The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1671 Infinite Energy (Additional update)

In the process of advancing all the way to the top of Tongtian Building, Thain and others discovered and collected a lot of technologies and materials of the Ai Youlan butterfly civilization.

Some items, even without energy and law fluctuations, are judged by Thain and others to have great research value.

I really want to pack up the entire Tongtian Building.

From another perspective, if the wizard civilization can win the war in this subspace and the surrounding star fields, the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization will indeed be in their possession.

In the process of continuously moving upward, the method adopted by Thain and others was to go all the way up through a special passage at the edge of the building.

Geli said: "The Aiyo Orchid Butterfly civilized creatures seem to like to prepare some special escape routes."

When the weak Aiyoulandie civilized creature went to the top of the building, it definitely did not take the same thankless and troublesome route as Thain and others.

But these special escape passages with little technological power have now become one of the few available passages for Thain and others to travel through.

In addition to these special escape passages, Geli, who has a deep understanding of the relics of the Aiyoulandie civilization, also opened up some new routes from many corners in the building.

"This is the ventilation duct that connects the inside and outside of the building. The Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilized creatures seem to have established another set of purification mechanisms here, so we can't go to the top, and we should only be able to walk half the distance at most."

"It's indeed a little cramped inside, but it doesn't matter to us." Geli said, pointing to the deep pipe that was dark in color and only less than half a meter cubic.

Thane didn't feel much about this. The path of truth exploration they had taken in the past was much more difficult than this.

Seeing Mo Yan showing some repulsion, Ge Li smiled and said: "It's good to have this kind of exploration route. I haven't pointed out to you the special channel used by the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization to discharge garbage."

"I will never get into that kind of place!" Mo Yan said righteously first.

Then he whispered to Thane: "If you really want to enter that kind of place, let me go to your space equipment and stay for a while."

Since Thane's space equipment can accommodate Yuri and Lieyan, it can also accommodate Mo Yan.

It's just that the internal volume of Thane's space equipment is limited. Only two of the three Mo Yan brothers can squeeze in, so where can the other go.

It's Thane's Rubik's Cube, which was absorbing the fragments of the secret treasure before.

When using law energy, it can also absorb the power of space-related laws, and now it also has a good storage function.

I don’t know if we can fit the Mo Yan brothers into it by then.

Thane has already given it a try, and Yuri and the Flame are able to get in.

Geli's words were just a joke after all. Until Thain and others reached the hundreds of floors, they did not take the path that Mo Yan was extremely repelled by.

After arriving on the 734th floor, Thain and others encountered the first crisis of entering this Tongtian Building.

The source of the crisis comes from the ceiling.

I don't know what mechanism those low-level knights and magicians touched. With two "clicks", several rows of densely packed energy barrels replaced the original white and smooth ceiling and appeared directly above Thain and others.

After countless years of erosion, these energy barrels can still fire normally.

Each energy ray reaches the level of threatening level three creatures.

Even though Thain and others had provided timely support, several low-level guys were still beaten into pieces in the end.

This incident also prompted Thain to collect all these little guys.

The previous battle with the Gallente Federation special forces had caused many casualties to these little guys.

Those who are still alive are all elites, and to some extent, they also represent the future of wizard civilization.

Thain has also grown up step by step from low levels, so there is no need for them to face such a crisis now.

Anyway, in this Tongtian Building, the role these low-level guys can play is very limited, and they are basically doing piecemeal jobs.

To explore this central area related to top-level civilization, it is enough to have level 4 or 5 creatures such as Thane.

Also on the 734th floor, Thain and others found another secret treasure fragment similar to a pistol.

Thain and others are not interested in it. If it is sold to the mechanics in the City of Steel, it should be sold at a good price.

After advancing up several floors, after reaching the 742nd floor, Thain and others discovered the inert crystal veins as promised.

Master Gilbert is worthy of being an expert in this field. The number of ore layers he predicted was exactly the same as the actual number of layers.

This piece of inert crystal veins that appeared above the surface of a Tongtian Building turned out to be attached to the walls of the building.

due to surrounding space

The concentration of inert energy in the crystal was so exaggerated that even Master Gilbert could not estimate how many floors of this towering building were occupied by these inert crystals that were clinging to the walls and constantly climbing and extending upward.

"There are at least a few hundred levels, and it may have reached thousands of levels!"

"The inert crystal mineral veins here are so rich, including this kind of purity..." Master Gilbert walked to the wall and murmured as he looked at a branch of crystal minerals extending in front of him.

The inert crystals in front of Thane and others were obviously different from the gray crystals he had seen around Blue Star before.

The inert crystals here are whiter in color, ranging from pure white to milky white, and there are also very few white crystals.

The difference in color indicates the type of inert crystal here, and may also be slightly different from the gray crystal discovered before.

Master Gilbert may have suffered from an occupational disease, but he actually started collecting and measuring some specimens on the spot.

Master Gilbert has collected each of those inert crystals.

Master Wei Li helped Master Gilbert a lot during this period.

Seeing how devoted Master Gilbert was, Thane didn't even bother him and asked him to find the general location of the best crystal for him first.

Not long after, Lot made another discovery.

It turns out that the emergence of this inert crystal vein directly affected and changed the material of the walls between each floor in the building.

Thain and others do not need to traverse floors one after another. They only need to break through the barriers on each floor that are already extremely fragile, and then they can go directly to the upper floor.

What Thane is more curious about is where these inert crystals come from.

It is directly attached to the wall, and the appearance of such a large mountain-like bare ore must not have been created by the Ai You Lan Die civilized creatures back then.

Later, in a research room on the 778th floor, the fourth-level magician Ge Li made a major discovery and immediately called Thain over.

"This seems to record a cutting-edge secret of the Ai Youlan Die civilization. After entering this building, I have seen related terms in many materials." Geli said.

"What?" Thain asked.

"It's a device called 'Infinite Energy'."

"There are various indications that the Aiyoulandie civilization's understanding of 'infinite energy' has exceeded our wizard civilization's definition of world-class secret treasures." Geli said to Thain with some uncertainty.

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