The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1691 Unfair Battle

The angel army under Fumila is naturally the more than 10,000 angel robots that have awakened to their own wisdom.

When Thain recruited Fumila to the top floor of Hongguang Technology Center, the tens of thousands of angels accepted Fumila's order and stayed in place.

Fortunately, the station of those angel-type robots is located in the middle and periphery of the Ruins of Steel.

When the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons arrive, these robots that have awakened to their own wisdom should not continue to stay where they are.

Following the most powerful Fumila is the current consensus of these low-level angel robots.

After possessing wisdom and self-awareness, they instinctively do not want to be controlled by the Federation and become cannon fodder on the front lines of civilized battlefields.

Thain and others didn't have to wait long. Tens of thousands of angels waved their metal wings and appeared in the field of vision of Thain and others.

Although they evacuated in time to avoid the impact of the Federation's doomsday weapons, most of these angel robots now look disgraced.

After appearing next to Fumila, these angel-shaped robots spontaneously formed battle formations to protect everyone.

It is indeed a relatively elite robot army.

The average combat power of these angel-type robots is much higher than that of ordinary robots.

And the battle formation they formed, according to Fumila, was a special formation engraved into their memory centers.

In addition to better helping each other on the battlefield, these special angel formations can also share energy with each other, and even work together to activate shields or release clustered energy attacks.

"It's a bit like the Angel Battle Formation of the Light God Clan I saw in the Sky City."

"It seems that some robot experts in the Gallente Federation have not only absorbed the appearance of the Angel Clan to make robots, but they also have a thorough understanding of the battle formations of the Light God Clan." Old Gilbert sighed.

The old man's sigh did not last long.

The missile attacks launched one after another disrupted the formation of the surrounding angel legions and interrupted Thain's support.

These sudden missiles were caused by Bond's special operations forces.

Of course, Bond and others didn't know where the other end of the emergency escape tunnel of Aiyou Landie Civilization's Hongguang Technology Center was. The reason why they were able to get there so quickly was because these federal special warriors had been monitoring the people in the Ruins of Steel. Those rebel angel legions.

When these tens of thousands of angel robots move closer to Thane and others,

As they approached, Bond led his special operations forces to dispatch.

Except for Fumila, the strength of the other angel-type robots is below level four. Of course, they cannot detect federal agents wearing special equipment.

These flying missiles or other energy beams are all individual self-defense weapons developed by the Gallente Federation.

The special operations force led by Bond is worthy of being the elite of the Gallente Federation.

In terms of individual combat capabilities, even five federal soldiers wearing combat uniforms in the fleet group may not be able to defeat one special operations team member.

Moreover, in addition to their genetic enhancement advantages and better hand-to-hand combat skills, these special forces members also wear and carry far more weapons and equipment than ordinary federal soldiers.

The sudden and violent firepower caused a pause in the movements of Thain and others.

Mainly because they were caught off guard, some little guys who didn't know the truth thought it was the Gallente Federation's main fleet attacking.

Thain's physical condition at this time was not very good.

The shock wave that penetrated into the Hongguang Technology Center from the Federation's doomsday weapons caused a lot of injuries, including those who were traveling through the space channel just now and were squeezed hard by the power of the surrounding space and the energy tide behind them.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube is also in a state of transformation and promotion that is about to become dormant.

It was the phaseless mask that Thane wore on his face that made him realize immediately that the incoming Gallente Federation legion was actually not many, and the leader was still their old rival.

"Master Gilbert, please continue to evacuate. Mo Yan, please stay and join me in blocking the attack!" Thain assigned the task.

Gilbert and others are not good at fighting, and the emergency evacuation just now also caused a lot of losses to them.

This ruins of steel will soon become the main battlefield for nearly 100 million legions of the two top civilizations. It is not a wise move to continue to stay here.

It's not like Thain wants to gather everyone's strength to kill Bond and others, so letting Master Gilbert and other non-combatants go first is the wisest choice.

Master Gilbert did not hesitate. He held Old Mrs. Weili with one hand, took out his magic wand with the other hand, and then flew with Geli and others in the direction of the wizard civilization army in the distance.

Also leaving at the same time were the low-level knights and magicians who were released.

The way Thain and others split their troops into two groups made Bond very anxious when he saw it.

Although there is a huge difference in strength, Bond is the one who most hopes that Thane and other powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization will do their best to fuck him.

Judging from the traveling speed of the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet, it is the Federation fleet that is the first to launch the doomsday weapons and will reach the Ruins of Steel faster.

The mission of Bond and others is to persevere and receive assistance from the federal fleet.

Bond, who saw with his own eyes Thain and other wizard civilization powerhouses entered the Hongguang Technology Center and stayed there for a short time, believed that this group of wizard civilization creatures must have obtained some ancient civilization technology.

If they died directly in the bombardment of the doomsday weapon, there would be nothing to say.

But now that they have reappeared in his sight, Bond can't turn a blind eye!

The number of Bond and others was very small, only about a thousand people.

The powerful firepower they suddenly launched just now caused a big impact on Thain and others, but it also greatly depleted their ammunition inventory.

There are no transport ships, and there is no complete fleet to provide supplies. How much equipment can these federal special operations personnel carry with them when they go deep into the heart of subspace?

Although the number of opponents is very small, and their combat power is above level four, by visual inspection, including Bond, there are only five.

But Thain had no intention of taking matters into his own hands.

The three Mo Yan brothers were the first to pounce.

Immediately afterwards, Yuli, who was driving the Flame, also found her opponent.

"Try to kill him as much as possible! Even if you can't kill him, we can't let him hinder our evacuation." Thain pointed at Bond, who was approaching, and said to Fumila beside him.

Fumila was not willing to take action against Bond before, but since receiving the second upgraded Rubik's Cube and carrying out maintenance, Fumila obviously has no resistance to Thane's orders.

The eight metal wings behind her suddenly stretched out, Fumila with a lightsaber emerging from her arm, and rushed straight towards Bond.

Level six versus level five, this is an unfair battle.

Even if Bond possesses a world-class secret treasure bracelet, he is no match for Fumila and can only be said to be trying to resist.

The situation of Bond's men is similar.

The three Mo Yan brothers all have world-class secret treasures with them.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be easy to fight against these dragon beasts with powerful dragon bloodlines and strong family backgrounds in a one-on-one challenge.

The nearly 1,000 members of the special operations force brought by Bond were also besieged by tens of thousands of angels under Fumila's command.

The Angel Battle Formation developed by Gallente Federation scientists has now become a bitter pill enjoyed by those Federation special warriors themselves.

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