The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,666 Absent-minded (additional update)

The cannon's beam has converged at the front of the barrel.

The caliber of this individual artillery piece is not exaggerated, and its length is far less than the main gun frequently used by federal ships.

But when the deep yellow beam appeared, Thain still felt something was wrong.

The dark yellow energy beam quickly cut through the steel ruins.

The subspace secret realm of Aiyoulandie Civilization, which has been silent for tens of millions of years, has obviously become more lively in recent years due to the arrival of the warring legions from both sides.

Thain, who had a hole in his shoulder, was obviously angry.

This guy just led his troops to launch a sneak attack, but he actually engaged in such an off-board move, using equipment?

The main reason is that Bond's initial fighting style does not look like a technologically advanced man, so much so that Thain has overlooked that what this guy can rely on most is actually technological means.

The faint gleam of the phase mask emerged from Thain's face.

Thane, who already maintained his true form as an ash demon, had such a pale mask with no facial features on his face, and he looked like a demon.

From the aesthetic point of view of normal humanoid creatures, Bond, who still maintains the handsome appearance of a Federation human, seems to be the right one?

This is the nonsense and absurdity of many things in the star realm.

Good-looking people are not necessarily righteous, and ugly people are not necessarily evil.

The so-called justice and evil are all written by the victor!

Countless rays of terrifying elements suddenly shot out from Thain's face.

Since Thane was promoted to level five, the power of the Phaseless Mask has gradually been developed by him to its complete state.

The terrifying energy rays even plowed out a ravine thousands of meters deep in the ruins in the center of the Ruins of Steel.

When the astonishing elemental turbulence gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of Thane was Bond holding his right arm with one hand, and a thick black fog blocked him from most of the damage.

"Huh? World-class secret treasure?!" Under the mask of Wuxiang, Thane stared at Bond's wrist for a while and said.

The black metal ring worn on Bond's wrist emits the power of law, which is very similar to the bone staff that Thain and others discovered before.

Considering that Bond had shown many traces of the Black Yin civilization's skills during previous battles, Thane couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that your Gallente Federation has discovered a large number of Black Yin civilization relics?"

Thain's question made Bond, who was in the thick black fog, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

No one is a fool. The performance of Bond and the Gallente Federation in recent years

, allowing Thane to easily deduce that the Federation must have discovered many core mysteries about the Black Yin civilization.

Including those federal special fleets that can accurately find the coordinates of the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization center, and Bond and others who can quickly kill them, all doubts seem to have been answered!

Bond was clearly not in the mood to answer Thane's question.

After activating the jet device in his legs, Bond bullied himself in front of Thane again.

This guy also saw it, and he was just trying to make himself uncomfortable by opening a distance to confront Thain.

Although there are many powerful individual weapons in his nano-equipment, he has no advantage against a wizard world caster who plays magic.

He didn't bring an arsenal with him, and Thain couldn't let him use all kinds of technological weapons unscrupulously.

On the contrary, in close combat, Bond can not only flexibly use those technological weapons, but also effectively prevent Thain from releasing any powerful magic.

The prerequisite for the release of many powerful magics is a spell.

When it comes to forbidden spells and certain special magics, extremely complex magic materials are required.

Bond's performance, as well as his extremely strong combat effectiveness and judgment in a short period of time, made Thain somewhat convinced.

Although the two belong to different camps, they have some things in common.

There is sometimes a feeling of sympathy between the strong and the strong.

The feeling Bond brought to Thane was completely different from the level 5 sand crocodile in the ancient desert wasteland that he made into a specimen!

Looking at Bond's side, despite the support of world-class secret treasures, Bond's battle with Thane is still very difficult.

Thane, who has been promoted to level five for a longer period of time, is even better than Bond in terms of rich combat experience.

And Thane's Phaseless Mask itself is of a higher grade than the metal ring on Bond's wrist.

If this battle becomes a tug-of-war, Thain will definitely have the upper hand in the end.

What annoys Bond the most, and can even be said to be beyond his plan, is the "inaction" of the eight-winged angel Fumila!

Although Fumila's combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, her strength should be above level five, and below level six, it is not too much to be considered the peak of level five.

With her level, she should be able to crush the three brothers, Jiaolong and Moyan.

No matter how bad things get, the advantage can still be maintained.

But the result was that Fumila not only failed to completely suppress the three Mo Yan brothers, but Mo Yan and others were able to use their hands from time to time to support Gilbert and others.

What happened to Fumila?


Bond roared inwardly.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Fumila. There were two major factors that caused her to be "absent-minded" at this time: one was the Flame's constructed golem, and the other was Wall-E.

Fumila, who has awakened to a certain degree of wisdom, can of course see that the Flame and Wall-E are her kind.

In addition, although there are tens of thousands of angel-type robots on this battlefield, and the appearance of these robots is very similar to Fumila.

But those robots that have no emotions, no intelligence, and only follow code instructions cannot be regarded as the same kind as Fumila.

The instructions from the core control center made it impossible for Fumila to disobey the orders from the top leaders of the Gallente Federation.

But this does not prevent Fumila from observing her kind closely during the battle.

She had just been born with wisdom and seemed to be curious about everything.

While at the Gallente Federation military base, Fumila quietly absorbed a lot of information and nutrition.

Putting appearance as the priority for recovery is also the reason why Fumila learned what ugliness and beauty are in the process of absorbing this information.

Among the low-level soldiers and officers of the Gallente Federation, there are also many women, and their concept of beauty has influenced Fumila a lot.

At the same time, Fumila is also one of the few robots that can determine its own gender.

She is a female intelligent robot, so all aspects of her performance have evolved towards femininity.

Thain, who was in a fighting state, did not bother to observe the subtle changes in Fumila.

He felt that the three Mo Yan brothers could block Fumila because their dragon beasts were physically strong and they all had secret treasures with them.

Mo Yan was even more coquettish. He took out the black bone staff that he had not mastered yet and used it in the battle.

Although this bone staff is also a world-class secret treasure, its role in the battle at this time is really not as good as an ordinary artifact.

The only person present who noticed the change in Fumila's nature was Wall-E, who had always stayed away from the edge of the battlefield and rarely took action.

WALL-E's robotic arm couldn't help but scratch its metal head.

The last time they met, Walli had not considered Fumila as a member of his tribe.

Why did Fumila give Wall-E the same feeling as the Flame No. when they met this time? Walli was puzzled.

Hal, the electronic cockroach, poked his head out from the metal gap in Wall-E's limbs and took a look.

Seeing a fluctuating energy beam shooting towards Wall-E's surroundings, the guy hurriedly retreated.

In terms of the characteristic of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, Hal is the most distinctive among all creatures present.

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