The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,702 Central Battlefield

The latest combat mission belonging to Thain was issued quickly.

In this kind of frontline battlefield, there are almost no idlers.

Since Thain had not suffered much damage in the previous battle, his subsequent combat mission assignments would naturally be received earlier than others.

This mission is no longer a legion combat mission.

The mission that Thane himself received was to go to the center of the subspace battlefield and coordinate with the sixth-level magician Trilis and others there.

As for the Ashes Holy Tower Legion under Thain, they are still advancing slowly and step by step.

The next battle of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion is not very dangerous. Those who cooperate with the Ashes Holy Tower Legion are still the knights and alliance creatures.

Before setting off, Thane thought about it and did not take Yuri with him, but let her stay in the Ashes Fortress.

In the central battlefield of the subspace, the fighting units from both sides are all level 5 and 6 beings.

Yuri, who was piloting the Flame, had a limited role in a battle at that level.

By then, Thain would have to take care of her safety.

The only person who went with Thain was the eight-winged angel Fumila.

The main purpose of Thain's trip was to relieve Trilis's battle pressure.

In addition to Fumila, Thane thought for a while and brought along the super magic bombs that he had made before and had been developing and strengthening in recent times.

The super magic bomb developed by Thain had a precedent of directly damaging Fumila last time.

The super magic bomb he had this time should have a more powerful explosive energy level than the last time, both in terms of material and development technology.

Thane may not be able to grasp the perfect timing to release this kind of energy-level weapon.

So before setting off, Thain called Fumila to his side and put the super magic bomb into the launch barrel of Fumila's arm.

"You should still have an impression of this kind of magic bomb, right?" After Thain finished loading the super magic bomb, he casually asked Fumila in front of him.

"Well, it was very powerful after it exploded, and it also caused me a lot of pain." Fumila glanced at her arm, and the super magic bomb had been loaded into it.

Thain nodded and said: "So, you must find the right time to release it, and immediately leave the explosion area after the release."

"I don't want you to be injured again." Thain looked at Fumila and said.

Seeing this, Fumila lowered her head, nodded slowly, and replied, "I understand."

Thain patted Fumila on the shoulder again and said: "The Rubik's Cube has not been transformed and upgraded yet, so it is not easy to bring it with you this time."

"After the Rubik's Cube is completely upgraded and integrated into your body, the bonus you will get will be even greater."

"I'm looking forward to seeing that day," Thain said.

When Thane took Fumila to the central battlefield, he did not disturb the other members of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion.

Many magicians don't know that their tower owner has temporarily left the fortress.

Only a few people noticed Thain's departure, such as Yuri, who was left to sit in the fortress.

Youli was in a very bad mood at this time. When the former fourth-level Kryptonian warriors Kram and Hu‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏the demi-human princess Gamora and other girls were with Thane, Youli Lido didn't feel anything similar.

Only towards the eight-winged angel Fumila, Yuli was full of vigilance and rejection.

Is it because the eight-winged angel Fumila also has the ability to share the energy of the Rubik's Cube?

It should be more than this. What Yuri values ​​more is the status of being able to always be with Thain.

"I need to become stronger!" He clenched his right fist fiercely. The biggest gap between Yuli and Fumila was the disparity in strength, not other areas such as appearance.

When Yuri entered the special training room to hone and improve her mental power, the Lieyan golem also entered the mecha cabin under the command of its owner to repair its previous damage and see what else could be improved. .

A pile of energy amethysts piled up like a hill made the Blaze fall into deep thought.

Life is not going well, and the internal problems are all involving the robots.

The simplest way to improve the strength of a constructed golem like the Flame is to use external force to directly transform it into a level five golem, or to mount a higher type of firepower equipment.

But it is obviously impossible for the time being. Yuli's current mental strength level does not qualify her to control a level five demon doll.

And Thain now has no way to order transformation experiments to upgrade the fifth-level golem from the City of Steel.

So I can only rely on myself... When the owner enters the cultivation state, Lieyan puts energy amethysts one after another into his own energy conversion device.

When Thane arrived at the battlefield in the center of the subspace, he did not know that his maid and golem had entered a state of crazy cultivation and improvement.

At this time, the battlefield where Thain was located was located around the destroyed Hongguang Technology Center.

There are two core battlefields in the subspace of Aiyoulandie Civilization, where many sixth-level creatures are fighting.

One of them is where Thain is staying now.

The other is located in the central area of ​​the Ruins of Steel. After a period of tug-of-war, the wizard civilization has discovered that there is a master-class biological ship of the Black Yin Civilization there.

Compared to the Black Yin Civilized Biological Warship, it was obviously the ruins of the Hongguang Technology Center that attracted more attention from both warring parties.

As the commander of this subspace battlefield, Cuilisi's personal presence here is the most obvious proof.

After arriving at the central battlefield, Thane quickly saw his master Cuilis.

A large red burning cloud filled the surrounding sky.

The coverage of this fire cloud is close to one-third of the sky surrounding Hongguang Technology Center.

Opposite Trilis, apart from the large number of federal ships running rampant, the most eye-catching person was a strong man from another land holding an electric ax in his hand and wearing thick gray armor.

This foreign powerhouse is Salem, the sixth-level peak creature in the ancient desert wasteland world, and Thain has heard about him for a long time.

In addition to these two sixth-level creatures, Thain also felt at least five fluctuations in sixth-level combat power in the chaotic battlefield around him.

Four of them are from the wizard civilization, and only one is a level six mecha from the Gallente Federation.

Although the Gallente Federation's level 6 individual combat power is small, there are indeed many fleet groups on the surrounding battlefields.

I heard that the federal army that entered the subspace this time also had a peak fleet led by a five-star general.

The combat strength of this kind of fleet can already be compared with ordinary sixth-level peak creatures.

No wonder Cuilisi and the others were fighting extremely hard even though they had more people.

In addition to the sixth-level powerhouses such as Cuilisi, the fourth- and fifth-level battle fluctuations emanating from the surrounding battlefields are even more extraordinary.

Thane even saw two acquaintances - Bruce Wayne, a fifth-level creature of the Black Bat Civilization wearing a bat-winged helmet and driving a phantom chariot, and Bruce Wayne, a fifth-level creature wearing a blue tight-fitting battle suit with a red cape flying behind him. Kal, the Kryptonian warrior.

They are also on this battlefield.

"Go help!" After taking a look at the general location of Triris, Karl and others, Thane greeted Fumila beside him.

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