated astonishing elemental fluctuations, and a dark green burning flame penetrated the Pillar of Fire, and was immediately released by Cuilis.

Triris hit Salem's right arm. She obviously wanted to stop Salem and dealt a fierce blow to the eight-winged angel who kept approaching her.

Many people are attracted by the electric ax held in Salem's right hand and the magic short staff held by Triris.

Except for Thane, no one noticed that Fumila's left arm began to glow with a yellowish light.

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