The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1681: Generous

The Rubik's Cube's firewall decipherment of the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila is progressing very quickly.

After completely helping Fumila and releasing control of the Gallente Federation, Thain's first order to Fumila was for her to immediately come to the top of the Tongtian Building.

It can't be considered an "order". The relationship between Thane and Fumila is not that of master and servant, not even superior or subordinate.

The upgraded Rubik's Cube can have certain restrictions and commands on low-level ordinary intelligent robots.

But for advanced robots like Fumila, the effect is very small.

It can only be said that with the Rubik's Cube as a medium, Thain can establish friendly contact with Fumila in a short period of time.

The purpose of recruiting Fumila was to help her recover from her injuries as soon as possible, and also to strengthen the relationship with Fumila.

Thain was also curious about whether this angel-shaped robot, which had awakened its own wisdom and gained freedom with his own help, had any appeals.

If he could reach an agreement with Fumila, he would truly have mastered a powerful force.

While Thain was operating the Rubik's Cube, Butterfly Shadow was also looking at him with interest.

Wall-E is no longer moved by the scene now. For the special throbbing of the Rubik's Cube, Wall-E feels deeper than the butterfly shadow.

And it is also extremely sensitive to changes in the Rubik's Cube.

Upon seeing this, Thane said: "This Rubik's Cube was not actually made by me, but I got it from the Gallente Federation."

"And the Rubik's Cube did not have so many abilities at first. Its original function was only to help robots awaken their wisdom and to repair limited injuries."

Even the powerful people in the wizarding world, including Geli, didn't know that Thane's Rubik's Cube actually came from the Gallente Federation.

After hearing Thain's introduction, everyone looked surprised.

Butterfly Shadow said about this: "In addition to containing extremely complex technological secrets, this diamond-shaped cube seems to also contain some special power of law."

"This power is very magical. It occupies at least half of the energy of the Rubik's Cube in your hand."

Butterfly Shadow's words reminded Thain of his own Rubik's Cube, which had been taken away by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization for a period of time.

The first transformation of the Rubik's Cube happened at that time. Even Thain didn't know what the Rubik's Cube had gone through.

Thain didn't want to waste his energy on some things that he couldn't figure out for the time being.

He then mentioned: "The inert crystal you mentioned before is the product of the infinite energy device of the Aiyoulandie civilization, and the energy body produced after a long period of precipitation.

things. "

"So, do your Ai Youlan Die civilization and you yourself have any research records in this related area?"

"If anything, I think we could trade it."

"We in the Wizarding World adhere to the principle of equal value transactions. No matter what you want, we will try our best to satisfy you." Thain said.

Thain's statement made Butterfly Shadow smile and shake his head.

Having no desires or desires refers to the state of the butterfly shadow at this time.

It no longer even fears death, so what other desires does it need to satisfy?

It then took Thain and others directly to another research room on the top floor of the building.

In this laboratory, Butterfly Phantom retrieved some of the research results of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization on inert crystals, as well as its records of the evolution and formation of such crystals over the past millions of years.

Aiyoulandie‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Civilization’s research on inert crystals is actually not much, and many of them have been lost and damaged over a long period of time.

However, the millions of years of formation and evolution of inert crystals recorded by Butterfly Shadow are very precious.

When old man Gilbert saw this information, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

He has studied mineralogy all his life, but the mineral evolution experience involving hundreds or tens of millions of years can only be observed and inferred later.

How can I record it like the phantom of a butterfly in front of my eyes?

Not to mention anything else, just the recorded information in front of me will be handed over to the City in the Sky after returning to the wizarding civilization. The final reward of the light of the arcana is also an astronomical figure.

Master Gilbert may even be directly awarded the title of fifth-level arcanist through this.

Without the need for Thain's instructions, Gilbert and others stepped forward voluntarily and began to classify and process information.

After sighing, Thain asked Butterfly Shadow again: "Is there really nothing you need us to do?"

"It would be against the principles of our wizarding world to obtain this precious information for no reason," Thain said.

This time, Butterfly Shadow lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said: "In that case, if you are willing, take more care of the intelligent robot family you mentioned in the future."

"Research on intelligent robots is a topic that my creator, Dr. Charles Isaac, started in his later years. WALL-E and I are both the research results of PhDs."

"And judging from the results, the doctor should be considered a success."

"I will not leave here. The intelligent robot family can also be regarded as my kin. Although I mentioned to you

Those Cybertron robots don't feel anything, but they don't want life forms similar to themselves to eventually die. Butterfly Shadow said.

"The intelligent robot family will certainly not die out. In my opinion, this is a new and highly dynamic life group." Thain raised his voice and said.

Butterfly Shadow No. 2 smiled after hearing this and said nothing more.

The process of storing and recording that information by Master Gilbert and others is relatively slow. In addition to the information related to inert crystals, Thain and others also want to copy other technological information from the top floor of the Tongtian Building, which requires a greater amount of work. .

This butterfly phantom looked easy to talk to, just when Thain was thinking about whether he could mention to the other party to observe the copy of the infinite energy device and take a look at other fragments of the secret treasure in this top-floor building.

A violent rumbling sound came from directly below them.

It's the secret service team led by Bond!

Butterfly Shadow 2 then launched a light screen, and what appeared on the light screen was Bond and other federal agents.

After being targeted by the artificial intelligence of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization, the agent team led by Bond indeed suffered heavy casualties.

However, what technologically civilized creatures can rely on most is equipment.

The violent explosion just now, in terms of power level, can barely threaten level six creatures, and is only slightly weaker than Thane's super elemental bomb.

I don’t know where Bond got it. Does he have a lot of similar equipment on hand?

In normal combat encounters, Thane is not too afraid of the energy blow caused by this external force, because this kind of weapon is difficult to hit.

This is probably why Bond did not use such weapons in previous battles with Thane.

This kind of disposable weapon is only effective against fixed-point attack targets.

The reason why Thain was able to severely damage the eight-winged angel Fumila with the super magic bomb was because Fumila was not a real life form at that time.

Many of her movements are relatively stiff, and the priority of the instructions from the control center is greater than the level of dangerous damage she may suffer. (ps: This is also one of the reasons why the Gallente Federation robot army is not afraid of death and brings great depression and fear to many weak and small alliance plane creatures.)

That's why Thane's magical bombs can do amazing things.

Just like the main cannon of the space fortress in the Wizarding World, it is upgraded from generation to generation, becoming more and more powerful, and its energy consumption is also constantly decreasing.

But no matter how awesome you are, you still have to hit it!

Which level 4 creature would stand there stupidly and let you blast it with a cannon barrel in the head?

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