The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,683 Something bad happens

"Huh? What, Bond requires us to launch the doomsday weapon 'Wandering Reaper' against fixed coordinates?" Five-star General Macedon said in surprise on the battlefield frontline outside the subspace.

This is a federal general with a strong build and gray hair and beard.

In addition to holding the title of five-star general, he is also the current supreme commander of the Gallente Federation in this subspace battlefield.

The special agent team, including Bond, had previously sneaked into the subspace and explored information related to the Black Yin Civilization and the Aiyoulandie Civilization. It was also the five-star general who promoted it in the beginning.

"Yes, Bond also asked us to launch another attack at a specific time. He seems to be launching something." An officer said to the Macedonian general in the flagship.

The Macedonian general was silent when he saw this.

Originally, the "Wandering Reaper" and other doomsday weapons such as ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ were given priority to attack the wizard civilization legion in this subspace battlefield.

The main target must be the sixth-level creatures of the wizarding civilization, including Trilis.

Even if you can't defeat those six-level creatures, it will definitely be no problem to severely injure them and eliminate a group of elite wizards' civilization troops around them.

The Wandering Reaper doomsday weapon has been developed for some time.

This thing is a super weapon that was carried by the Gallente Federation's Overlord-class fleet hundreds of thousands of years ago. In other words, it has the power to threaten the Overlord.

But over time, the Gallente Federation has developed many new types of doomsday weapons. Their power, energy consumption, sustainability, concealment, etc. are all better than the "Wandering Reaper".

Therefore, starting almost 100,000 years ago, a batch of doomsday weapons, including the Wandering Reapers, have been unloaded from the Dominator-class ships to replace them with newer models of weapons.

Like the space fortresses in the Wizarding World, the ships of the Gallente Federation are also constantly being upgraded.

With the power of the Wandering Reaper, the Gallente Federation will definitely not let it eat ashes after eliminating it.

After all, it is a weapon that can threaten the Juggernaut. Even if those Juggernaut-class ships cannot use it, it is still a good way to give it to the general sixth-level war fleet group.

The Wandering Reaper's attacks are very frequent and powerful. The only drawback is that its accuracy is not good. It can only ensure the hit rate by increasing the attack range.

This is why it is said above that a super weapon that can threaten dominant-level creatures may not necessarily kill Trilis and others, but will most likely only cause serious damage.


No matter how powerful it is, if you can't hit it, it's all in vain.

The rest of the power would be to seriously injure Trilis at most.

The five-star general Macedonia thought of Bond's outstanding performance in previous agent missions, and also recalled the constant praise of Bond by his old friend Ms. Gemma.

So the old general decided to change his previous war decision and aimed the wandering reaper, which had been loaded with bombs, at the coordinates mentioned by Bond, and planned to cooperate with Bond's strike action.

The five-star general Macedonia's order shocked many federal officers in the flagship.

Changing war orders on the spot is no small matter.

The shift in the Wandering Reaper's doomsday weapons will also directly affect the subsequent combat deployment of many fleets and legions on the front line.

Originally, many of the Federation's secondary fleets had received orders to attack the Wizard Civilized Legion after the doomsday weapons were released.

But now it's obviously going to be temporarily suspended.

In the flagship, a relatively powerful three-star lieutenant general questioned the Macedonian general's order.

His words were quite tactful, and he did not directly deny the Macedonian general's order, but mentioned: "Every reloading process of the Wandering Reaper is very cumbersome. This time the target is temporarily changed, and the next startup will be very long. a period of time."

"And the Wandering Reaper's hit rate has always been its biggest shortcoming."

"If we fire at the front line unexpectedly, we may kill one or two wizard civilization level six creatures."

"But if the first attack target is shot elsewhere, so that the powerful wizard civilization can be prepared, the effect will be greatly reduced when it is launched again." The three-star lieutenant general said.

His statement also attracted the approval of many officers in the flagship.

Rather than not knowing the specific attack coordinates, these federal officers are obviously more inclined to apply the doomsday tone to the battlefield in front of them.

Because the number of kills on the battlefield is clearly displayed in front of them, and the wizard civilization legions they defeated are also their military exploits and promotion.

The Gallente Federation military has an unwritten rule - as long as a Level 6 creature from the Wizarding World is killed, the Federation Lieutenant General who has made the greatest contribution on the battlefield will have priority for promotion to General.

And if you kill a level six creature from the Wizards Alliance, then the lieutenant general will be awarded at least two stars, and the major general will be awarded three stars!

Doesn’t General Macedon want to kill a few more Level 6 wizard civilization creatures?

He is already a five-star general and cannot be promoted in the general hierarchy.

Going up, there is the title of marshal who leads the Dominator fleet group.

The more Level 6 wizard civilization creatures you kill, the more qualified the Macedonian general will be to be promoted to marshal.

But in this more critical decision-making, the Macedonian general is more optimistic about his own vision and his old friend Ms. Gemma's praise of Bond's spare no effort.

The Macedonian general believed that he could not see the wrong person, and he chose to believe Bond.

"Marshal Rommel is about to lead the Dominator-class fleet group to this subspace battlefield. Whether one or two level six creatures are severely damaged will not affect the overall trend of the war."

"I still think that we should believe that Agent Bond must have discovered something in the deepest part of this secret realm of subspace, so he applied to us for a long-range strike with a doomsday weapon."

"I know that many of you don't get along with this young man from the special department. But during this kind of civilized war, you still have to put the overall situation first!" The Macedonian general said earnestly to the officers around him.

This time no one opposed the Macedonian general.

Everyone performed their duties, and the doomsday weapon Wandering Reaper also changed direction and aimed its attack coordinates at the center of the subspace, where the Ruins of Steel is located.

The doomsday weapon "Wandering Reaper" looks like an enlarged version of a rocket launcher.

A giant attack ship serves as the release carrier for this doomsday weapon.

A large number of energy pipelines are distributed on the top of this attack ship. Doomsday weapons slowly protrude from the top of the ship. Hundreds of lengthened special sharp cannonballs exude a faint glow against the dark metal barrel. Cold light.

This is a doomsday weapon that can threaten domination-level creatures after hitting it!

Bond, who was far away in the Tongtian Building in the Ruins of Steel in the subspace, immediately said to his subordinates after receiving feedback from the federal military: "Let's leave here temporarily! Quick!"

Bond's sudden departure left Thain and others on the top floor of the Babel Building a little confused.

However, Thane's current focus is not on Bond, but on the eight-winged angel Fumila who has flown in front of him.

At this time, Thane pressed his fingers on Fumila's chest.

The Rubik's Cube on Fumila's chest transmits a lot of information about Fumila to Thane.

Thain also took out the finished Rubik's Cube, intending to help Fumila repair her injuries quickly.

When holding the Rubik's Cube in his hand, Mo Yan, who was beside Thain, suddenly shuddered.

"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?" Mo Yan said.

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