The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,682 Wandering Reaper

In the scene, Bond and other federal agents blasted the obstacles in front of them and then quickly filed into them.

The progress of these federal agents is still very fast.

Thain was a little worried that they would eventually follow the traces and reach the top of the towering building.

"How about we go down, cooperate with the defense mechanism in the building, and kill all those federal agents?"

"There is also the eight-winged angel that keeps approaching here. She can also help." Mo Yan stepped forward and suggested enthusiastically.

The three Mo Yan brothers are the least interested in this top civilized center building now.

In comparison, they prefer to explore the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

Master Gilbert and others are still devoting themselves wholeheartedly to collecting all kinds of information on the top floor of the building.

Now, the only three brothers who can go down and target the group of federal agents are Thain, Yuri, and Mo Yan.

And Thain himself doesn't really want to go on. As a magician, he, like Master Gilbert and others, is full of curiosity about the scientific and technological achievements of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Bond and other federal agents are not weak either.

The most likely result of continuing to fight is that neither side can do anything to the other, and time is slowly dragged by.

Thain shook his head and said: "The feedback from the Rubik's Cube shows that the eight-winged angel Fumila will not help us target Bond and others."

"It's not that Fumila won't take action against the Gallente Federation, but that she simply won't take action against Bond."

"While having feelings and self-judgment, you can also be trapped by past feelings."

"Bond and Fumila seem to have fought side by side for a long time. Fumila still has those memories, so she is unwilling to do anything to people she knows." Thain regretted.

Mo Yan heard this and muttered: "Okay then."

Only then did Butterfly Shadow say: "Don't worry, that guy with the inheritance of the Black Yin civilization will never arrive here."

"Based on the current situation of Hongguang Technology Center, it is true that dominant-level creatures cannot be stopped, but a few fourth- and fifth-level creatures can still stop them."

What Butterfly Shadow said was not a boast, but a fact, and its tone was also very plain.

Mo Yan and Sean looked at each other,

Then his eyes looked elsewhere, focusing on those technological products with great wealth value.

The middle area of ​​Tongtian Building.

Bond, who maintained a cautious advance, did not know that every move he and others made was actually captured by Thain and others on the top floor of the building.

Even before using the C4960 annihilation bomb just now, Bond felt that he and others were hiding well.

It has been some time since Thane and his team entered the top floor of the building.

This makes Bond feel more and more uncomfortable.

This was also the reason why the C4960 annihilation bomb was used at all costs.

For Bond and the Gallente Federation, the recent news is not all bad.

I won’t go into details about the battle reports on the other star field battlefields.

Just take the current situation in this subspace battlefield as an example. Not long ago, the small team of agents sent by Bond made another discovery while exploring the wreckage of the Black Yin Civilization's Dominator-class biological warship.

In addition to several precious genetic fluids, some Black Yin civilization cultivation techniques, and some treasures, the special agent team also successfully activated some functions of the biological battleship.

For example, one of the newly discovered functions is that the biological warship has the ability to interfere with the many energy barriers deployed by the Ai Youlan Die civilization in the secret territory.

This biological battleship of the Black Yin Civilization was originally used to target the subspace of the Aiyou Landie Civilization. It is not surprising that it has this special function.

It only has the function of interfering with energy barriers, which seems to be of little use to Bond and others at this stage.

But if it is related to a set of doomsday weapons that the Federation Legion successfully transported to the secret subspace not long ago-"Wandering Reaper".

Covered by the super firepower of the Wandering Reaper, it can directly engulf the Babel Building in front of Bond and others.

What you can’t get, others can’t even imagine!

This is a very simple truth.

Bond also felt that compared to attacking level six creatures of wizard civilization that might not be effective, it would be better to direct the first wave of firepower from this set of doomsday weapons to targets such as the Babel Building that are difficult to move.

In terms of results, if the Gallente Federation, which has obtained the master-level biological treasures and secrets of the Black Yin Civilization, can ensure that the wizard civilization remains in this subspace ruins,

Nothing is gained, and in the end the Gallente Federation will definitely gain more.

When Bond and the other special agent team were about to go deeper, an unusually obvious energy fluctuation suddenly came from behind them and soon appeared in front of them.

It’s the eight-winged angel Fumila!

Fumila has changed even more than it did not long ago.

In addition to a bright blue crystal on her chest, Bond also noticed that the other party's two metal wings, which had been damaged, had recovered a lot.

Of course, the biggest change has to be Fumila's eyes.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is true.

Fumila's eyes used to be cold and indifferent, but now her eyes seemed to be much brighter.

And when she saw Bond, there was something else in Fumila's eyes.

As expected, she did not take action against Bond and the others, but passed directly over them, disappearing in a flash, and soon disappeared deep into the Tongtian Building.

This angel-shaped robot, which entered this place for the first time, seems to be more familiar with it than Bond and others who have been exploring this place for some time.

There was no sloppiness in her flying movements, and Bond also prevented the men around him from attacking her.

The reason why Bond did not take action against Fumila was not because he still had any mercy on Fumila, but because he knew that in a very short period of time, there was no way to hurt this combat robot that had escaped federal control.

It can even be said that Fumila is stronger than everyone else here!

Bond is unwilling to waste his strength on meaningless targets.

As he advanced further, Bond was blocked by the defense mechanism of the Aiyoulandie civilization, and his heart sank.

When the eight-winged angel Fumila passed by just now, she was definitely not blocked by these defense mechanisms!

This shows what?

The situation is a little worse than Bond expected.

After ordering his men to stop exploring the Babel Building, Bond said: "Get me through the five-star general General Macedonia!"

Thain and others were unable to get in touch with Cuillis and others behind them, but Bond in front of them actually had the means of communication with the Federal Army.

This is because Bond and others used some of the methods of the Black Yin Civilization.

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