The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,678 New Era

The equipment in this Tongtian Building is getting worse with use.

Thain didn't have any regrets about this. He even felt that it would be better if Butterfly Phantom had no effective power in its hands.

Because in this case, the safety of Thain and others will be more guaranteed.

After dealing with the targeted settings for Bond and others, the butterfly shadow took them all the way up.

After entering here, you no longer need to struggle to find the passage upstairs as before.

The upper floors of this Tongtian Building are in the best preservation condition. Whichever floor Thain and others want to go to, Butterfly Shadow can take them directly there.

While traveling through the upper space of the Tongtian Building, Thain noticed that the continuous stretch of inert crystal bare ore was also extending upwards.

Compared to ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‎ The origin of those inert crystal veins.

"Do you call it the 'inert spar' vein?"

"The description of this type of crystal in my database is 'BF' type ore."

"The reason for the emergence of these 'BF' type ores is beyond the expectations of Dr. Charles Exar and others."

"Because of the 'BF' type of ore, the Aiyoulandie civilization at that time also had a very small number of special rare crystals and it was relatively difficult to develop them."

"The reason why this kind of crystal appears on a large scale in various bases and laboratories of our Aiyoulandie civilization is because the predecessors of these inert crystals were actually produced by our Aiyoulandie civilization's infinite energy device. The energy crystals produced have undergone tens of millions of years of precipitation and geological extrusion before they look like this." Butterfly Shadow replied.

How many inert crystal veins the wizard civilization creatures such as Thain have discovered now means how many reserve crystals the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization creatures have accumulated in those days.

And these energy crystals left in the star realm must be in the minority.

When the Aiyou Landie civilization left the star realm, they must have taken most of their resources and weapons with them.

"You used the crystal stone made by the 'infinite energy' device?" Thain asked in surprise.

"Yes, when these energy crystals were first made, they were universal active energy."

"Dr. Charles Isaac and others can also use special processing methods to convert

These energy sources range from small ones to ordinary ships to large ones to Domination-class fleet groups. "

"Nearly one-third of the total energy consumption of our Aiyoulandie civilization back then came from the direct power supply of the 'infinite energy' device." Butterfly Phantom replied.

The Gallente Federation has the technology to create attributeless energy blocks, and the wizard civilization has the means to use magic arrays to produce energy crystals.

However, these technologies and methods cannot be compared with the "infinite energy" device of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Just one device provides one-third of the energy for the entire civilization?

This is too exaggerated!

Up to now, the main source of energy for wizard civilization is through plundering and plundering alliance plane resources.

The Gallente Federation's use of energy is more thorough than that of the Wizard World, but the emergence of the Federation's powerful fleet also requires special energy sources such as star cores or godheads. .

"There is such a large area of ​​pure 'BF' mineral veins in the Hongguang Science and Technology Center today. It is actually because there is a copy of the 'Infinite Energy' device underground in the science and technology center, which is constantly producing energy."

"In the past tens of millions of years, this device has maintained the basic operation of the science and technology center." Butterfly Phantom introduced.

The infinite energy device is definitely a technological treasure-level technological creation of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

In fact, when Dr. Charles Exar gathered the power of the entire civilization and his own knowledge, and led his scientific research team, he only produced a set of finished products.

This completed set was finally taken away from the star realm by Dr. Charles and others.

Due to technical and material limitations, although Dr. Charles Exar and others were unable to produce a second set of unlimited energy devices, they did produce five or six simple replicas of the unlimited energy devices.

The level of these replicas is not even one-tenth of the original version, but they are definitely good energy supply devices.

Except for the current Hongguang Science and Technology Center and another core experimental base of the Aiyou Landie civilization, which each have replicas of infinite energy devices, the remaining sets are all placed on Dominator-class ships and giant fortresses.

Thain learned about it through conversations and recently inspected the ruins of the Ai Youlandie civilization, and he also saw it.

In the field of war, the Aylandie civilization is not like the Gallente Federation.


It's a mecha, it's a robot, it's also a lot of unnamed super weapons.

The core combat strength of Ai Youlan Die civilization is only the fleet group.

They will rely on the fleet group as the core to develop a variety of new weapons.

Such an opponent seems to be easier to deal with in a diverse civilized war situation.

But when I think about the fact that the Ai Youlan Die civilization has technological products such as "infinite energy" and "space-time shock bombs", I believe that any opponent facing them will feel troubled.

What Thain is paying more attention to right now is that Butterfly Shadow mentioned that there is a copy of an infinite energy device deep underground in the Tongtian Building!

Although it is not as exaggerated as the original version, if you can get it, it will be of great benefit to Thane personally and the entire wizarding civilization.

Maybe the wizarding civilization can also develop a "perpetual motion machine"? !

Thain couldn't help but think that the clone was the world-class secret treasure discovered by the Rubik's Cube.

In addition to the butterfly shadow and infinite energy copy in front of me, what is the third world-class secret treasure in this Tongtian Building?

"It should be the energy stimulator of Hongguang Technology Center."

"It is it that controls and inspires all energy barriers in the subspace to maintain the status quo."

"Back then, the remnants of the Black Yin Civilization tried to fight us to the death. How could we let them succeed?"

"In addition to wiping out most of the remnants of the Black Yin Civilization, our remaining troops also erected countless energy barriers to prevent the Black Yin Civilization and other surrounding worlds from peeking." Butterfly Phantom explained without any concern. road.

"Is this done by your remaining troops? What about your main fleet? And your billions of tribesmen?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

The butterfly shadow glanced at Thain, and then he looked into the boundless sky outside the Winter Building.

Through the gray sky, through countless battles, and the long river of time, Butterfly Shadow seemed to see a giant blue light door opening under the boundless starry sky.

Countless Aiyoulandie civilization technology battleships and interstellar fortresses rose into the sky and poured into the unfamiliar passage.

Dr. Charles Isaac once said that it represented the beginning of a new world and a new era.

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