The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,686 Emergency Escape Channel

The crystal ball with countless facets in front of you is one of the only three world-class secret treasures left in Hongguang Technology Center. In addition to providing protection for the building, all the energy barriers in the entire subspace are related to it. Inextricably linked.

Flashing with dazzling white light, not long after, a thick energy barrier accumulated in front of Thane and others.

In the distance, the brilliance of the Gallente Federation’s doomsday weapons gradually appeared at the end of Thane’s and others’ field of vision.

The dissipation of nearly half of the energy barriers in the subspace prevented these doomsday weapon rockets from being greatly disturbed.

Even some rockets were consumed by penetrating other barriers midway.

However, the Gallente Federation's "Wandering Reaper" weapon has poor accuracy, so its main focus is a high-sustained, strong firepower, and range coverage strike.

The remaining energy barriers in the subspace ultimately consumed less than one-third of the Wandering Reaper's firepower.

The remaining sustained attacks will have to be resisted by Hongguang Technology Center itself.

At this time, Thane no longer cared about researching super magic bombs.

After calling Gilbert, Geri and others over, they immediately entered a defensive state of preparation.

Soon, the Gallente Federation’s doomsday weapon rocket collided with the thick hexagonal energy barrier condensed outside the Hongguang Technology Center.

Violent explosions and concussions appeared around Thain and others.

At this time, if you stand directly above the sky of the Ruins of Steel and look down, you can see a series of mushroom clouds starting from the center of the Ruins of Steel and starting to spread in all directions.

The sweeping tide of terrifying energy set off an astonishing steel storm.

In the center of the explosion, Thain and others on the top floor of the Tongtian Building felt this unheard of and unprecedented collision of forces.

The power level of the Federation's doomsday weapons is much higher than that of Thain and others.

Including the eight-winged angel Fumila, who has quickly recovered at this time and is expected to return to her peak. If she is allowed to face such firepower head-on, she will inevitably end up dead.

The astonishing explosion and danger are right in front of us, which brings great shock and crisis to Thain and others. It is also an opportunity.

If you want to perish, you must first go crazy!

When a crisis comes and you and others have no way to escape for the time being, when you are in this kind of fear,

Thain, who was at the center of the terrifying force's impact, was staring at the impact point of the explosion in front of him with gradually feverish eyes.

"This level of flame!" Thain said nervously.

Thain, who had already put on the phaseless mask, unexpectedly rushed forward beyond everyone's expectations and lay down almost face to face in front of the external observation barrier on the top floor of Hongguang Technology Center.

For others, this is an unimaginable sudden crisis.

But for Thain, this was a valuable opportunity to observe the collision and impact of dominator-level forces at close range!

At this time, the energy circuit in Tongtian Building showed obvious signs of instability.

Not only did the lights on the top floor of the building begin to flicker on and off, but even the walls of the building began to tremble slightly, as if they were about to collapse completely in the next moment.

Mo Yan, who reacted quickly, turned to Butterfly Shadow and asked if there was any emergency escape route in the building.

This guy's brain is quite flexible, and he knows that most of these technologically advanced creatures like to keep things for themselves.

Not only technological civilization, but also the wizarding world?

In each space fortress, there are special escape cabins and emergency space transmission channels.

The purpose is to allow as many knights and magicians in the fortress to escape as possible before the fortress crashes and explodes.

Butterfly Shadow did not answer Mo Yan's question.

Maybe Butterfly Shadow felt that Mo Yan was not on the same level as it. The person who mainly talked to Butterfly Shadow before was Thain, who had the highest level of life present.

Although Gilbert and others also interjected a word or two, they were obviously not as valued by Butterfly Shadow as Thain, who was holding a Rubik's Cube.

The robot WALL-E, who recalled many things, scratched his head, pointed to the southwest corner of the building with some uncertainty, and said: "There seems to be an emergency escape route in that place, but it requires authorization from the artificial intelligence of the control center."

Wall-E's answer made everyone pay close attention to Butterfly Shadow.

But the butterfly shadow still looked indifferently in front of him, as if he didn't care about the life and death of these creatures in the wizarding world.

Finally, it was Thain who finally spoke. While staring closely at the energy impact that was happening in front of him, he said without looking back: "You guys go first, I have to stay here for a while."

"I hope you can help us again, and I'm sure you don't either

Everything about Aiyoulandie civilization will be lost in history. "

"Our wizarding civilization is a civilization that respects knowledge and historical facts. When we return to the wizarding world in the future, we will learn about the information about the Aoi Orchid butterfly civilization, and what you told us about Dr. Charles Isaac and other Ayo Orchid butterfly civilizations. The deeds of the sages and wise men will be recorded in the arcane light of the Sky City, for future generations to admire and learn from."

Although Thain did not look back, everyone knew that he was talking to Artificial Intelligence No. 2 of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

At this time, Artificial Intelligence No. 2 finally replied.

As expected, this special man-made product that doesn't even care about its own life has something that it cares about.

"I can send you away, I hope you won't break your promise." Butterfly Xu‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Shadow 2 answered after a moment of silence.

Of course I won’t violate it!

It was originally the responsibility of Thain and others to record the exploration and discoveries in the center of this top civilization relic.

Moreover, the various scientific and technological achievements and civilizational achievements achieved by the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization not only represent the honor of these butterfly creatures, but will also have great reference significance and research guidance for the wizard civilization represented by Thain.

Especially the mysteries of extradimensional space and dimensionality mentioned before by Butterfly Phantom, as well as the "infinite energy" device and the "space-time shock bomb" weapon.

This is definitely content that the dominant creatures in the wizarding world will be interested in.

How could Thain and others conceal this information?

The vast majority of intelligent creatures have character weaknesses.

There are almost no creatures in the star realm that have no desires or desires.

After receiving the butterfly's approval, a translucent gray light door suddenly appeared in the top space.

Mo Yan immediately told everyone to leave quickly, but Geli entered the light door and turned around and asked Thain: "Are you really not going to leave? If you stay here for one more second, you will be in more danger."

The powerful doomsday weapons of the Gallente Federation made Geli, who was only at the fourth life level, turn pale after feeling it at close range.

The people around him couldn't tell the specific expression of Thane, who was wearing a phaseless mask, but in fact he wasn't that stable either.

However, Thain still tried his best to calmly reply: "I am stronger and will try my best to withdraw in the end, so don't worry."

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