The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,700 A great victory

The moment the Forbidden Curse Falling Star was released, the sights of many creatures on the surrounding battlefield were drawn towards it.

After all, this is a forbidden spell released by a fifth-level magician.

Both in terms of coverage and power, it far exceeds the limit that a demigod-level magician or a fourth-level magician can achieve.

The forbidden spells related to the fire system are recognized as the most powerful branch among the major elemental genealogies.

Before Thain's Fallen Star magical bombs could hit those federal fleets, some small ships and drones with extremely weak protection capabilities had already been reduced to ashes under the power of the terrifying element enveloped by this forbidden spell. Beach iron water.

The release of the forbidden curse greatly boosted the morale of the wizard civilization's legions.

Moreover, the main area covered by Thane's forbidden spell is towards the silver fleet in front of him.

In the first wave of confrontation between the two sides, it was obvious that Thain suppressed the opponent.

During this period, the Silver Fleet also launched an attack on Thane, but it did not have much effect.

Thain's powerful physique meant that after he released the forbidden spell, he was not in the weak state of an ordinary magician.

And the fallen star magic mainly relies on magic bombs made of inert crystals as forbidden spell nodes.

Thain's own magic power consumption is not large.

After being released, the elemental brilliance contained in the forbidden curse was still shining in the surrounding sky, and Thain himself rushed forward again.

Since exploring the truth, Thane has developed his own combat style - close combat, alternating between magic and physical combat.

His fighting method is a little more "conservative" compared to his master Bo Jiagaru, but in the eyes of those who don't know, it is still "wild" to the extreme.

I saw Thain holding the magic wand in his hand and blasting a federal space battleship several hundred meters long at close range. Then his face shot out countless rays of light, causing a series of explosions in the federal fleet in front of him.

Bo Gang, a fourth-level knight from the Kingdom of Jahana, blankly asked his companions: "What is the origin of this Master Thain?"

The fourth-level knight standing next to Bo Gang was named Skarner. Both of them came from the Kingdom of Jahana and were old partners on the civilized battlefield.

Unlike Bo Gang, who transformed into a green-skinned meat monster, Skarner is one of the few strong men with a certain analytical mind among the knights of the Kingdom of Jahana.

"This mage Thain seems to be related to this subspace battlefield.

The commander, Master Trilis, has something to do with it. "After the transformation, the Skarner knight with two blade-like horns said.

Bo Gang and Skarner, one fat and the other skinny, one tall and the other short, it is rare for the two to form extremely compatible battlefield partners.

At this time, the Skarner Knight was fighting with a short awl, and a pair of gray-white flesh wings behind him continued to stretch.

The two of them were actually quite far away from the battlefield where Thain was.

Bo Gang was mainly dealing with a Gallente Federation level 4 war fleet group. Not far away from the Skarna Knight, there was a giant mecha with level 4 combat power, constantly rushing toward him.

Bo Gang, who was like a mountain of flesh, sat down on a pile of metal debris. He suddenly sniffed his nose exaggeratedly, then turned to Skarner and said: "This Master Thain also has deep roots. The demonic aura‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏‏ seems to be half the same kind as us.”

"How many times have I told you, there is no demonic aura in my body, I inherit the bloodline of the Caucasian Eagle Demon!" Skarner said speechlessly.

The fierce melee lasted for a long time.

A few months later, the situation on the battlefield where Thain was located changed significantly.

The Gallente Federation withdraws its troops.

The huge strength gap between the two sides makes it difficult for the Gallente Federation to fight a protracted war with the legions led by Thane.

And retreat has become the norm for the Gallente Federation in recent years.

In the process of continuous retreat, a large number of blocking fronts and various metal front fortifications were deployed. The Gallente Federation has become more and more comfortable with this process in recent years.

The situation was so smooth that Thain could win the victory without summoning the eight-winged angel Fumila.

The occurrence of this situation seems to indicate that the Gallente Federation is no longer as evenly matched with the wizarding civilization army as it was at the beginning of the war.

Of course, it can also be seen as the fact that Thain has grown too fast in recent years.

Whether it is the magic he uses or the various magical equipment, they are far beyond those of the same level.

If there is one strong person at the same level that Thane can look up to, Bond, the fifth-level agent of the Gallente Federation, is one.

But since returning to the main force of wizard civilization, Thain has never received relevant information about Bond.

This Gallente Federation strongman who once caused Thain great trouble, like Thain, gradually became less conspicuous when the number of fighting units above level four on both sides reached hundreds.

Not sure

De was in another war zone at this time, and with his own skills and the blessing of world-class secret treasures, he caused a lot of trouble to the wizard civilization army in that battlefield.

In the battlefield, it is a wonderful experience to suddenly think of an impressive opponent.

Seeing the heavily damaged main force of the silver fleet in front of him, trying to evacuate from the battlefield under the desperate blocking of other ships. After several months of fighting, Thain, who had already lost a lot of magic power, said to the crystal ball in his hand: "Let Fumila attack! Don't let the main force of this fleet group escape!"

Thane's crystal ball is directly connected to the combat headquarters of Ash Fortress.

Not long after Thane gave the order, an eight-winged angel shining with dazzling light flew out of the Ash Fortress and flew straight towards the Silver Fleet Group.

The federal ship originally used to block the attack suddenly appeared in a series of explosions and flames after Fumila's figure crossed the sky.

Fumila's personal combat effectiveness far exceeds that of Thane.

With her as the last reserve to attack, the Gallente Federation fleet in front of them collapsed even faster.

Thain's purpose was to leave behind the heavily damaged main fleet.

After the battle.

The wizard civilization army under Thane began to clean up the loot on the battlefield in front of them.

From this kind of battle, not only the knights and magicians in the wizarding world can gain a lot of benefits, but also the alien creatures from the alliance.

The non-attributed energy blocks produced by the Gallente Federation were piled up like boxes. Naturally, most of them were trophies for the powerful wizard civilization.

Many of the benefits harvested by alliance creatures come from scattered harvests on the battlefield.

For example, after some low-level cannon fodder-type robots are destroyed, many first- and second-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world disdain to collect the energy block located in the center of the robot's body, but those alliance combat creatures do not pick it up.

They even spread all over the mountains and plains, turning over "garbage".

In addition to those lower-grade energy blocks, Alliance creatures with rich combat experience can even accurately find special parts of certain value on the bottom robots and Federation ships.

God knows how these ignorant Alliance creatures, who cannot read a word of Chinese characters, remember the complex structures of robots and battleships of the Gallente Federation.

Some say practice makes perfect.

Perhaps in this world, there are no absolutely ignorant lower creatures.

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