The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1685: Unstoppable (Additional update)

"Dominator-level means?!" On the front line of the wizard civilization army, the sixth-level magician Trilis, who was responsible for commanding the battle, looked in the direction of the Ruins of Steel in the center of the subspace in great surprise.

The particle fluctuations released just now by the wreckage of the Black Yin Civilization battleship are already in line with the power attributes of Dominator-level creatures.

This also caused Cuillis to be greatly surprised.

However, before Trilis could take any countermeasures, she was shocked again by the large number of energy barriers that melted away and the terrifying power turbulence coming from the depths of the Gallente Federation fleet group.

Dense and violent rocket shells shot out from the depths of the Gallente Federation fleet group "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The tail flames of these rocket shells were dark blue, making a piercing sound like a screaming death, and kept shooting in the direction where Trilis' original gaze was pointed.

The astonishing power fluctuations contained in these rockets all mark that they belong to the Gallente Federation's "doomsday weapons" sequence.

Trilis is no stranger to the Federation's doomsday weapons. She was lucky enough to see them twice when she was on the battlefield in the underworld star field a thousand years ago.

One was a relatively weak one, called the "Red Dot Nuclear Explosion". At that time, an Alliance level six creature was blown into pieces in front of Cuilis. She herself also suffered a lot of aftermath.

Another time it was more powerful. Fortunately, Cuilis was far away from the battlefield at that time, and she only saw a dense flash of yellow light.

It was later learned that that area was covered by the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon "Electromagnetic Reaper".

Also from the "Reaper" series of weapons, the power of the electromagnetic reaper that Cuillis saw back then was obviously more powerful than the wandering reaper weapons that are currently being released.

The Wandering Reaper rocket launcher that was firing ferociously at this time was, at best, comparable to the red-dot nuclear explosion Triris had seen before.

But the wandering reaper is obviously not as sudden and concealed as the red dot nuclear explosion.

If she had fired at Trilis' position just now, Trilis would certainly not be able to withstand the frontal bombardment of the Federation's doomsday weapons, but she had a certain degree of confidence and managed to withdraw from the core area of ​​the strike before the danger reached her.

Two waves of changes happened one after another, which made Trilis nervous.

The other sixth-level powerful wizards in the surroundings obviously also discovered the anomaly on the battlefield. They did not immediately move closer to Cuillis, but they contacted Cuillis through various communication methods.

"That direction..." Cuilis couldn't help but ponder as she looked at the direction where the Federation's doomsday weapons fired.

"Master Trilis, the energy barrier in the surrounding area has weakened significantly, and the Gallente Federation fleet has shown signs of dispatch. What should we do next?" asked a sixth-level knight.

At this level of local war

Among them, Trilis is the person in charge of the wizard civilization and the battlefield commander.

Those knights and alliance creatures are also accustomed to the command of magicians in the wizarding world.

In the blink of an eye, the doomsday weapon that was already at the end of its launch did not scare Trilis.

There are currently no Federation Dominator-class ships arriving, and Cuillis also knows that after the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons are activated, the second activation requires a considerable cooling-off period.

Only those Dominator-class ships, with their unique energy sources, can use doomsday weapons multiple times in a short period of time.

And a Dominator-class fleet of the Gallente Federation definitely carries more than one doomsday weapon.

Just like the dominator-level creatures in the Wizarding World have an infinite variety of means, the Gallente Federation's dominator-level war fleet groups also have a variety of attack methods.

(ps: A Gallente Federation-style Juggernaut-class war fleet group, which has at least three Juggernaut-class attack ships, not including frigates and others. Type of ship.

Only an entire Dominator-level fleet can rival one Star Boundary Master. )

Triris made decisions quickly, knowing that the Gallente Federation would never do anything in vain.

Since the doomsday weapons and the Federation fleet are all heading towards the depths of the subspace center, there must be some secrets there.

Moreover, the dissolution of a large number of energy barriers in the subspace also allowed the wizard civilization to restore its long-distance communication capabilities.

"We also immediately marched towards the subspace center, and all armies did their best to intercept and harass the federal fleet group."

"No matter what they want to do, we can't let them succeed easily!" Cuilis ordered.

With the arrival of the main fleet of the Gallente Federation and most reinforcements from the Wizarding World, the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion and the Sea Planet Legion, which were originally the core of the war, gradually took a back seat.

On the one hand, they are not strong enough, and on the other hand, these two medium-sized world legions have been severely damaged in previous wars.

When the scale of the battlefield gradually reaches hundreds of millions, there really is no stage for them to perform.

On the other hand, Seren, the strongest man in the ancient desert world with peak level 6 combat power, is still regarded as a useful thug by the Gallente Federation.

At this time, as the Federation fleet marched towards the subspace center, it was Seren who was leading the charge.

If you are not one of your own, it really doesn’t hurt to use it.

Salem, who once had a great reputation in the surrounding star field, is now covered with scars, many of which were caused by Trilis.

Her green flames caused extensive burns on Salem's body.

But the Gallente Federation obviously had no intention of letting Salem rest. When it held an electric ax, it once again faced the wizard civilization interception legion.

, Trilis had no choice but to fly to the frontline battlefield again.

She and Salem are old rivals.

The top floor of Tongtian Building.

The sudden occurrence of special particle fluctuations and the ensuing doomsday weapon strike caused the Hongguang Technology Center of Aiyoulandie Civilization to issue an urgent and fierce alarm.

Dazzling red light kept flashing on every floor of Tongtian Building.

Perhaps due to the influence of these red lights, Butterfly Shadow 2 gave Thain and others a much colder and dignified feeling.

It was completely different from his previous gentle and indifferent temperament.

"They are the biological waves of the Black Yin Civilization. They destroyed the already fragile energy circuits in the subspace."

"As for the long-range strikes fired here, they have also reached the attack power of a dominant-level creature." Butterfly Phantom said calmly.

"Can it block the opponent's attack? It should be the doomsday weapon of the Gallente Federation." Thain frowned and asked.

He has seen the doomsday weapons of the Gallente Federation and deeply understands how powerful they are.

The planet Cybertron back then was directly in a state of collapse under the long-range strike of a doomsday weapon from the Gallente Federation.

You must know that although the planet Cybertron does not have plane consciousness and plane barriers, its size and thickness are enough to rival a medium-sized world.

Even this did not block the destructive beam of the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon.

Looking at the power of the doomsday weapons that were attacking here, Thain couldn't tell which one was stronger than the "deep space drilling" he had come into contact with back then. Anyway, they were both attacks that he couldn't resist.

The biggest disadvantage of the Tongtian Building he was in at this time was that it was a dead building that could not be moved. It was simply the enemy's favorite living target.

In this situation, even if Thain and others want to escape from this place, they may not be able to escape the core area of ​​the explosion in time.

"It's difficult. If Hongguang Technology Center could have blocked attacks of this magnitude tens of millions of years ago, there would certainly be no problem."

"Even millions of years ago, I'm pretty sure."

"But now..." Butterfly Shadow said, his hands constantly tapping the light screen in front of him.

Under the control of the butterfly shadow, the energy of the entire Tongtian Building began to gather from the bottom to the upper level.

Hexagonal energy barriers appeared in the field of vision of Thain and others.

Also under the control of the butterfly shadow, the third world-class secret treasure wave source in this Tongtian Building appeared in front of Thain and others.

This is a translucent spherical crystal.

Every section of it is a hexagon, which seems to contain infinite energy circuits and special meanings.

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