The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,701 Prostitution for free

"Well done, your master has heard about your performance on the battlefield here."

"It seems that the previous battle report around the wonderful plane and Bai Xing's description of you were not too exaggerated." After the battle, Penas smiled at Thane.

"Oh? Master, has she also withdrawn from the frontline battlefield?" Thain asked curiously.

"No, the situation on her side is still very tense. You may not be able to directly support your master's side in the next battle." Penas smiled.

"It is my duty to help our master, and in my current state, I can attack at any time." Thain said immediately.

Penas shook her head and said: "You should take a rest as usual. Although the battle in the center of the Ruins of Steel is fierce, it is not yet at the point where we need to run regardless of everything‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ level of assistance.”

"The forbidden spell level magic you released on the battlefield was good. I am also a user of the fire element. When will we communicate in private?" Penas smiled.

"It is my honor to be able to communicate with my uncle about the secrets of the elements."

"This junior has little talent and little knowledge, and needs more guidance from his master." Thain said respectfully.

Thain's respectful attitude made Penas roll her eyes.

If Thain, who is a fifth-level magician, is "short in talent and knowledge", doesn't it mean that Penas, who is still in the fourth-level realm, is "unreachable"?

Fortunately, Thain's mentor Lu Lianman is not here, otherwise the mentor would probably have a big face on the spot and teach Thain a lesson.

"Your angel-shaped robot also performed well in the previous battle. Why didn't you see her this time?"

"When you go to rescue your master, you can take that robot with you. The appearance of a level six combat power can relieve a lot of pressure on your master and the others." Penas said.

"I know." Thain nodded and said, "Fumila must have returned to Ashes Fortress to rest early. She doesn't seem to like the noisy environment where she interacts with strangers."

"So that's it." Penas said with some regret.

In fact, this time Fumila went to war, there were definitely many people in the wizarding civilization secretly observing it, and Penas was just one of them.

The wizarding civilization does not trust this intelligent robot that suddenly rebelled, fearing that she would rebel again on the battlefield.

It was also this time that he fought side by side with Thane, and was almost completely annihilated in the end.

That federal silver fleet, Fumila, was allowed to go to the center of the battlefield to participate in the battle.

When she said goodbye to her uncle Penas, who was recently in charge of legion dispatching and resource transfer matters, she suddenly turned around and said, "Your master is actually not old. When we meet next time, don't mention words like 'old man' in front of her." .”

"Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers." Penas covered her mouth and laughed.

Thain was shocked when he heard this.

He seemed to have heard similar words from his mentor Lu Lianman before.

Indeed, the master is a woman and looks extremely young.

If Thain always called him "old man", I think Triris would be angry too.

Thain then nodded seriously and replied: "I know."

When returning to the back of the main base to rest for a while, Thain met the three Mo Yan brothers.

Master Gilbert and others have left this subspace battlefield.

Also leaving at the same time were two fourth-level magicians, Ge Li and Lot.

Before they left, they had a magical communication with Thain.

After all, they have fought side by side for such a long time. When they return to the wizarding world in the future, they can continue to communicate and maintain their relationship.

This is how connections are accumulated slowly.

As the civilized war began, Thain made more and more "friends".

It was completely opposite to the situation when he only had two friends during his apprenticeship in black magic.

The three Mo Yan brothers have not participated in the battle recently.

After returning to the main force, they went to find White Star.

According to Mo Yan's introduction, Bai Xing suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battle outside the subspace, and he has not fully recovered yet.

Although he knew that this dragon family had many good things in its hands, not to mention various rare potions, as well as four-turn golden elixirs, five-turn golden elixirs and other immortal elixirs, Thain finally politely took out one. Mo Yan then handed the amethyst potion to Bai Xing.

"Are you being too stingy? I know you have the golden apple potion in your hand." Mo Yan was also familiar with Thain, so he said so directly.

Under the Wuxiang mask, the corner of Thain's mouth twitched, but he still said in a normal tone: "I don't have a few golden apple potions left on hand. Your family is so rich, but it's not as good as mine."

"Hey, I'm just going to play with you

laugh. "

"Don't worry, my sister's injuries have been under control for a long time. Your amethyst potion is not even qualified to be used as an auxiliary medicine to restore her injuries."

"Just give it to me, I'm not picky about food." After saying that, Mo Yan put the amethyst potion into his arms.

Thain looked at Mo Yan's actions in front of him without any expression.

Anyway, as far as Thain is concerned, as long as he still masters the preparation method of the genetic medicine of the Black Yin civilization, no matter how much Mo Yan eats, he will have to spit it out in the future.

Although this black Yin civilization gene liquid has a strong potential to stimulate dragon beasts such as Mo Yan, Thain's research has found that it is also extremely addictive.

The three brothers Mo Yan came to see Thain this time. In addition to casually chatting about their current situation, they probably also wanted to get more from Thain. Some genetic medicine to satisfy your craving.

Thain also guessed the true thoughts of Mo Yan and others, but he did not say anything and only waited for Mo Yan to take the initiative to ask.

After asking about Bai Xing's status, Thane asked: "Where is Tourmain recently? Has she also come to this subspace battlefield?"

With something on his mind, Mo Yan looked around for a long time in the middle of Thain's space fortress, and then replied: "The fighting here is so fierce, how could she be allowed to come here."

"My sister should still be at the battlefield in the wonderful plane, right?"

"That place is no longer a key area of ​​fighting between the two sides. It is safe to stay there for the time being." Mo Yan said.

Thain nodded in understanding and acknowledged.

When Mo Yan left Thain in the end, although he did not return the amethyst potion to Thain, he bled him heavily.

Not to mention all kinds of rare materials that Thain had never seen before, Thain also drew a large tube of dragon blood to Mo Yan.

The euphemistic name is to research and produce the gene development medicine that best suits the characteristics of his bloodline.

Just that tube of extremely concentrated dragon blood was worth far more than the amethyst potion taken away by Mo Yan.

Not to mention, from Mo Yan's other two brothers, Thain also obtained a lot of magic materials that are special products of the fairyland civilization.

Looking at the pile of belongings, almost filling a laboratory, Thane couldn't help but sigh: "I'll just make a deal with these dragon beasts from now on."

"Just the income from trading with these dragon beasts is enough to support a fifth-level magician's daily experiment expenses."

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