The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,690 Making a fortune silently (more updates)

Thain and others stayed in the space channel for a short time.

After all, it was just a short-distance transmission channel that transported them from the Hongguang Technology Center to the outskirts of the Ruins of Steel.

If the energy shock wave of the doomsday weapon that came from behind was not too intense, for Thain and others, it would only take a moment to travel through this short-range space transmission channel.

Mo Yan, Gilbert and others were the first to leave, so they were not greatly affected.

When Thane flew out of the space passage, everyone was already waiting near the entrance of the passage.

Thain was carried out by Fumila, causing Mo Yan to scream strangely.

It's just that this guy wanted to make a joke, but in the end he was given a cold look by Fumila and suppressed it.

Fumila, which has returned to its heyday, is not something Mo Yan can afford to offend.

Not to mention, the current Fumila can still be blessed by Thain's Rubik's Cube.

Ignoring the mischievous Mo Yan, Thane coughed twice in embarrassment after getting out of Fumila's arms.

Yuli, who was in the cockpit of the Flame, looked at Fumila with envy and jealousy.

She is not as timid as Mo Yan.

Fumila, on the other hand, did not have the same experience as Yuli. She gently shook her long brown hair and gave Yuli a slap on the back of her head.

The eight metal wings were also shining with light at this time. It can be seen that Fumila was in all states in the space channel just now.

Thain turned his head and glanced at Wall-E, who was following him.

Wall-E walked a step later than him, but judging from the results, Wall-E seemed to have suffered no damage in the space passage just now.

Even Hal, who had been hiding in the gaps between its limbs, climbed out again, and his two metal tentacles flexibly rotated several times.

"WALL-E's body material seems to be very special."

"Last time, in the battle, I relied on my body to block Fumila's full blow."

"When you get back, if you have the chance, you must study it carefully. You might be able to discover some secrets." Thain thought to himself as he touched his chin.

At this time, from where Thane and others were, they could still see the terrifying tide and power turmoil taking place in the center of the Ruins of Steel.

And these energy tides are still radiating and spreading in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Staying where you are is not a wise move.

And Thain and others have also noticed that the main armies of both sides are constantly coming to the Ruins of Steel.

Thain and others are still lucky. Their location is not biased towards the Gallente Federation's main army.

They are almost at the junction of the two armies, and this will also be the most intense battlefield.

If we leave here immediately and fly straight to the depths of the wizard civilization army, the safety of Thane and others will be

It's guaranteed.

After all, neither Thain nor Gilbert and others are in good condition at the moment.

After gaining a lot of knowledge and wealth, it would be the wisest choice for them to take a good rest and digest it.

After looking at WALL-E and the robots such as Lieyan and Fumila around him, Thain suddenly realized that Butterfly Shadow 2 was willing to help him absorb the technology-side law energy of Hongguang Technology Center at the last moment, probably for them. .

No matter how indifferent the butterfly phantom appears, even if it is already indifferent to death, it should still hope that the intelligent robot family like itself can develop better in the future.

Thain gained the favor of Butterfly Shadow by praising the achievements of the Orchid Butterfly civilization and praising the research results of Dr. Charles Isaac.

But the source of this goodwill may not be due to the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron that Thain mentioned.

When the butterfly shadow incarnates into the light of rules, it reminds Thain not to forget his promise.

It can be understood as carrying forward the scientific and technological achievements of the Aiyoulandie civilization, and it can also be seen as Thain's commitment to the intelligent robot family.

The technological secrets that Thane has acquired, as well as the massive power of the original laws absorbed by the Rubik's Cube, will eventually be used by WALL-E, Flame, Fumila and other intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Therefore, the butterfly shadow is the real wise man.

Its approach is much more effective than asking Thain to sign a magical contract.

"We leave here immediately and join the wizard civilization army." Thain said.

Mo Yan and others nodded in agreement, while old man Gilbert sighed verbosely: "It's a pity that all the precious scientific and technological information in the Tongtian Building was destroyed in the explosion."

"Even if we can re-excavate the ruins in the end, our gains will be greatly reduced." When old man Gilbert said this, he seemed to be paying attention to Thain's performance.

No one is a fool, especially an old man like Gilbert who lives like a spirit.

When Thain left at the end, he had a severe "eating alone" at the Hongguang Technology Center. Even the origin of the law of the infinite energy device replica of the Ai Youlan Die civilization was swallowed up by the Rubik's Cube.

This kind of income may even make the dominant creatures covetous!

Not to mention the replicas of infinite energy devices, the power of the original laws contained in dozens of fragments of world-class secret treasures on the technological side are also a group of valuable assets that cannot be measured in value.

Could it be that all these assets were now destroyed by the Gallente Federation’s doomsday weapons?

Old man Gilbert's words also caused Thain to sigh greatly.

He echoed: "Yeah, it's a shame."

"Otherwise, if we can save all the remaining information in that technology center, it will be very useful to us wizards.

The overall improvement of the world's machinist profession should not be small. "Sain said.

Of course, it was impossible for him to admit how much benefit he had derived from his Rubik's Cube.

Thain has never been a magician who places his expectations on the kindness of others. As early as when he was a black magic apprentice in the underground world, Thain accepted a set of what he believed to be the nature of the world.

The Rubik's Cube in his hand is so magical, and it has been so exaggeratedly improved this time, and has even been inherited by the top technological civilization Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

If the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, or even a certain true spirit level magician, asked him for the right to use the Rubik's Cube, what would Thain do then?

From the perspective of wizard civilization, this kind of treasure must be in the hands of a dominant creature to achieve its greatest value.

On a larger scale, this is a contribution to civilized war.

But unfortunately, Thane is not the kind of magician who is selfless enough to sacrifice his most precious treasure.

It can be said that he is self-interested, or that he has the stinginess of a black magician, but Thain does not think he has done anything wrong.

Only in the hands of Thain can the Rubik's Cube play its greatest role.

Thain had already handed it over to the Wizarding Civilization once, but the top brass of the Wizarding Civilization finally returned it to him. It can only be said that the top brass of the Wizarding World couldn't control it.

Of course, the higher-ups in the wizarding world will never embezzle the personal property of a fourth-level knight or magician without any reason.

Not to mention level four, even level one knights and magicians are protected by the rules of the Holy Tower and Knights Hall, the Guardian Rules and the Wizards Alliance Rules.

It stands to reason that Thain insists on being unwilling to hand over his personal property, and the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization have nothing to do with him.

But Thain still decided to make a fortune quietly.

Before you have absolute strength, you should not reveal your possession of a valuable treasure too early.

Old man Gilbert has had a good relationship with Thain in recent years. During this exploration of the secret realm, he also obtained two fragments of the secret treasure, as well as his most precious inert crystal secret.

Seeing that Thain revealed the matter in an understatement, old man Gilbert did not continue to ask further questions.

His exclamation just now was originally very obscure, and no one else present even heard what he said.

Geli may have understood something, but she pretended not to know anything.

Old Mrs. Weili smiled kindly and stood next to Gilbert.

The old lady's injury was able to be contained in time, thanks to the many bottles of Dew Lian's medicine that Thain had taken out earlier.

Therefore, when he returns to the wizarding civilization in the future, according to Gilbert's character, he should not expose Thain's background.

He has no evidence in the first place!

When Thain and others were about to leave, the eight-winged angel Fumila said: "Wait a minute, the angel army under my command is approaching here."

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