The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,680 Fumila surrenders (additional update)

When Thain was paying attention to his upgraded crystal clear Rubik's Cube, he couldn't help but notice that there was a corner missing in the middle of the Rubik's Cube.

The missing piece was the small piece of Rubik's Cube that Thain controlled to fly towards the eight-winged angel Fumila in the previous battle.

I wonder if the last layer of firewall that Fumila could not break through now has an effect now that the Rubik's Cube has completed its transformation and upgrade again.

Thinking of this, Thain urged the Rubik's Cube in his hand, trying to get in touch with the Rubik's Cube component.

The outer area of ​​the Ruins of Steel.

The eight-winged angel Fumila folded her arms and squatted high on a ruined spire.

Fumila only has six metal wings at this time, which may also mean that her current state is not up to the level six combat power at her peak.

In addition to using energy blocks as energy sources, the robots of the Gallente Federation also have a certain solar energy synthesis and utilization mechanism.

Especially these angel-type robots, their metal wings have a good energy-gathering effect.

Therefore, although Fumila has led more than 10,000 angel robots in the surrounding areas and escaped from the control of the Gallente Federation, they do not need to worry about their own energy for the time being.

As robots that have just gained intelligence, these angelic robots seem to be extremely reserved and taciturn.

The eight-winged angel Fumila remained in this state, motionless, for a long time.

The other intelligent robots around are only moving within a small range.

They will record everything in front of them relatively freshly. Only after they gain wisdom and awaken their self-awareness, will they begin to care about the plants and trees around them, as if they are curious about everything.

Just like a newborn.

Suddenly, a throbbing from the bottom of her heart caused the metal wings on Fumila's back to tremble slightly.

Of course Fumila knew the source of the throbbing, which was the Rubik's Cube that had been submerged in her body.

The sub-body of the Rubik's Cube seemed to have no form, and since entering her body, it has been wandering around inside her body.

At first it was on her back and spine, and now it's on her chest, and it even went to her wings along the way.

The operation trajectory of the Rubik's Cube body seems to be recording and analyzing Fumila's body structure.

With Fumila's strength, she can naturally force this Rubik's Cube body out of her body.

But she could feel that this Rubik's Cube had no ill intentions toward her.

Just like the Lieyan's strength will be significantly improved after receiving the blessing of the Rubik's Cube.

The power of this Rubik's Cube

The quantity is limited, and the improvement effect on the powerful Fumila is not obvious.

It just makes her feel comfortable.

Moreover, this Rubik's Cube body has the function of slowly analyzing the third layer of Fumila's firewall and repairing her injuries to a small extent.

Fumila did not resist the appearance of this little thing in her body.

However, at that moment, a sudden throbbing in her chest made Fumila's body tremble.

The body surface temperature could not help but quickly rise a few points.

Twisting her body slightly, Fumila suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling arising from the apex of her heart.

Is this the consequence of having wisdom and awakening to self-awareness?

In the past, Fumila could not feel any pain at all, including physical abnormalities, which would not have much impact on her execution of orders.

But now that it has gradually acquired some basic characteristics as a "life", Fumila also has to face the troubles that only living things have.

Sure enough, the astral realm is balanced.

When you gain something, you lose something else.

The faint throbbing coming from her body made Fumila's beautiful eyes slightly wrinkled, and then she stared at her chest.

I have to say that the aesthetics of humans in the Wizarding World and humans in the Gallente Federation are quite close.

Both sides are humanoid creatures. Apart from the fact that humans in the wizarding world are a little taller, there is not much difference between the two sides in terms of appearance.

Fumila's appearance is also very consistent with the aesthetics of humans in the wizarding world.

The federal scientist who created her may have wanted to refer to the body shape of the Angel of the Light Protoss on a 1:1 basis, so the high-level robots such as Fumila produced were also very large, which directly reflected the turbulence and beauty of her chest. Good body line.

As Fumila watched, a blue rhombus crystal gradually appeared on her white chest.

This Rubik's Cube body had obviously changed a little compared to when it first entered her body some time ago.

Regarding the crystal that appeared on her chest, apart from the initial throbbing that made Fumila a little flustered, she quickly adapted to it.

He even tapped the crystal surface lightly with his fingers.

Suddenly, a blue beam of light shot out from Fumila's body.

On the other side of the top floor of Tongtian Building, in Thain's sight, he saw that the cracking value of Fumila's third firewall changed rapidly.

It took such a long time for the original Rubik's Cube to be cracked by about 6%.

But at this time, there is an upgraded Rubik's Cube as a

Arm assistance: 20%...40%...60%...

In just the blink of an eye, it will rise towards 80%.

The Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand also emitted a crystal blue light at this time.

While cracking Fumila's third firewall, the Rubik's Cube is also consuming its own internal law energy.

In Thain's opinion, the expense is worth it.

Because this is very likely to bring him a peak level five fighter, or even a fighter with a combat power comparable to level six.

The scars in Fumila's body don't matter. After summoning her, the Rubik's Cube body can be embedded directly into her body to speed up the recovery of her injuries.

It was also the rapid breaking of the restrictions in Fumila's body that made Thane wonder whether he could directly use the Rubik's Cube in his hand to instigate a large-scale rebellion against the local robot army on the battlefield in the future.

Facts have proven that the upgraded Rubik's Cube has great control over those intelligent robots.

Those robots transformed by the Rubik's Cube will not only awaken their own wisdom, but also become dependent on the Rubik's Cube and its owner, Thain.

Thane has always lacked a cannon fodder army. He originally thought about cultivating an army of worms, and then supplemented it with alliance armies such as the Kryptonian army and the Huyan army.

But now that I think about it, how can these legions directly plunder the enemy's hands? They can do it quickly and at low cost.

Only when instigating a rebellion against level four or above advanced robots such as Fumila, will the law energy stored inside the Rubik's Cube be consumed.

If it is just an ordinary robot cannon fodder, the energy consumed by the Rubik's Cube is only ordinary energy.

Just some time ago, among the origins of laws learned by the Rubik's Cube, there were some laws related to energy storage and energy gathering.

After expanding and improving it, the energy recovery efficiency of the Rubik's Cube will also be greatly increased in the future.

When the top leaders of the wizarding civilization first obtained the Rubik's Cube, they wanted to use it to influence the Gallente Federation's trillions of cannon fodder robot legions.

But obviously, with the ability of the Rubik's Cube at that time, it was impossible to do it.

But at this time, with the continuous upgrading of the Rubik's Cube, this beautiful prospect seems to be gradually opening up in front of Thain.

Is it possible that Thane can do things that the dominant creatures of the wizard civilization cannot do?

Of course, the premise is that Thain can allow the Rubik's Cube to swallow up enough power of the original law of technology.

When the firewall cracking rate in Fumila's body reached 67%, in a hidden experimental base far away in the star field behind the Gallente Federation, the roar of Sipnas, the top scientist of the Federation, echoed inside and outside the laboratory.

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