The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,696: Pry the corner

Gilbert did not stay here long.

Before leaving, Thain gave Gilbert some special materials produced by the Holy Tower of Ashes.

It's not a particularly valuable thing, it's mainly a matter of sincerity and a good relationship that I want to keep running.

After bidding farewell to Master Gilbert, Thain sighed and returned to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, located in the center of the experimental platform, slowly floating and spinning is a Rubik's Cube in its transformation stage.

It has been some time since Thain returned to the main base of the Wizarding Civilization, but there are still no signs of the Rubik's Cube ending its transformation.

Thain had a hunch that the process of advancing to the Rubik's Cube this time would be longer than expected.

Many fine magic lines appear on the surface of the Rubik's Cube.

Many of these magic lines were carved by Thain recently. He has not finished them yet, and so far only one-fifth of them have been completed.

The transformation and advancement of the Rubik's Cube requires not only swallowing the power of technological laws, but also the power of magical elements to guide it.

The Rubik's Cube exuding a little starlight, combined with the numerous magic runes on its surface, showed a beautiful brilliance in the quiet laboratory.

A magic wand head made of the skull of a level five creature as the main material floats on the side of Thain's experimental platform.

This is the next direction of Thain's research. His Rubik's Cube has indeed absorbed and contained some of the original law energy of the copy of the infinite energy device of the Ai Youlan Butterfly civilization.

What Thane wants is to build himself a new magic wand with the origin of this law as the core.

It has to be said that as Thain advanced to level five, although he had two world-class secret treasures, the Maskless Mask and the Rubik's Cube, the magic wands and magic robes he used were gradually unable to keep up with Thain's pace.

Thane's magic wand has been improved and strengthened many times.

But its basic materials are there, and the room for improvement has now reached its limit.

If Thane wants to get more equipment blessings, it is best to directly change to a magic wand.

The same goes for the magic robe. The Spider Queen's magical silk that Thain got back then should be a relatively ordinary spider silk.

Although it contains the Spider Queen's divine power, there is not much power of law.

When will we find a chance to let the Spider Queen spin some silk for herself? Thane thought vaguely.

Of course, his idea was just his own wild imagination, and it was not realistic at all.

Rather than begging the moody Spider Queen, Thane would rather put a clear price and purchase the resources he is interested in in the Wizards Alliance.

His gains in the secret realm of subspace this time are really not small, and now he has many fragments of secret treasures that have lost the power of their original laws.

These "blank secret treasure fragments" are thrown into the Wizards Alliance market, and some creatures above level four are interested.

If Thain can find a suitable trading partner and gather the best raw materials for magic wands and magic robes, it will not be difficult.

In addition, Thain can also find a way to incorporate the extreme fire secrets he just recorded into his new magic wand.

This matter is not urgent, it needs to be considered in the long run.

There are too many materials that need to be prepared and the secrets of the laws used, and it cannot be done in one go at this stage.

It is estimated that Thain will have to wait until the subspace war is over before he can continue to delve into his own truth and make new equipment such as magic wands and magic robes.

Gently stroking the Rubik's Cube in front of him, when ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Thain was still thinking about something in his mind, his next combat instructions were sent to him.

Not only did Thain receive this combat order, but the entire Ashes Holy Tower Legion also received corresponding instructions.

Prior to this, the Ashes Holy Tower Legion had already made mobilization orders and pre-war preparations.

So when the order was given, everything went in an orderly manner.

Thain slowly put down the Rubik's Cube in his hand, put on the Formless Mask again, and walked out of the laboratory.

A total of two knight halls and four alliance legions were responsible for this combat operation in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Our total strength is approximately five million.

The Ashes Holy Tower under Thain had the smallest number of participants in the battle. Officially, there were only a few thousand magicians, but there were all kinds of slave creatures, totaling nearly half a million.

There are not many troops under the command of the two knight halls. It may be due to excessive consumption in the previous war that all the slave biological cannon fodder under the two knight halls have been lost.

On the other hand, the two knight halls have a total of nearly 400,000 official knights, making them an elite force.

The remaining main forces are composed of four alliance legions.

These four alliance legions are led by: Ghost Cave Yin, God of Green Leaf Insect, Giant Jaw King and Ice Ling Enchantress respectively.

Among them, the Ghost Cave Shadow, the God of Green Leaf Insects, and the Giant Jaw King are all fourth-level creatures. The Ice Ling Enchantress is a fifth-level creature, but it seems to be an early-stage fifth-level creature, and its aura is not strong.

These four alliance gods have nearly one million combat legions under their command.

They should be the latest to be supported, that's why they have so many fans.

As far as Thane knows, there are some participants in this subspace battlefield.

The gods of the alliance have been fighting for a long time, and there are only one to two hundred thousand people left under their command, and they are almost single.

In the combat command room of the Space Fortress, Thane said to Meili with some emotion: "The number of registered magicians in our Holy Tower of Ashes is still too few."

"There are many holy towers of fifth-level magicians, and the total number of registered combat magicians under their command is tens of thousands."

"Even the holy towers established by some fourth-level magicians can reach this scale, such as the Dark Wind Holy Tower under the Chakra Magician who has cooperated with us in wars before." Thain said.

"This is my dereliction of duty." Meili lowered her head and blamed herself.

Thain shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with you, it's just that the time for the establishment and development of our Holy Tower of Ashes was too short."

"In fact, based on the time of establishment, the current size of our Holy Tower of Ashes is five to six times that of the Holy Tower of the same period, not to mention that it is within the Ashes. A holy tower built in that area."

"You've done a great job." Thain turned to praise Meili.

The biggest problem with the Holy Tower of Ashes now is that its development speed cannot keep up with Thane's growth and promotion speed.

It has only been a few thousand years, and some fourth-level magicians have not yet established a foothold in their own realm. Thain is in no hurry even if he is in a hurry.

It happened that Thain mentioned the Dark Wind Holy Tower, and Meili then took over the conversation and said: "The fourth-level magician Chakra has died. I heard that the Dark Wind Holy Tower is about to be disbanded."

"Chakra is dead? When did it happen?" Thane said in shock when he heard this.

"Tower Master, not long after you left the battlefield of the wonderful plane, the Chakra Master died in a battle. It was not caused by the creatures of the sea planet, but the sudden action of the powerful people in the Apocalypse World." Meili replied.

It is common for fourth-level creatures to perish on civilized battlefields.

Even the master of the Holy Tower in the wizarding world is not exempt from vulgarity.

After hearing about the death of Chakra, Thane was silent for a moment. He still had a profound influence on this old man who had stayed at the fourth level for many years.

Not only because he is a member of the Gate of Elements, but also because if he survives this war safely, with his background and knowledge and experience, it is almost certain that he will be promoted to level five in the future.

Even Chakra Master, a sophisticated and shrewd veteran of the Holy Tower, will perish. Will he and others survive this civilized war safely? Thain couldn't help but think to himself.

The melancholy and emotion in my heart did not last long.

Then, thinking of another incident, Thane asked: "Now that the Chakra Master has died, is there any way we can attract a group of registered magicians from the Dark Wind Holy Tower under his command?"

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