The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,689 Body Protective Pads (Additional update)

The butterfly shadow turned into a light of the original law and rushed directly into the control center of Hongguang Technology Center.

In an instant, the energy in the entire Tongtian Building seemed to be mobilized.

On the one hand, the butterfly shadow controls the energy in the building and pours it towards the external energy barrier.

On the other hand, dozens of regular light groups shining with the light of strange laws converged towards Thain and the Rubik's Cube.

Under the threat of the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons, these technological products that have aged severely and have fallen to the "fragment level" have no hope of continuing to be preserved.

Rather than being destroyed in a horrific explosion, it would be better to give it to Thane's Cube to be devoured.

From a certain perspective, this can also be regarded as the inheritance of knowledge from the Ai Youlan Die civilization by Thain and Rubik's Cube.

The influx of a large number of lawful light groups caused ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Sain’s Rubik’s Cube to burst out with a bright blue light again.

At this time, the surface of the Rubik's Cube is dotted with stars. When people see it for the first time, they can't help but think of the complicated and beautiful star realm.

The starlight that appears on the surface of the Rubik's Cube is like a galaxy in the star realm, which is intoxicating.

One bite wouldn't make you a big fat man, and suddenly absorbing so much law energy made the Rubik's Cube a bit "overstuffed."

When it was upgraded for the first time, the Rubik's Cube only absorbed the law energy from two or three pieces of technological secret treasures.

During the second upgrade, the total number of Rubik's cubes swallowed before and after was a dozen.

Now is the third opportunity for transformation. In addition to dozens of law light groups, the power of rules absorbed by the Rubik's Cube also includes a large number of laws from Butterfly Phantom 2 and the copy of the infinite energy device of the Ai Youlan Butterfly Civilization. origin!

Especially the latter two, both are world-class secret treasure level existences.

If the crisis hadn't been resolved now and Thain had forcibly activated the Rubik's Cube in his hand, I'm afraid the Rubik's Cube would have entered a state of dormant transformation just like the previous two times!

It's getting late.

With the original energy support given by the Rubik's Cube, and the help provided by Butterfly Phantom 2 at the last moment, these energy barriers that appeared outside Tongtian Building can last longer than Butterfly Phantom's previously expected butterfly veins.

However, the large area of ​​cracked barrier and the fact that the top floor of the building was swept into a mess all indicate that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time.

In particular, most of the original power of the replica of the infinite energy device at the bottom of the building was poured into the Rubik's Cube, which made the building's protective energy somewhat ineffective.

"We should go." Thain said to the machines around him

said the man.

Yuli had already entered the Flame's constructed golem, and the eight-winged angel Fumila was also close to Thain.

Although the relationship between master and servant has not been determined, it can be seen that Fumila is still very nervous about Thain's safety.

She is the strongest among the people present and has the highest ability to withstand blows.

If there is an emergency, Fumila can serve as a human shield for Thane.

The robot WALL-E showed obvious reluctance towards Hongguang Technology Center and Butterfly Shadow 2 at this time.

After all, this was the place where Walli once lived. After finally regaining some memories, he had to leave again.

Walli also knows that after leaving this time, it will be goodbye forever.

The Butterfly Phantom 2 looks exactly like Wall-E's owner, Dr. Charles Isaac, which gives Wall-E a unique emotion.

Wall-E, who was on the edge of the emergency escape route, was the only person present who didn't want to leave.

Wall-E's pet, the electronic cockroach Hal, jumped anxiously on Wall-E's shoulder, waving his two tentacles constantly.

Hal obviously also knows that the crisis is just around the corner, and he doesn't want WALL-E to perish here too.

Maybe it was Hal's anxiety that affected Wall-E.

It finally made its way to the emergency escape route.

Unlike the butterfly shadow, it has no desires and desires, and even begins to actively pursue destruction.

Wall-E, who has little memory of the past, is still very curious about this world and the outer star realm.

WALL-E has many bonds, not only the electronic cockroach Hal, and the faintly throbbing Flame. What he also wants to do is to find his master one day in the future.

Even though the success rate of this wish is very slim, Walli, who is full of enthusiasm and hope for the future, is still unwilling to give up.

During the long period of time before he awakened his memory, WALL-E had such an optimistic, positive, and sunny attitude, facing the steel ruins that had been going on for countless years, and conscientiously completed his own work.

This is WALL-E, a seemingly ordinary garbage cleaning robot.

Wall-E was the last one to enter the emergency escape channel, and the moment it entered the transmission channel, the butterfly shadow, whose energy had been greatly consumed, regrouped into a familiar face, and quietly watched Wall-E leave.

"Live well...pursue your own path..." A faint voice came to Wall-E's side.

It's a pity that WALL-E can no longer sense the things around him.

The terrifying power impact, in Wa

After Li and others disappeared, the entire Tongtian Building was swallowed up almost instantly.

The Hongguang Science and Technology Center of Aiyou Landie Civilization, which is as majestic as the Tower of True Spirit in the Wizarding World, has officially come to an end in history at this moment.

The majestic giant building started from the top and collapsed downwards.

The frontline legions from both sides, who were constantly rushing towards the center of the subspace, were fortunate enough to witness the shocking scene of the destruction and collapse of the sky-high building.

The fierce battle began to center on the Ruins of Steel and spread to all directions.

Both civilizations know that this must contain the greatest mystery of this top-notch technological civilization relic.

However, neither Trilis nor the five-star general of the Federation knew exactly what had happened here before.

They have not yet made contact with Bond, Sean and others who have sneaked here.

In the space passage, Thain, who had just rushed into the light door, felt strong squeezing force from all directions around him.

The destruction of Hongguang Technology Center also had a great impact on Thain and others who entered the passage.

The strong squeezing force that Thain felt was the impact of the energy tide entrained by the explosion on the space channel where he was.

Yuri, who was driving the Flame, was the first to enter it at Thane's request.

So she seemed to be least affected.

The powerful squeezing and energy impact made Thain, who had suffered a lot of damage to his true body before, spit out elemental blood.

It is said that wealth can be found in danger. This time, Thain did find wealth, but the impact and injuries he suffered were also real.

Wouldn't he have escaped the energy invasion of the Federation's doomsday weapon in time, only to die in the space channel?

Although this possibility is extremely low, if this is the result, it would be really bloody.

Fortunately, when Thain gradually felt that he could no longer support himself, a warm and sensual body hugged him.

The eight-winged angel Fumila really doesn't look like a robot, and the touch she gives to Thane is very real.

Thain even heard a sound similar to a heartbeat coming from Fumila's chest.

As a combat robot, Fumila can naturally change forms.

Her body at this time was much larger than in her normal form.

Even Thain, who maintains the true form of the law, can be tightly held in her arms.

With Fumila as a pad to block the impact for him, the pressure in the space channel that Thane felt was significantly reduced...

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