The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,684 Particle Fluctuation (Additional update)

Dragon creatures all have good innate premonitions, and Mo Yan is obviously the best among them.

This characteristic of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is directly reflected in a certain type of life form, which can develop well in the star realm no matter which star field or plane it is.

The family behind Mo Yan obviously fits these characteristics very well.

After hearing Mo Yan's muttering, Thain hadn't thought of anything yet, and his eyes were looking at Fumila in front of him.

After all, it is a robot that has awakened to its own wisdom and its consciousness has become more and more complete. Fumila seems to have become more mature.

Her once cold and indifferent eyes now contained richer emotions.

Facing Thain in front of her, Fumila showed a hint of embarrassment and complexity.

Fumila's embarrassment probably comes from the fact that the position where Thain's right hand is touching is not right.

For a robot to be angry over such a thing is enough to show the completeness of its intelligence.

Thain didn't think that much at this time. He stretched out his right hand forward just to recall the Rubik's Cube in Fumila's body.

Thain was the master of the Rubik's Cube. After asking him to give orders to the Rubik's Cube, the crystal blue Rubik's Cube body, which was deeply combined with Fumila, flew out of Fumila's chest without hesitation.

When the blue diamond-shaped crystal flew out, Fumila showed obvious reluctance.

In particular, this sub-body has recently been combined with many parts in Fumila's body, and a large amount of information about her has been collected and recorded.

So much so that Fumila couldn't help but let out a "snort" when the body came out from her chest.

Fumila's feminine tone made Qixiu and Hanxie stare at her with their copper-bell-sized eyes.

Even Mo Yan ignored the abnormal sensation just now and stared at Fumila.

The nature of dragons is voluptuous, and Fumila, who has a perfect angel figure, obviously attracted these three male dragons.

However, when they thought that the other person was actually a robot with no precise gender distinction, the desire in the three guys' bodies decreased a lot, and they just stared at Fumila with pure appreciation of beauty.

Playing with robots and stuff is still too "avant-garde".

Mo Yan and others still felt that it would be better for them to find a normal female dragon.

Mo Yan even promised his two cousins ​​that he would go to the wizarding world and introduce them to several level four female dragons.


It's a pity that there don't seem to be many Belen Empire legions in the battlefield they are in recently, let alone contact with the fourth-level female dragon.

In the Wizards Alliance, there are quite a few exotic gods with the blood of dragon creatures, but I don’t know if these three guys can be single.

According to the growth cycle of dragon creatures, they have indeed reached the time when they can find a mate, and it is also the period when they are most energetic.

Forget about Mo Yan's sister Bixi, judging from her age, Bixi is still underage.

Even though she has been promoted to level four, her body seems to be almost fully developed.

I don’t know if this is considered advanced development.

After pulling out the Rubik's Cube body from Fumila's body, Thane glanced at Fumila who just made a strange groaning sound, and then took the magic cube out of his hand‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Fang's body pushed forward.

The finished Rubik's Cube was larger in size and more effective. Fumila, who accepted it for the first time, was quite overwhelmed.

Of course, the Rubik's Cube itself could no longer appear on Fumila's chest. After being submerged into the body of the eight-winged angel, Thain's Rubik's Cube soon spread out ripples of special laws in Fumila's lower abdomen and back.

The movements of the Rubik's Cube are to speed up the recovery of Fumila's body.

It was Thain who severely injured Fumila before, and it was Thain who helped her recover from her injuries now.

This is a reincarnation.

With the help of the upgraded Rubik's Cube to recover, the eight metal wings behind Fumila soon fully extended.

The Rubik's Cube also determined that these eight wings are an important source of power for Fumila.

When instilling energy into Fumila, most of the crystal blue special law energy flowed to her wings.

Thain spared no effort to help Fumila in order to gain her trust and more control.

Efforts and rewards are directly proportional. For example, when the Rubik's Cube body has submerged into Fumila's body, Thain can control Fumila's body to a limited extent and order her to do something that does not violate the principles.

This kind of command and control method never existed before.

For example, the Level 6 intelligent robot Decepticon had the Rubik's Cube integrated into its body for a period of time, but at that time, Thain had no sense of being able to control the Decepticon.

Fumila's eight wings were fully unfolded and her body was slightly curled up.

Surrounding everyone, the constructor Yuli looked at this "ignorant" robot with some dissatisfaction.


Fumila's muffled groan just now made Mo Yan and other dragon beasts shaken, but when it came to Yuli, it made her unspeakably heartbroken. ,

In the past, the Rubik's Cube was a blessed treasure that belonged exclusively to her.

But now it seems that this new robot is likely to compete with her.

Yuli didn't care about the right to use the Rubik's Cube, she just didn't want the owner to give something that was originally used to her to others.

Yuri had a feeling... Fumila had robbed her of something very important, especially the appearance of this intelligent robot, which was so beautiful and alluring.

The Flame's constructed golem is considered "the same kind" as Fumila.

But at this time, because Yuli couldn't help but raise her mouth, Lieyan naturally shared the same hatred with her master, and also showed a faint rejection of Fumei‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏La.

Wall-E, who had just walked out of the laboratory, looked at Fumila blankly, and then at everyone.

This relatively unresponsive garbage cleaning robot did not notice anything wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. Instead, it felt happy because there was another one of its kind.

It is not alone. The feeling that more and more of its kind appear around makes WALL-E very happy.

It's so easy to satisfy.

Eight-winged Angel Fumila's physical injuries recovered quickly, and Thain then used the data given by Gilbert and Butterfly Shadow to conduct upgrading experiments on super magic bombs.

In the secret realm of subspace.

Under Bond's control, a special wave of particles suddenly emitted from the wreckage of the Black Yin Civilization Dominator-class biological warship that had been explored and controlled by the Gallente Federation's special forces.

This wave of particles was emitted from two antenna-like organs on the head of the wreckage of the giant biological battleship.

The appearance of this Dominator-class biological battleship is a bit like a large black centipede.

Most of the remains of the body were still buried under the remains of the outer ruins in the Ruins of Steel. The countless compound eyes that had become lifeless and lifeless once again oozed endless terror.

Disturbed by this wave of particle fluctuations, nearly half of the energy barriers of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization within the secret space of the subspace suddenly dissipated without a trace.

Other energy barriers that still exist are also showing signs of rapid melting and virtualization.

At the same time, deep in the Gallente Federation fleet group, a terrifying tide of power came.

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