The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,697 Participating in the War

Thain's casual question stunned Meili.

Although she has been following Thane for many years, Melly sometimes still can't keep up with Thain's jumping thinking.

The matter of wooing the registered magicians of the Dark Wind Holy Tower... Meili really didn't think much about it before, mainly because she was also very busy.

And during the war, it is not easy to pry the corner of the magician who was damaged in the war.

Thain put away the emotion on his face and said to Meili calmly: "It's not easy for me to come forward in this kind of thing."

"Send someone to contact the magicians of the Dark Wind Holy Tower. You can ask for any price."

"I made a fortune from the subspace ruins again this time. You don't need to worry about the funding for the development of the Holy Tower." Thain said.

At this time, in the Ember Fortress combat command room, there were not only Thain and Meili, but also many other second- and third-level magicians.

These magicians are the core personnel of the Holy Tower of Ashes, and they are the kind of existence that is almost impossible to leave the Holy Tower.

So when talking about these things, Thain didn't avoid others too much.

Unless it involves the "ash products" of the Holy Tower of Ashes and the smuggling channels between black magicians and the Beren Empire, Thane will avoid everyone.

Other times, the content he communicated with Meili was all fair and aboveboard.

Including the currently mentioned matter of prying a corner, Thain did not violate any laws in the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall, the Guardian rules and the Wizards Alliance rules.

In response to Thain's request, Meili glanced around, and then said: "I'd better go in person. It just so happened that I had contact with Master Zhiyubo from the Dark Wind Holy Tower. He is one of the disciples of Master Chakra and also a disciple of Dark Wind Holy Tower. A semi-god-level magician from the Wind Saint Tower."

Meili's statement made Thane nodded.

He then thought of the low-level magicians he led under his command when he and Master Gilbert and others explored the Ruins of Steel.

There are also many talents among those magicians.

In particular, the demigod-level magician named Mussol left a deep impression on Thain.

Introducing these little guys with outstanding potential into the Holy Tower of Ashes will also be of great benefit to the development of the Holy Tower.

The coordinates where Thane led the Ashes Holy Tower Army are located in the southwest corner of the Ruins of Steel.

Returning to the Ruins of Steel, Thain felt quite emotional.

Just a while passed, as Ya

The Ruins of Steel in the center of the space has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The endless steel ruins here are more dilapidated and chaotic than when Thain and others came last time.

The ground is full of pitted war traces, and there are also many fresh flesh and blood corpses and burning crashed warships appearing in every corner of the battlefield.

Thinking back then, when the war broke out between the Aiyou Landie Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization, it was probably a similar situation.

History is always a cycle.

When Thain and others arrived at the mission coordinates, there was already a battle taking place here.

Thain and others participated in the battle in this area as supporters.

With the intervention of Thane and others here, the wizard civilization army that was originally in the battle can be allowed to withdraw and recuperate.

Before entering the battle, Thain used long-range magic to clash with the two fourth-level knights and four foreign gods who were participating in the battle at the same time.

The two fourth-level knights are very motivated. I heard that they are both from the desert kingdom of Jahana, and they came to this subspace battlefield with a certain sixth-level knight.

Perhaps due to some experiences before Level 4, Thain didn't have a good impression of the knights of the Erie Knights League.

He is very enthusiastic about cooperation with the knights of Jahana, Abarut Empire, and Beren Empire.

There is no need to take too much care of the other four foreign gods. Anyway, when the time comes, they only need to obey the combat instructions honestly.

Ghost Cave Yin is a level four bat creature. Different from Bruce Wayne, the black bat civilization powerhouse that Thain has come into contact with before, this guy is a real dark creature, and he is always surrounded by the aura of decay. When dealing with Thane, this guy was also the most flattering.

The God of Green Leaf Insects is an insect god, and the combat legions under his command are the largest in number present, almost reaching 1.5 million.

It's just that the green leaf insect's combat effectiveness is really not good.

Except for some insect combat units that shed cocoons and turned into butterflies, which performed well, most of the others were just cannon fodder.

At the same time, the God of Green Leaf Insects is also the weakest being present.

The Giant Jaw King is a fourth-level creature with a head larger than its body and possessing dozens of giant fangs.

Among the four alien gods in the alliance, this guy is the most upright. He is also the only one present who does not flatter Thain excessively.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Giant Jaw King is second only to the Ice Ling Enchantress, and the Giant Jaw Army under its command,

They have the smallest number, only about 400,000, but their combat effectiveness is the strongest.

As the only fifth-level creature, the Ice Tomb Enchantress is a female creature whose entire body is frozen in dark blue ice. From a distance, the ice she is on looks more like a mausoleum.

I heard that Ice Hill Enchantress is the concubine of a certain sixth-level creature in the Wizarding Alliance, so most of the fourth- and fifth-level creatures are unwilling to provoke her. Some fourth- and fifth-level knights from the Wizarding World who usually come into contact with her will also give her Save some face.

Others would give her face, but Thain would not.

Not to mention that she is only a fifth-level creature, even if it is the sixth-level creature behind her, what does it matter?

Just in this subspace battlefield, the sixth-level alliance creatures are also the kind of existence that can be consumed.

For example, Thain's master Cuilis sent the sixth-level alliance creatures in this subspace battlefield one by one to the front line where the battle was fiercest. .

In the eyes of Cuilisi and other powerful wizards, the life of a fifth-level knight or magician is much more valuable than a sixth-level alliance creature.

Thain was sent to this battlefield today. Thain knew very well what his responsibilities and obligations were.

And he also has full command over these alliance creatures.

Under Thain's order, the Giant Jaw King took the lead in charging, while the Ice Tomb Enchantress led her own ice elemental army and was in the second offensive echelon.

Ghost Dong Yinbo leads nearly one million Yinbo legions, together with four space fortresses, nearly twenty light prism fortresses, and thousands of war airships, densely covering the sky to provide long-range and harassment attacks.

Directly below is the Green Leaf Insect Legion. The individual combat effectiveness of these Green Leaf Insects is inferior to the ordinary robot cannon fodder of the Gallente Federation.

Their advantage is that they are extremely large in number, and hundreds of thousands of green leaf insects collectively spit out acid. Even the alloy battleships of the Gallente Federation may be melted into a pool of molten steel without sufficient AT protective force fields. .

The last to be dispatched were the elite knight corps led by two fourth-level knights.

Thain discovered that most of these knights of the Kingdom of Jahana did not have mounts.

They all charge on the battlefield with a pair of big feet.

Some knights of the second level and above directly activated their blood transformation, roaring and rushing upwards, even surpassing the green leaf insect army originally in their front row in a very short period of time.

In terms of ruggedness and wild temperament, these knights of the Kingdom of Jahana surpassed most of the knight legions that Thain had come into contact with before.

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