The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,679 Upgrade Function

The conversation with Butterfly Shadow made Thain feel a lot.

The same goes for Gilbert, Gerry, and others.

In this dialogue, Thain and others did not directly obtain any ready-made technological secrets, but the improvement in their vision and cognition was huge.

Especially when it comes to the rise and fall of one side's top civilization, it can't help but arouse people's emotions.

There was even a trace of doubt in Thain's heart. Will the wizarding civilization prosper forever?

Will it be possible that tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years later, the wizarding civilization will be reduced to a pile of dusty ruins like today's Aiyoulandie civilization, which will cause endless emotion to future generations.

Also, what is the secret of dimension ascension, and what is the new world mentioned by Butterfly Phantom?

"In relation to the whole civilization, the individual is insignificant."

"As for the entire star realm and the long river of time, a single civilization is actually small, and top civilizations are no exception."

"All we can do is try our best and do what we think is right," Thain said.

Gilbert nodded to this. He was the oldest and more recognized by Thain's remarks.

While exploring the upper floors of the Tongtian Building, Butterfly Phantom did not refuse when faced with Thain's proposal to collect some scientific and technological information on the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization.

The wizarding civilization's acquisition of these scientific and technological achievements has no impact on Butterfly Shadow and the Ai Youlan Butterfly civilization that once produced it.

Thain originally thought about bribing this artificial intelligence with emotions or other benefits.

But the result turned out to be that the other party had no desire or request, and did not refuse Thain's seemingly "rude" request.

"Actually, the efficiency of our wizard civilization in absorbing the scientific and technological secrets of Aiyoulandie civilization is very limited."

"Even if there is a system of mechanics among magicians, the ability to absorb technological power is far lower than that of the Gallente Federation, which is also a technological civilization."

"Because even mechanics mainly use the power of magical elements rather than technological kinetic energy." Thain sighed.

"The ideal situation would be for us to obtain the core achievements of the Black Yin Civilization, and the Gallente Federation to obtain the technology of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization."

"But that's obviously not possible."

"It is impossible for us to exchange technology with the Gallente Federation, nor can we sit back and watch the Gallente Federation obtain such technology."

"After all, it was the Aiyoulandie civilization that won the war in the extradimensional space." Thain said.

There is nothing perfect in the star world, and this situation is also very good now.

As for the core weapon of the Aiyou Landie civilization to defeat the Black Yin civilization - the space-time shock bomb, Thain and his team were on the top floor of the Tongtian Building and could not find even a single bit of the relevant technological mysteries.

I only found some superficial introductions.

There are really no records that are more in-depth, especially those related to data and values.

Also, how could the Ai Youlan Die civilization leave these things behind.

There wasn't much introduction about the infinite energy device. What Thain was thinking about was - there was a set of replicas underground in the Tongtian Building.

I wonder what kind of changes will happen if the Rubik's Cube swallows it and absorbs it?

"I remember this place." The robot WALL-E said, pointing to a relatively empty white laboratory.

In the laboratory, there are no technological products or experimental equipment at this time.

This‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is a multi-person laboratory.

The scientific community of scientific and technological civilization is often a group of people tinkering with an experiment.

Even Charles Isaac, who was hailed as a "strong man" by Thain, was no exception. The total number of scientific research teams under his command even reached 100,000 at most.

The magicians in the wizarding world have to appear more "independent" during the experiment.

Even if they are a husband and wife, or a father and son, they may not negotiate too deeply on certain experimental topics.

Everyone does their own research.

Even within the same sect, the core mysteries ultimately chosen by magicians of level 4 and above are not the same.

"Yes, this is Dr. Charles's private laboratory."

"On the eve of leaving the star realm, that is, in Dr. Charles's later years, he began to study and dabble in the field of robotics."

"You are one of his creations. In order of production, you are the 'Exploratory 3D Machine No. 5'." Butterfly Phantom said.

Wall-E was still bowing his head in silence, and Thain asked: "Old age? Does that mean Dr. Charles Isaac's life is coming to an end?"

"Of course, there is no immortal existence in this star realm."

"Even the dominant creatures you call have their theoretical lifespans, but their lifespans are often too long, almost infinite, so they are mistaken for immortal species."

"In fact, any intelligent creature will die, but sooner or later." Butterfly Shadow said.

This artificial intelligence is actually more open-minded about death than ordinary creatures.

Thain couldn't help but think of his mother, his first mentor Moses, members of the Grant family, and those who were still in deep depression.

Natalya is in a sleep state, and her cousin Selina and the others have a very slim and arduous road to advancement in the future.

Thain is not so open-minded about certain things.

He is a magician with many bonds, and he cannot be completely free from desires and desires.

The robot WALL-E remained silent, probably because he remembered that his owner had said that he would come to pick him up.

But in fact, its owner can no longer come back, and whether he is still alive or not is a question.

When something they regard as a belief suddenly collapses, all living creatures will be as lonely and helpless as Wall-E.

Thain, who holds the Rubik's Cube in his hand, seems to be more able to understand WALL-E's hesitation and confusion at this time.

A bright blue light came from the inside of Thane's magic robe.

When Thain took out this crystal-clear cube, a smile appeared on his face, "Has the upgrade been completed?"

At this time, the appearance of the Rubik's Cube has not changed much compared to before, but the color is much more crystal clear. In fact, the internal functions have undergone earth-shaking changes. .

The absorption of the origins of various technological laws makes the functions of the Rubik's Cube more comprehensive.

In the subsequent communication with the Rubik's Cube, Thain learned that he could artificially control the Rubik's Cube to consume its internal energy and use it to specialize in one of the functions.

Taking the defensive function as an example, if Thane orders the Rubik's Cube to consume and replenish all its internal energy to the energy barrier it has devoured before, then the intensity of the barrier inspired by the Rubik's Cube in the future is enough to rival any defensive world-class secret treasure.

But Thain was a little reluctant to do this, because according to the results of his communication with the Rubik's Cube, the law energy stored in the Rubik's Cube at this time could only fully increase one or two of the many law functions it swallowed.

The world-class secret treasure fragments that the Rubik's Cube had swallowed before had the origin of laws. Thain hadn't had time to sort them out, so he just let him swallow them whole.

As for the specific direction in which the Rubik's Cube will grow in the future, it is best to wait until Thain turns around and calms down to study it in detail.

Besides, none of the secret treasure fragments devoured earlier can compare with the function of the infinite energy device underground in the Tongtian Building.

But the Rubik's Cube itself is just a world-class secret treasure. It has the appetite to swallow the fragments of the secret treasure. I wonder if it has the appetite to swallow other world-class secret treasures?

At this time, the Rubik's Cube, which had been upgraded again, was almost approaching the Phaseless Mask in terms of grade.

This trip to the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization was really fruitful for Thain.

His Rubik's Cube has been upgraded twice, and I wonder if it can be upgraded again.

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