The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1674: Virtual Image of Light and Shadow

There was a timely reminder from Thane and that they were outside the passage.

Faced with the sudden change, Thain and others were able to escape the disaster.

Dense and turbulent energy rays shoot out from inside the channel.

The energy ray, which was enough to threaten fifth- and sixth-level creatures, finally jumped from Wall-E after reaching it.

It was as if these energy rays were actively avoiding it.

At this time, Wall-E was lying down.

The crisis just occurred too suddenly. In order to protect Hal, it rushed over desperately and protected Hal under itself.

Wall-E's robot is much larger than Hal.

What happened just now also shocked Hal.

At first, Hal froze in place, confused.

When Wall-E rushed over in time and protected it under him, Hal, who came back to his senses, hurriedly jumped two or three times to the gap in Wall-E's body. between.

Because these energy rays shot out, they deliberately avoided WALL-E.

Therefore, although an extremely exaggerated wave of energy beams has been released inside and outside the channel, it has not actually caused any personnel damage.

It just scared the little metal bug Hal to death.

The relationship between WALL-E and Hal has been verified over countless years.

Already willing to sacrifice themselves for each other.

So when danger suddenly came just now, Wall-E was desperate.

The surrounding energy beams were still gushing and venting. Wall-E glanced at the back of the passage. It did not go back the way it came, but continued to walk straight forward.

Wall-E seemed to be very familiar with this place, and he remembered a lot of things.

He remembered this passage, and also vaguely remembered that behind the passage was the area where his master had been active.

As WALL-E walked forward slowly, the energy beams around him still didn't fire at it.

The sound of energy rays hitting the walls all around did not disturb Wall-E in the slightest.

Speaking of which, this Tongtian Building and this white passage are really magical. The dense beams of light that are enough to threaten level five or six creatures have not been able to penetrate or destroy the surrounding buildings at all.

I don’t know what kind of materials the Aiyou Landie civilization used to build this place.

The electronic bug Hal no longer dared to show up at will. With its two tentacles still trembling slightly, it was lying in a gap in Wall-E's body, carefully observing the outside.

This time, the energy beams outside couldn't hurt it at all.


I don’t know why the originally quiet white passage suddenly appeared in crisis.

After finally reaching the end of the passage, on the left side of Wall-E, there is an electronic light panel that emits a faint light.

After hesitating for two seconds, WALL-E stretched his robotic arm towards the light panel.

I didn't see it entering any special password, and the energy beams venting around it suddenly stopped.

At the same time, the silver-white metal valve in front of him slowly opened.

After the valve was opened, a virtual image of light and shadow less than two meters appeared in front of Wall-E.

Facing the virtual image of light and shadow in front of him, Walli stared blankly for a few seconds, and then asked: "Master?"

The light and shadow image looked at Wall-E thoughtfully. It also noticed Thain and his group outside the passage who had not yet entered. Then it shook its head and replied: "I am not your master."

"You and I are the same kind of existence. It seems that you have forgotten me." The light and shadow virtual image sighed.

At this time, Thain, who heard that there was no movement of the energy beam, finally slowly approached the white channel again.

When they noticed that Wall-E was talking to a virtual image of light and shadow, Thain and others all stayed where they were.

No matter how you look at this virtual image of light and shadow, it looks like the butterfly man, a civilized creature of Aiyou Orchid Butterfly.

It's just that unlike the Aiyoulan butterfly biological specimens excavated by Thain and others, which are generally only about 1.6 meters tall, the size of the light and shadow image in front of him has reached 1.8 meters, close to 1.9 meters.

It is a bit more "slender" than the ordinary Aiyoulan butterfly civilized creature.

"Is this an elemental creature left behind by an ancient civilization, or an energy puppet?" Thain couldn't help but look at the butterfly man in front of him and asked in surprise.

The light and shadow phantom naturally saw the reappearance of Thain and others. Faced with Thain's surprised question, the butterfly man phantom replied calmly: "I am Ai Youlan, 39.61 million years ago. The artificial intelligence left behind by Charles Isaac, the top scientist of the Butterfly Civilization, before he left the star realm. You can call me No. 2."

"It's the assistant robot in scientist Isaac's laboratory. It was originally named 'Exploratory' Stereo Machine No. 5, but now it seems to have its own new name, called 'WALL-E'?" The light and shadow virtual image pointed in front of him. Vali said.

"As for this little thing..." The virtual image of light and shadow pointed at Wall-E's shoulder blades.

At this time, Hal, the electronic cockroach, was hiding in that place.

Seeing the virtual image of light and shadow very vividly, he wrinkled his eyes and said: "It has at least half of the blood genes of the Black Yin Civilization in its body. I didn't expect that one day the technological products of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization would be the same as the blood of the Black Yin Civilization."

Pulse creatures confer and live together. "

"You are actually willing to put yourself in danger for it." The light and shadow image said to Wall-E in a slightly scolding tone.

Walli lowered his head at this time.

Although the virtual image of light and shadow in front of me is not a living Ai Youlan Butterfly civilized creature, nor is it the former master of Wall-E.

But the appearance it shows now must be inseparable from the Dr. Charles Isaac it talks about. It may be directly what Dr. Charles looked like back then.

That's why Wall-E called it "master". Faced with the scolding of this virtual image of light and shadow, Wall-E didn't even have the slightest objection to it.

Also, tens of millions of years ago, the war between the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilized creatures and the Black Yin civilized creatures was fierce. More than trillions of creatures died due to the war on both sides.

Today, tens of millions of years later, everything has returned to dust.

Wall-E and the electronic cockroach Hal are the few heirs and legacies left of the two top civilizations in this star realm.

Who would have thought that they would establish a sincere friendship during millions of years of getting along day and night.

If the ultra-ancient warring creatures from both sides knew about this situation, I wonder if it would make the dead angry.

This is also due to the uncontrollability of the development of the star realm, as well as the absurdity and nihility of history.

There is no point in being immersed in the past. People have to look forward.

Anyway, WALL-E and Hal don't have much feeling for the ancient civilization tens of millions of years ago.

They care about each other more.

Even in WALL-E's heart, Hal was more important to it than the Flame Horn, which made it faintly throb.

As for before, in order to find the source of the fluctuations of the Flame and the Rubik's Cube, Hal was left alone in the Ruins of Steel for several years... ahem, that was an accident.

"Do you know our origins?" Thain said from the other end of the passage, looking directly at the light and shadow image from a distance.

"I have been paying attention to you since you entered this dimension."

"I even know that your army is fighting with the enemy civilization army inside and outside the dimensional space established by our Ai Youlan butterfly civilization."

"Well, it's incredible. Is your world called 'Wizard Civilization' another top-notch cultivation civilization like the Black Yin Civilization?"

"It's just different from the traditional cultivation civilization. You seem to have also dabbled in technology and other systems?" The light and shadow virtual image looked at Thain and said.

Its gaze seemed to be on the Rubik's Cube on the inside of Thane's magic robe.

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