The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,687 Danger and Opportunity

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

Thain's Ember Fire Mystery has gradually stagnated in recent years since it was promoted to level five.

This is a normal situation. No Magic Four can grow at an extremely exaggerated high speed all the time.

The potential of some magicians is level four, and a very few are level five.

It is too common to stay in the same realm for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Are there so many geniuses in the star realm?

Thain's talent is pretty good, and his sect's inheritance is also pretty strong.

But if it develops step by step, Thane may have to stay at the fifth level for tens of thousands of years before undergoing a major transformation.

After all, the master is only a sixth-level creature. No matter how innovative the apprentice is, no matter how exaggerated the talent is, it is impossible for him to soar to the sky in a short time.

The outbreak of the civilized war with the Gallente Federation was definitely a period when the wizarding civilization ushered in changes, and the young generation of powerful people grew rapidly.

But the experience of civilized warfare is not enough.

It's not that Thain thinks he's growing too slowly, he just can't turn a blind eye when higher-level secrets are presented to him.

The Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons in front of us, and the confrontation with the energy barrier of the Aylan Butterfly civilization, involve energy and rules that are definitely beyond the range that Trilis, the master of Thane, can usually come into contact with.

Don't Gilbert and others know that this kind of collision of forces will most likely be something they will never be able to observe at close range again in their lifetime?

Of course they know! It's just because the level of life is too low, and they haven't dabbled in too many mysteries of combat and related elemental fields, so they are not as obsessed with the mysteries of truth represented by this collision of forces as shown by Thain.

What Thane valued at this time was neither the scientific and technological secrets contained in the energy barrier of the Aiyoulan Butterfly civilization, nor the destructive laws contained in the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons.

What he really cares about and is obsessed with is actually the fire-attributed explosion impact caused by the collision of two forces.

The only thing that can greatly increase the intensity of the Ember Flame is this kind of flame!

Thain had also thought about traveling within the Wizarding Alliance, collecting all kinds of rare flames, increasing his knowledge, and making the Ember Flame more perfect.

But this is war time, and apparently Thane doesn't

It's possible to be so free.

Moreover, travel and exploration involving creatures of level 4 and above are often conducted in units of thousands or hundreds of years, and may result in nothing.

At this time, this rare opportunity was presented to him. After some consideration, Thain decided that he was willing to take certain risks and record the precious situation in front of him.

Even if Thain could not immediately comprehend anything from this extremely deep scale collision at the moment, after recording it and returning to the laboratory, Thain could study it in detail.

There are reasons for everyone's growth path and the level they eventually reach.

Thain does not regret the decision he has made now.

Moreover, in addition to the reasons he said, Thain had another intention in his heart...

In the end, apart from the three brothers Mo Yan and Gilbert and other fourth-level magicians, Thain also brought the low-level knights and magicians who left the top floor of the Tongtian Building. Release it and let them follow you.

Thain had no reason to let these low-level guys take risks with him.

What's a bit surprising is that WALL-E the robot didn't leave.

The reason why it didn't leave is because the Flame didn't leave.

Thain is still here. As a maid, Yuri naturally cannot escape alone.

In addition to the Flame and her, the eight-winged angel Fumila, who had integrated the Rubik's Cube into her body and was rapidly recovering from her injuries, did not leave either.

At this time, around Thain, at first glance, there were a group of robots and technological products left.

Butterfly Phantom mentioned that the other end of the emergency escape tunnel was set up outside the Ruins of Steel.

According to the current explosion energy level, it should not affect Gilbert and the others.

"Although the explosion impact and metal storm will not affect them, there is no guarantee that there will not be other threats." Thain said without looking back.

When he discovered that the energy barrier in the secret area of ​​subspace began to dissipate over a large area, and a doomsday weapon hit the center of the Ruins of Steel, Thane could naturally imagine that the next confrontation between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation would take place in the Ruins of Steel. spread nearby.

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned.

I hope that the first thing Gilbert and others will encounter is the wizard civilization army, not the Gallente Federation fleet group approaching the border.

"How long can the energy barrier in front of us last?" Thain asked.

Even though Gilbert and others had quickly evacuated, not much time had passed since the energy impact and the long-range strike of the federal doomsday weapons in front of them.

The raging rockets are still shooting towards here.

The hexagonal energy barrier that originally looked extremely thick and stacked with many layers has already appeared large areas of cracks.

The terrifying energy tide that penetrated not only messed up the top floor of the Tongtian Building, but also caused heavy damage to Thain's shoulders, right arm and other parts.

Thane's elemental true body has experienced a large area of ​​virtualization.

However, these injuries did not shake Thain's body at all. He was still working hard to collect the precious information and data in front of him.

The brain is also running at a high speed.

Facts‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Facts have proved that when a person devotes himself to something, even severe pain and death threats will be ignored by the person involved.

This kind of tension and excitement of exploring the truth in a dangerous state makes people extremely excited, and at the same time, it also allows people to develop their potential like never before.

"歘!" A translucent flame began to burn slowly on the surface of Thain's original ash flame.

This layer of translucent flame does not seem to have any danger or special features, but only Thain himself can fully understand its enhanced destructive power and what kind of truth it incorporates.

Also in the face of the crisis, the eight-winged angel Fumila showed some indifference. At this time, her beautiful eyes looked curiously at the flames ignited between Thain's fingers.

Her database and information processing system began to analyze the flames between Thane's fingers.

The final result was an extremely unstable flame between Thane's fingers, which was also extremely threatening to her.

This was not the case before when Thane used a super magic bomb to blow her up.

It was Thane's original flame element that actually made a breakthrough in this crisis situation.

Butterfly Phantom 2 is not interested in what Thain is doing.

The Hongguang Science and Technology Center of Aiyoulandie Civilization, which is now old and severely corrupted by the erosion of time, is obviously unable to withstand the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons.

With the destruction of this building, Butterfly Phantom 2 will inevitably disappear like smoke.

If you don’t even care about life, what else do you care about?

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