The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,667 Instigating Rebellion

Thain soon discovered the "abnormal state" of the eight-winged angel Fumila.

The surrounding battlefield is not too big. With Thane in the Maskless Form, it is easy to observe the situation of various battle groups.

The green seeds he had sown before had now grown into giant plant monsters.

These plant giants are walking heavily and are fighting with the Gallente Federation robots.

"Spreading beans makes an army?" He noticed the strangeness of Thain's movements and couldn't help but asked in surprise.

In the fairyland civilization, there are similar methods.

Mainly because it is used more in Taoist sects, or in major fairy courts.

Different from the "green source seed" scattered by Thain, the fairyland civilization calls it "fairy beans".

It seems that the two civilizations have quite a lot of similarities. I wonder if there are historical reference factors.

With the melee between plant trolls and federal robots surrounding him, Thane pondered for a moment and then took out his Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube is about to face an upgrade in the near future and is now in a power saturation period.

Although many new features were added during this time, Thane did not originally intend to use it on the battlefield.

The changes in the eight-winged angel Fumila made Thain's thoughts move.

As the master of the Rubik's Cube, Thain naturally discovered that Fumila's body seemed to have undergone some changes.

It seems that the last time the Rubik's Cube was used to attack Fumila, it had a certain effect.

At this time, Fumila has not completely rebelled against the Gallente Federation, but she has developed a certain degree of cognitive confusion, which represents the awakening of her own wisdom and consciousness.

"When I instigated the rebellion against the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, I used three programs in succession to completely unlock the core control codes of those intelligent robots."

"At that time, what the wizard civilization gave me was a light of special laws."

"The Gallente Federation must have some kind of firewall in Fumila. Her self-awakening consciousness alone may not be enough to break free from the prison."

"Then, let me help her again." In the sky, Thain said with the devil's wings activated.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube appears in Thane's Demon's Claw.

The Rubik's Cube, which exudes a magnificent blue-purple light, looks extremely mysterious against the pale ash flames of Thain.

As Thain pushed the magic cube forward, a beam of light shot out from the cube and flew straight towards Fumila.

This beam of light does not have any killing meaning, it seems to be just an ordinary beam of light.

Bond, who was fighting with Thain in front of him, felt bad and was about to intercept him.

But it was intercepted by several intense beams of light erupted from Thane's Phaseless Mask.

On the other side, facing Thain's sudden "attack", the eight-winged angel Fumila seemed not to feel the danger, and just faced the blue-purple light beam shot by Thain.

The beam finally passed through Fumila's body, but from the outside, Fumila seemed not to be injured at all.

What really changed in Fumila was internally.

"Not good!" Bond's expression suddenly changed when he finally realized something.

He checked Thane's file and naturally knew that Thain had a record of instigating intelligent robots to rebel against the planet Cybertron.

But the Gallente Federation did not describe how Thane instigated the rebellion, and Bond did not know either.

But at this moment, Bond seems to have guessed the general process and reasons.

Sure enough, after being transformed by the Rubik's Cube beam, the Eight-winged Sky‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ caused Fumila to stop fighting immediately.

The metal wings behind him also folded, and Fumila slowly descended from the sky.

Thain, who was still holding the Rubik's Cube, looked at the eight-winged angel in front of him with some confusion.

The Rubik's Cube, which has been upgraded once, is a bit more powerful than when it was against Fumila last time.

But at this time, the Rubik's Cube did not seem to have completely unlocked the code restrictions in Fumila's body.

Not obsessed with the eight-winged angel in front of him, he took out the Rubik's Cube anyway, so Thain simply developed its functions to the extreme.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand once again erupted into glorious light.

This time, these beams of light emitted by the Rubik's Cube were shot straight towards the tens of thousands of angel-shaped robots on the surrounding battlefield.

Not only was Level 5 agent Bond feeling bad now, but other federal agents and genetically modified soldiers in the surrounding area also noticed something unusual.

The low-level robots of the Gallente Federation, enveloped by the Rubik's Cube beam, froze in place as if they had been cast a restraining spell.

After a while, the red electron beams in their pupils gradually turned blue.

These angel robots that have regained their mobility look at me, and I look at you, and some of them are looking down at their bodies.

"Has the awakening rate also increased?"

"It's close to 100% awakening. Or is it because the structure of these angel robots is different from the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron." Thain couldn't help but ponder as he looked at the situation in front of him.

Although the angel-shaped robots in front of them were instantly enlightened by Thain, it did not mean that they would immediately become Thain's thugs.

Among the core CPUs of these angel-type robots are Gallente

A firewall specially designed by federal scientists.

Only by completely defeating them can Thane transform these robots into his own thugs, or slaves.

But the situation in front of me is already very good.

The bewildered angel robots could no longer assist the federal agents in besieging Thain and others.

The federal agents who originally participated in the siege, fearing what might happen to these angel-shaped robots, did not step forward for a while, but gradually withdrew in all directions.

At the same time, the top scientist Sipnas, who was far away in the home star field behind the Gallente Federation, suddenly looked up at the laboratory control center angrily and saw a red alert that suddenly came out.

Sippnas is currently working with his professional team to decipher the secrets inside the Dominator-class artificial human body.

The artificial human technology of the Norman Federation under the wizarding civilization can actually be regarded as robotic technology, but it covers many biological and genetic technologies.

Who is currently the most knowledgeable about robots in the Gallente Federation?

Sipnus naturally pointed his thumb towards himself without hesitation.

He is one of the top scientists in the Federation who has the best chance of creating a Juggernaut-level robot.

Before that, Michael Bay could be regarded as a Federation scholar and friend that Sipnus could face seriously. However, it was heard that he had died in the war, and Sipnus mourned him with regret for a period of time.

Once upon a time, several of these scientists, who came out of Pavlov's laboratory together, sat together for dinner and talked about their ideals.

But now, the time and frequency of old friends getting together are getting less and less, and everyone has their own endless work.

Especially during the war, several federal scientists were even busier.

The sudden sound of the alarm interrupted Sipnas' original thoughts, which made him quite irritable.

The decryption work of Dominator-class artificial humans is not that easy.

Sipnas has had the remains of this artificial man for some time, but the progress of his research has been slower than expected.

What made Sipnas even more irritated was that the top federal officials and the military kept urging him time and time again.

It seems that if he can't complete the experiment here, the frontline battlefield will definitely collapse.

This caused Sipnas to suffer a great deal of pressure invisibly, and he had not had a peaceful sleep for a long time.

Just when Sipnas completely exploded, yelling at his assistants and other secondary scientists to quickly turn off that damn piercing alarm.

Sippnas, who noticed the situation prompted by the control center panel, was stunned.

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