The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,698 The Bottom Battlefield

When the bottom legion launched a charge, Thane and other level four and above strong men also moved.

In fact, in the war zone where Thane was at this time, the number of level four creatures on the side of the wizard civilization was superior to that of the Gallente Federation.

In addition to the four alliance creatures and two fourth-level knights mentioned above, there are also two women under Thane's command, Lenna and Xaya, and Yuri driving the Flame.

Thane did not release the eight-winged angel Fumila and her angel army immediately, but continued to hide them in the Ashes Fortress.

When Fumila entered the standby state and was shielded by the special force field emitted by the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, Thain discovered that she could evade the detection of ordinary reconnaissance ships.

Moreover, the chaotic battlefield situation and the presence of a giant space fortress as an external cover can even help hide the traces of Fumila.

Thain hid Fumila, naturally because he wanted to do something big.

The subspace battlefield in front of him was definitely the most grand battle that Thane had come into close contact with since he participated in the civilized war.

Hundreds of level four and above creatures were fighting here, and the number of level six creatures fighting on both sides reached double digits.

With Fumila as a trump card, it is a good trump card whether it is used to protect yourself or to suddenly attack the enemy in front of you.

The Gallente Federation Legion that appeared in front of Thane and others at this time was the Federation's B101 Fleet Group ~ B103 Fleet Group, ZOI Robot Legion, Blue Flash Mecha Troops, and some unnamed ground artillery groups and drones. Human-machine army.

Thane had already learned about the Gallente Federation's fortification-building capabilities from other battlefields.

The current battlefield of Steel Ruins is definitely one of the most suitable battlefields for the Federation.

Because the most indispensable thing here is steel.

A large number of engineering robots and portable alloy fortifications built the Gallente Federation Front into an iron wall in a very short period of time.

The wizard civilization was originally the attacker in this war zone, but when Thain arrived at the coordinate area, he found that the Gallente Federation Army had already pushed out and beat the wizard civilization army in front.

It’s no wonder that not long after Thain returned to the main army, his powerful combat power was needed again.

Millions of combat legions led by Thane suddenly intervened on the battlefield

, is definitely the most powerful emerging force in this war zone.

Thain doesn't know yet whether there is support from the Gallente Federation, but his performance is about to begin.

The Ashes Holy Tower Legion has been performing logistics transfer tasks for a long time, and now every magician is sharpening his sword.

Under the leadership of the third-level magicians, the magicians of the Ashes Holy Tower formed one magician square after another.

These magician phalanxes were not exposed in the center of the battlefield, but were all located within the Ashes Fortress.

Within the huge Ashes Fortress, there are multiple large battle platforms, enough for these thousands of magicians to unleash their magic to the best of their abilities.

Even with the specifications of Thane Ash Fortress, even tens of thousands of magicians can support it.

In an instant, the torrent of elements emitted by the main cannon of the Ash Fortress became the clarion call for the battle between the underlying biological legions on this battlefield.

Countless elemental forces were violently emitted from all angles of the fortress, and all the light fortresses and war airships opened fire at this moment.

As a relatively important main battlefield, and it is very likely that the masters of both sides will visit in person in the future, this subspace battlefield has recently received many "new things" supported by the wizard civilization from behind.

Hundreds of magic puppets fell from the bottom deck of the space fortress like meteorites, and finally landed on the battlefield.

The size of these magic puppets is smaller than the giant mechas developed by the Gallente Federation, but each one also reaches a height of about ten to thirty meters.

Looks stronger than a Titan.

These magic puppets are naturally newly developed by the mechanics of the City of Steel.

Each magic puppet has a level two to level three power.

The remote controllers behind these magic puppets are first- and second-level magicians located in the special cockpit of the space fortress.

The number of these magic puppets was not large. It was not originally obtained by Thane with money, but was given by his uncle Penas on the eve of Thain's expedition.

Not all the basic materials for civilized war are borne by each holy tower and knight's hall.

In addition to the alliance mission rewards after completing the combat objectives, the Wizard Civilization Legion can also receive support from the rear before and during war.

Free subsidies.

For example, Thain's Ashes Holy Tower Army. In addition to these magic puppets, there are also a large number of new magic cannons mounted in various areas of Thain's fortress.

These magic cannons were also dispatched recently.

A civilized battlefield with "one's own family" is indeed much more comfortable.

When Thain was in the Starfield Battlefield of the Beholder World, although there were logistical resource subsidies, they were definitely not as abundant as they are now.

A round of luxurious magic cannons and a full range of magic volleys of all types turned the battlefield sky into a sea of ​​elements.

Before the confrontation with the Gallente Federation, long-range support firepower had always been a strength that the Wizarding World was proud of.

Some weak and hostile creatures from other planes, which have not even touched the fur of the Wizarding World Legion‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, are often overwhelmed by countless magical elements.

The Gallente Federation is a civilization powerful enough to compete head-on with the wizard civilization. Especially when those fleets attack in groups, if the wizard civilization does not gather enough magicians, they may be counterattacked by the opponent.

But on this battlefield right now, the Gallente Federation Legion doesn't seem to have any extra firepower.

Having just repelled the last wave of Legion attacks from the Wizarding Civilization, the commanders of several federal fleet groups had just planned a counterattack.

However, these federal fleets and ground troops were only halfway through the charge when they were driven back by the Wizard Civilization Support Corps led by Thain.

Arranged in the front and middle of the legion, the Giant Jaw Legion and the Green Leaf Insect Legion, which were charging faster, almost charged directly in front of them, bathed in the sky background of the torrent of wizard civilization elements.

These alliance legions, driven by high-pressure policies, charged fiercely and fearlessly.

A level three giant-jawed creature was the first to step into the Gallente Federation's front.

When it arrived, the original defenses around it were completely destroyed. There were ruins everywhere, and continuous explosions occurred in the surrounding area.

This third-level giant-jawed creature sniffed with its thick nostrils and rushed straight towards a dilapidated bunker where the twin gun barrels had been broken.

There, he smelled the scent of strangers.

Shrouded by the approaching shadow of this terrifying Level 3 beast, the few federal soldiers still alive in the bunker activated the bunker's self-destruction device in despair.

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