The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1673 White Channel

The purity of this top-quality inert crystal is slightly higher than the one that Thain obtained last time.

It will directly reflect that the power of the super magic bomb that Thain finally made needs to be improved a little.

And Gilbert introduced: "In the deepest part of that large inert spar bare ore, there is also inert essence with a higher level of specifications and quality."

"That level of inert crystal has exceeded the limit of what I have ever discovered in my life."

"Don't say it can't be mined now. Even if it is mined, I don't think I can research anything in a short time."

"I can't let you make it directly into a magic bomb, because I'm worried that you'll blow us up together with yourself before you can make it."

"The top-quality crystal in front of me is not bad. Although the quality is a little better than the last one, the level is still not higher than the highest level I have ever come into contact with." Gilbert said to Thane.

Gilbert's words made Thain secretly shocked, but also somewhat happy.

With this top-quality crystal, Thain and others will have a certain guarantee against level six creatures.

If he hadn't seen that Qixiu's claws were half gone, Thain would have wanted it to find a way to dig out another top-quality crystal for him.

In order to transform this top-quality crystal into a magic bomb, Thain and his team stayed here for a while.

With Gilbert, a ready-made inert crystal research expert, by his side, although the shape of this top-quality crystal was slightly different from the last gray crystal, Thain's final overall research process was relatively smooth.

The theoretical power of the super magic bomb finally obtained was 5% higher than the one that severely damaged the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila last time.

Although it is only a 5% improvement, it should not be underestimated.

Truth always improves slowly, bit by bit, and is rarely achieved overnight.

After obtaining this super magic bomb, Thain and his team continued to move upward.

During this period, Thain and others discovered more than ten secret treasure fragments one after another.

Sometimes, after seeing the baby too much, it gradually becomes numb.

Thain's Rubik's Cube was still in a dormant state, so these artifact fragments were temporarily collected by Thain and others.

The fragments of the secret treasure of Aiyou Landie's civilization and the rules involved are all technological products.

In addition to Thain being able to swallow the Rubik's Cube directly, the benefits that Geri, Lot and others can gain from these secret treasure fragments are really limited.

When we first got these secret treasure fragments, everyone was very excited.

Especially when the first and second pieces of the secret treasure were obtained, the excitement and tension were unforgettable for thousands of years to come.

But now, after Lot and others discovered the fragments of the secret treasure, they handed them over to Thain for safekeeping.

Jiaolong Moyan is not as greedy for money as he was at the beginning. In his words, he has earned enough.

Taking too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing.

Mo Yan rarely interferes with the secret treasure fragments.

But for other types of harvests and the "tatters" of technological civilization, this guy still took his two brothers to pick them up with gusto.

In addition, after entering the Tongtian Building, Thain discovered three world-class secret treasure fluctuation nodes with the help of the Rubik's Cube, which Mo Yan still can't forget.

Although we have picked up enough fragments, we can never have too many complete world-class secret treasures!

Thain still remembers that in the previous battle, this slutty guy took out the Black Yin Civilization Bone Staff that he had not yet fully mastered and used it.

To Mo Yan, that thing was not much different from a fire stick.

Mo Yan's own world-class secret treasure is a water tower.

In recent battles, Mo Yan has not been used much. The environment in this subspace is too dry, and the overall rules atmosphere is very unfavorable to Mo Yan.

If he were on a water attribute plane, or among Bai Xing's sea tribe army, Mo Yan should be able to be like a fish in water and perform more freely on the battlefield.

He himself is a water dragon.

"The transformation and upgrade of my Rubik's Cube is about to end. I can clearly feel that it is about to wake up again."

"Except for the fluctuation source of the three world-class secret treasures in the building that the Rubik's Cube hinted at, except for the one located underground in the building, which is difficult for us to obtain, the closest one is on the floor above us." Thain pointed to the top of his head and said.

Thain and others were probably at about the 1,400th floor of the Tongtian Building at this time.

This height has actually not reached the highest point of those inert crystal bare ores.

Going up the Tongtian Building, those inert crystal mineral veins continue to extend upward.

It's just that the strength of the partitions above is far greater than those corroded by Thain and others.

After searching on this floor for a long time, Thain and others finally stood in front of a special passage.

This is a road different from the one that Thain and others took before. The passage is white in color and has obvious

The light of energy seeps out.

When arriving at this special passage, Thain asked Geli and others beside him to be careful.

Because the feeling that this special passage brought to Thain was vaguely similar to the several defense devices of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization they had encountered before.

At the end of the passage is a silver-white metal valve.

When he saw this passage, the robot WALL-E, who had been low-key and dull recently, suddenly trembled, as if he remembered something.

The crawler legs could not help but move forward.

Wall-E's strange behavior attracted the attention of Thain and others.

Geli was about to step forward to intercept, but Thain stretched out his right arm to stop her.

Wall-E itself is a thing in this top-level civilization ruins, and it also contains some secrets. It took the initiative to step forward to prevent Thane and others from breaking into the safety‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏ ‏There are so many more.

As expected, nothing unusual appeared in the long and narrow white passage that gave Thain a vaguely dangerous and quiet and depressing atmosphere after WALL-E drove into it.

WALL-E didn't even take a specific route, it just drove straight ahead.

Recently, Hal, the electronic cockroach who had a good relationship with Mo Yan and other dragon beasts, suddenly jumped out from Mo Yan's fingers and rushed towards Wall-E's shoulder.

This pair of master and servant have been inseparable recently. Hal's relationship with Mo Yan and other dragon beasts is mostly due to the fact that they both like to drink the original liquid of Hei Yin civilization gene.

Just like Thane likes to drink juice, many knights in the wizarding world like to drink.

The size difference between Hal and Mo Yan and other dragon beasts is huge, but that does not prevent them from having a good relationship.

Moreover, Hal can only be called a "bug" based on its size at best, and it is also a semi-mechanical bug. It has little to do with the appearance of a "cockroach". It is not dirty, but often beats itself. Very clean.

Because of its lively and active nature, the fourth-level magician Geli, a woman, has recently given it a lot of sweet-tasting water element potions.

With a half-machine, half-flesh physique, Hal possesses the characteristics of both a robot and a flesh-and-blood creature.

The reason why Geli is so good to it is probably because she can collect some rare specimens by the way.

But what was unexpected was that nothing happened to Wall-E when he entered this special passage.

But when Hal jumped into it, the surrounding white light suddenly turned into blood red.

Feeling the sudden suppressed energy fluctuations around him, Thane's expression changed: "No, let's leave quickly!"

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