The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,699 Falling Star (Additional update)

The continuous explosions and battles below the ground have made the Ruins of Steel, which had been peaceful for tens of millions of years, now lively again.

With Thain's current status and strength, he rarely intervenes in the low-level battlefield.

Because there is no need, and he also has his own enemies to deal with.

At the front of the battlefield, the Green Leaf Insect God and the Giant Jaw King were already torn together with the Gallente Federation main fleet.

At least three attack ships with the combat power to threaten level four creatures participated in the attack on the God of Green Leaf Insects.

In addition, there are countless other types of frigates and reconnaissance ships.

Facing the siege of the Gallente Federation Legion, the Green Leaf Insect God, the weakest among the four alien gods, also had his own coping methods and wisdom.

I saw that the God of Green Leaf Insect was not fighting alone at this time.

After activating his body with divine power, the God of Green Leaf Insect, who is nearly two thousand meters in size, has green "pollen" falling continuously from his body.

No, those are not pollen, but small green leaf insects that are only half a meter to less than a few meters in size and are attached to the body surface of the God of Green Leaf Insects.

These small green leaf bugs are not big in size, but their strength and resistance to blows are impressive.

Otherwise, there is no way to obtain the honor of being attached to the body of the god you believe in.

A large number of green leaf insect swarms formed a flesh and blood wall composed of their insect bodies around the body of the God of Green Leaf Insects.

It better blocked the concentrated firepower from all directions of the Gallente Federation Legion.

And these extremely small green leaf insects are somewhat similar to the small drones of the Gallente Federation.

After flying away from the body of the Green Leaf Insect God, they even dared to rush towards those attack ships that could threaten level four creatures without fear of death.

Of course, the vast majority of green leaf insects cannot touch the Gallente Federation's fourth-level attack ships.

They were either blocked by the AT protective force field held up by the Gallente Federation frigates, or they were locked by the firepower of the Federation fleet and drones, and were shot down from the sky one by one.

However, the combat thinking of the Green Leaf Insect God is still eye-catching.

If those extremely small flying insects could really penetrate into the Gallente Federation battleships, they would also be a huge hidden danger to the Federation Legion.

Many creatures in the Wizarding Alliance jokingly call Gallente Federation humans soft-bodied creatures who only dare to hide in iron boxes.

This description makes some sense.

After all, with the Federation of Humanity

In terms of true physical strength, a green leaf flying insect less than half a meter might be able to take down several of them.

The federal army in front of the Giant Jaw King is only much larger than that of the Green Leaf Insect God.

The Gallente Federation also has its own detection and analysis system, and they have probably already determined the approximate combat power of the Giant Jaw King.

In addition to two sizable fleets of ships surrounding the Giant Jaw King, there is also a giant mecha with obvious level four combat power, which is also running towards the Giant Jaw King in long strides.

Thain himself soon met his opponent, a group of silver ships in a trident formation, approaching Thain.

Just as the Gallente Federation will quickly analyze the strength and origins of the wizarding civilization’s participating legions on the battlefield, the wizarding civilization can also use various means to obtain the majority of the Gallente Federation legions on the battlefield in front of them‎​​‎​‏‎‏​ ‎‏​‏‏‏Message.

The silver fleet in front of them was obviously newly supported.

Thain had not received any information about this fleet before this.

This is a fleet capable of fighting any level five creature. Dozens of spiral missiles emitting ear-piercing screams are their first gift to Thane.

"Boom!" A series of explosions occurred around Thain's body.

Although the specially-made missiles broke through Thain's body surface magic shield, they had no effect on Thain's legal body.

There seemed to be some gray stains remaining on the surface of the lifelike demon scale armor. Thain flicked his shoulder, and then rushed straight towards the silver fleet in front of him with his magic wand in hand.

Without the need for additional greetings from Thane, Yuli, who was driving the Flame Constructed Golem, was already following Thain obliquely.

One of the benefits of fighting a Gallente Federation fleet is that the level gap can sometimes be ignored.

For example, although this silver fleet group can threaten level five creatures, if level four creatures break through their frigate defense line, it will also be a disaster for other ships.

Lenna and Xia haven't fought with Thane for a while, but their tacit understanding is still there.

Lenna, who is slender in her normal form, still likes to maintain her meat mountain form during battles.

What she carried on her shoulders was the power hammer that Thain had refined for her.

The godhead of Hercules exudes the dazzling light of law at the center of Lenna's hammer.

Every time Lenna hits the ground hard, she can create a man-made deep crater hundreds of meters in diameter.

And opened the evil of Bator

Xia Ya, who transformed into a demon, has to be said to be quite similar to Thain, who maintains the true form of the devil's law.

The weapon used by Xia Ya was a black heavy sword burning with the fierce fire of purgatory.

When Xia Ya inputs her own laws and fighting energy into it, the blade of this black epee will turn into red.

The main material used in this heavy sword was brought back from the continent of Faerûn by Thain, which is an authentic metal special to Purgatory.

Originally, this heavy sword was supposed to be a gift from Thane to Natalya.

But with Natalya severely injured and on the verge of death, this weapon, which is extremely suitable for use by demon blood, is now in the hands of Shaya.

The battle between Thane's army and the Gallente Federation army in front of them was fierce from the beginning.

When facing off against the silver fleet in front of him, Thane did not choose the traditional battle method. Instead, he took out a large number of magic bombs from his magic robe.

A lot of the inert crystals in Thane's hands were consumed in the previous wars around the wonderful plane.

The magic bombs currently on hand were all made recently, using inert crystals obtained from the Hongguang Technology Center.

Under the mining conditions at that time, although only one of the top-grade inert crystal Thain was finally collected, a lot of second-level inert crystals were obtained.

When these magic bombs flew out of Thain's hands, Thain's long-prepared magic was suddenly released.

Forbidden Curse - Falling Star!

The predecessor of this forbidden curse is the "Eternal Sea of ​​Fire" forbidden curse and the "Borealid Meteor Shower" forbidden curse that Thain once released.

The release of these two forbidden spells requires a large amount of magic spices and even extraterrestrial meteorites as media.

Being in the subspace, Thane could not move a large number of meteorite fragments in advance, nor did he want to spend too long as a prelude to casting spells. Therefore, in recent years, he developed a magic bomb made of inert crystals as the core. Access control level magic.

This magic has a mediocre effect against level five federal mechas or level five genetic warriors like Bond.

But if faced with such a bloated fleet group, it has a miraculous effect.

Thain originally thought that he would need to return to the area around Blue Star in the future to obtain enough inert crystals.

However, the Hongguang Technology Center and his team allowed him to complete the strategic material reserve ahead of schedule.

Dots of crimson dazzling spots appeared in the sky, and those federal silver ships that were constantly firing seemed to feel a bad aura.

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