The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,672 Breaking the Balance

Beyond the definition of a world-class secret treasure, Thain, as an alchemist, certainly knew that it must represent the cultural heritage of a top civilization, also known as a "civilized treasure."

Thain's current level is too low, and his concept of civilization's treasures is still extremely vague.

However, since his growth, Thane has come into contact with many world-class secret treasures, including this time he discovered a large number of secret treasure fragments in the secret realm of subspace.

Regarding the understanding of world-class secret treasures, Thain feels that every world-class secret treasure has developed the power of certain laws and rules to the extreme.

So, what does the "treasure of civilization" represent?

While Geli was right in front of him, Thain hurriedly read through the documents on the Ai Youlan Die civilization in front of him.

Thain has been exposed to the complex characters of Aiyoulandie civilization in recent years, and he has a basic understanding of them.

Magic‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Mages are studious and knowledgeable people. Even though Thain has never dabbled in archeology before, he has grown a lot in this area in recent years.

In the introduction of these relics materials of the Aiyoulandie civilization in front of him, Thain probably learned that the device named "Infinite Energy" was a special supply that the Aiyoulandie civilization used in various cutting-edge fields. Can be installed.

As its name suggests, this special device can supply nearly unlimited energy in a very short time.

What's even more exaggerated is that...these energies seem to appear out of thin air.

With this alone, Thain couldn't help but said in astonishment: "What kind of device is this 'infinite energy'?"

"Hasn't its operating principle and mode broken the basic law of the astral world recognized by our wizarding world - the 'Law of Conservation of Energy'?" Thain couldn't understand.

The Law of Ashes currently mastered by Thane is an extreme fire law.

But even the Law of Ashes cannot be called the cornerstone law of the astral realm.

Thain's Ashes Law is also based on the law of energy conservation.

If one day something appears that breaks the basic laws of the astral world, I am afraid that many magicians in the wizarding world will face the hidden danger of cognitive distortion.

Thain has some signs of this now, but fortunately he does not completely believe in the technological achievements of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Unless he can see the real thing.

"Many worlds or races that have achieved brilliant civilizational achievements will over-exaggerate their achievements in their respective fields in order to gain the admiration and admiration of future generations and other world civilizations."

"Ai Youlan in front of me

Butterfly civilization should be the same. "

"How could something like this, which violates the basic laws of the astral realm, possibly appear?" Level 4 magician Geli said with a sneer, but her eyes were still looking at the various materials and documents below.

Is there really no such thing in the Aiyoulandie civilization that can break the balance and basic cognition of the star realm?

If it is really just an item to be boasted about, why is there so much detailed introduction?

And in the many documents and records that Gree searched, the most common use of this "infinite energy" is to provide energy for the numerous Dominator-class fleets of the Ai Youlan Die civilization...

What an exaggeration!

Is this the reason why the Aiyoulandie civilization won the war with the Heiyin civilization?

In addition to this "infinite energy", does the Aiyoulandie civilization have other means of breaking through conventional cognition?

Taking a deep breath, Thain said: "Existence is reasonable."

"We cannot completely deny that this kind of device that violates the basic laws of the astral realm does not exist. Maybe it really did exist, or maybe it is not as exaggerated as it was introduced."

"In addition to the already known unlimited power supply characteristics, I am more inclined to think that it also has other shortcomings, but we just don't know about it."

"I think the star realm is balanced!" Thain said solemnly.

Thain is worthy of being the existence with the highest life energy level present. Geli and others have lived longer than Thain, but in terms of understanding of some laws and regulations, they may not be as thorough as Thain.

Thain's firm answer also made Geli, who was originally a little confused, gradually come back to her senses.

She looked at Thain in front of her, and then said: "Then I will try my best to collect all the information about the 'infinite energy' device and other technological information of the Aiyou Orchid butterfly civilization, and then hand it over to the higher-ups of the wizard civilization for a decision."

Thain nodded and agreed with Geli's statement.

After Gerry became busy again, Thain couldn't help but look back at the description of the "infinite energy" device that Gerry presented to him.

What the infinite energy device is is not detailed in the materials in front of me. Even Thain doesn't even know its general shape and appearance.

But all kinds of information, as well as the constant appearance of the word, made Thain secretly think that this device might be real.

Something like a "perpetual motion machine"? Thain's brain feels a little inadequate.

Some things are really beyond his reach at this stage.

Even if Thane has grown high enough, level five creatures are not considered weak no matter which star field they are in the star realm.

But regarding fundamental issues related to the basic rules of this star realm... With a long sigh, Thane chose not to make any more nonsense in this regard.

"Master, she should also have come to this subspace battlefield."

"If you have a chance later, ask Master what he thinks about this." Thain sighed.

Thain and his party spent a lot of time in this space.

Because those veins of inert crystal minerals connected into one body have opened up the top and bottom of the building, hundreds of thousands of floors.

Therefore, Thain and others' exploration of this space is equivalent to climbing hundreds of floors before.

Masters Gilbert and Wei Li are responsible for analyzing and recording the connected inert crystal bare ores.

Geli and Lott are mainly responsible for collecting ancient civilization materials and information in Tongtian Building.

The three Mo Yan brothers are mainly responsible for treasure hunting.

There are still many treasures left in Tongtian Building.

The treasures here are not only the world-class secret treasure fragments, but also include many "antiques" and other technological products of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Mo Yan has been in the wizarding world for so many years, so he naturally knows what the magicians in the wizarding world are more interested in.

Like Thain, Mo Yan, who had collected a lot of remains of technological products, was waiting to return to the Wizarding World in the future and package them up and sell them to the mechanics of the City in the Sky or the City of Steel.

After entering this special space for a period of time, Gilbert, who was working feverishly, finally had time to talk to Thain.

On this day, he handed Thane a top-grade inert crystal.

I don’t know when this old man excavated it.

When Thain asked him if he wanted more, Gilbert spread his hands and replied, "No."

"Only the inert crystal in front of me was dug out by me after asking the level four earth dragon beast to dig it out after all the hard work."

"Because the inert crystals here are all finished bare ore, their hardness and excavation difficulty are higher than those of other mineral veins."

"Without suitable cutting and excavation equipment, even level four or five creatures will have difficulty mining," Gilbert said.

Qixiu later proved the correctness of Gilbert's words by breaking several more of his nails.

"What is going on here? I have never broken so many nails in my life." Qixiu muttered from behind.

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