The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,668 The Last Firewall

As one of his most proud works, Sipnas certainly knows every detail of Fumila.

Especially every electrical board, every line in Fumila's body, and every string of codes in her control center.

Being able to create an angel-type robot with a combat power comparable to that of a sixth-level creature has proven Sipnas' abilities and achievements.

Once upon a time, he could proudly claim that his angel robot was the most reliable combat weapon.

But at this time, when Fumila showed that she wanted to break free from Sipunas' control, the top federal scientist suddenly panicked.

It's like a successful businessman. When he was about to start a new project, not only did he fail to win the new project, but he almost lost the foundation he relied on!

At this time, two of the three firewalls set up by Sipunas in Fumila's body were breached in a very short period of time!

what's the situation? Could it be that there are some "hackers" in the Gallente Federation who can hack even state machinery?

wrong! In a panic, Sippnus remembered that Fumila was sent to the frontline battlefield by him. This was an order from the federal military.

This is not the ability of some hackers in the Federation, but the method of wizard civilization!

Sipnas was once amazed by the way the magicians of the wizarding civilization understood the power of elements and the power of laws.

He has also come into contact with wizards, civilization and magicians, and even participated in the dissection of several so-called knights and magicians of level four or above.

The top scientists of the Gallente Federation also cover a wide range of fields.

Take Sippnas as an example. In addition to robotics and angel research, he also has good research results in the fields of genetics and biology.

Sipnus immediately rushed to the central console and quickly tapped the button keyboard in front of him at an elusive speed.

Amidst the sound of "Crackling!", a series of complex codes and control instructions were typed out from Sipnas' hands.

Every successful federal scientist must have a strong physique.

Sipnus's current physical strength is comparable to that of fourth- and fifth-level creatures, otherwise he would not be able to maintain such high-intensity experimental research for a long time.

After Sipnus took action, other assistants and federal scientists at the experimental base finally hurried to various consoles to deal with the changes in front of them.

Fumila's last firewall was finally saved with the joint efforts of Sipnas and others.

But looking at the "shaky" end

A layer of firewall, Sipnus in the laboratory frowned tightly.

Not only Fumila, Sipnus also noticed that among the millions of angel robots sent out, tens of thousands of them were out of control at this time.

How exactly did they lose control?

From Sipnus's perspective, the core codes of these angelic robots began to program themselves and developed into unpredictable results for everyone.

It's as if...these robots are writing their own code.

They become "carefree" and "unscrupulous" like humans.

"What is going on? Is this a new 'virus' created by the wizarding civilization?" Sipnas scratched his head and thought deeply. He never thought that this was something that his good friend Michael Bay had worked hard to achieve during his lifetime. Experimental results.

Sippnas ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ also knew that the “death plague virus” that was raging in the Gallente Federation some time ago was caused by the wizarding civilization.

But haven’t we heard that these abnormal viruses and terrorist actions have been effectively contained in the past hundred years?

The uncontrollability of the frontline battlefield and the vastness, immensity, and beauty of the star realm cannot be understood by Sipnas alone.

After temporarily controlling the abnormal situation in Fumila, Sipnas immediately contacted the federal generals around the experimental base and asked him to find out what happened on the front line.

The changes in Fumila were also seen by Thain.

From the cessation of fighting at the beginning, to the stiffness later, and now to the hesitation.

Fumila showed the word "hesitate" to Thain and others almost perfectly.

At this time, Fumila's face was full of vivid emotions. It was hard to believe that as a robot, she could show such a lifelike expression.

On one side, an elemental light array was condensed, bombarding Agent Bond with dense magic rays.

Thain said to Fumila: "The Rubik's Cube told me that your name is Fumila."

"Join us to overthrow the cold rule of the Gallente Federation. I can help you build a world of robots."

"Did you see her?" Thane said, pointing to the Flame.

"There are many similar intelligent robots in our wizarding civilization."

"They are all considered your tribe, and they are all determined to overthrow the control of the Gallente Federation and establish their own homeland." Thane seduced the eight-winged angel Fumila.

Thain's tone was quite devilish.

Coupled with his grayness at this time,

The appearance of Jhin Demon looks like a "bad guy" no matter how you look at it.

But I have to say that yes, Fumila was moved.

After being exposed to the Rubik's Cube for the second time, Fumila's wisdom was awakened to a higher level than before!

However, the Gallente Federation's third firewall, which is also the most difficult firewall, has not been broken.

Therefore, according to the three major instructions of the robot, Fumila cannot openly attack federal creatures.

A cold rebuke suddenly came from the usually cold electronic tone.

At Fumila's call, tens of thousands of angel-shaped robots around her all moved closer to her.

Fumila could not disobey the core instructions, but she was also unwilling to continue taking action against Thane and others.

So Fumila chose to leave here.

Finally, he took a deep look at Thain's position. Fumei‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ pulled the metal wings behind his back and led tens of thousands of angel robots around him who had activated their primary intelligence. They left this place.

Thane also felt that Fumila had not completely broken free from the control of the Gallente Federation.

If there was a wizarding world master at this time, or the light of law he held when he sneaked into the Gallente Federation last time, I believe the situation would be much better.

As he watched Fumila gradually leave, Thain glanced at the Rubik's Cube in his hand and then squeezed it hard.

The seemingly solid Rubik's Cube instantly decomposed into countless self-parts, one of which was a crystal blue sub-body about the size of a fingernail, flew straight towards Fumila, and finally sank into Fumila's body.

Fumila slowed down slightly, but soon continued to fly away from here.

After Fumila left with tens of thousands of angel robots, Bond, knowing that the situation had changed, immediately used the metal ring in his hand to activate a cloud of black mist, and disappeared in an instant with most of the federal agents.

The metal ring in Bond's hand is a world-class secret treasure and is inextricably linked to the Black Yin civilization.

After the black mist disappeared, Bond and others teleported to the nearest biological battleship of the Black Yin civilization.

It is estimated that this guy also knows that after losing Fumila and those angel robots, he and others no longer have the capital to continue fighting against Thane and others.

Thane did not set off to pursue Bond because he knew that pursuing him would achieve nothing.

Looking at the ruins and debris around the battlefield, there were still about one or two hundred federal agents who had not been able to evacuate in time.

Thain waved his demonic hand forward and said to Mo Yan and others who were still in the form of dragon beasts: "Kill them!"

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