The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,665 Fierce Battle (Additional Update)

Thain, who was being talked about by his master, was currently in a fighting state.

The sudden appearance of Bond and other federal combatants caught Thain and others off guard.

At this time, there were approximately hundreds of federal agents and tens of thousands of angel-shaped robots appearing in this area.

There are four agents who have reached level four combat effectiveness.

There are two powerful enemies with level five combat effectiveness, namely Bond and the eight-winged angel Fumila.

Thanks to Thain's previous use of the ultimate inert crystal, Fumila was severely injured, and it has not fully recovered to this day.

Otherwise, Thain and others would be in an even worse situation when suddenly faced with a robot with full level six combat power.

In terms of the number of combat forces above level four, Thain and others have an advantage.

Gilbert, Veli, Rot, and Geli have quickly supported the element cover, and they have come back with those four federal agents. .

These federal agents are the most elite genetically modified warriors of the Gallente Federation.

Genetic modification is not the specialty of the Gallente Federation. The main path taken by this top technological civilization is the development of battleships and giant mechas, and both power systems have already had their masters born.

But not being good at genetic modification does not mean that the Gallente Federation is weak in this field.

It mainly depends on who you compare with.

To be able to create a promising fifth-level agent like Bond, the Federation's achievements in biomodification are pretty good.

The four magicians are all research talents, and fighting is not their strong point, so Thane sent Yuli, who was driving the Flame, to coordinate with several masters.

The three brothers, Jiaolong Moyan, have fully activated their dragon beast true forms at this moment. They mainly fight against the eight-winged angel Fumila, and sometimes help Gilbert and others.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, and the improvement in strength of Thain and his team is very obvious.

The three Mo Yan brothers have sufficient supplements of genetic fluid, and the power of blood in their bodies has been stimulated to the extreme recently.

Fortunately, Thain was watching them and did not let the three dragon beasts take advantage of them.

The current appearance of the Gallente Federation combat troops caught everyone off guard, but from another perspective, they appeared at the right time!

The surging blood power in Mo Yan and others' bodies could no longer be contained.

They still look down upon ordinary level four combat power.


When they came up, they all attacked the eight-winged angel Fumila.

Not only Thain and other powerful people above level 4, but also dozens of low-level knights and magicians, the changes are also huge.

The various discoveries from the Aiyou Landie Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization have also significantly increased their growth rate.

Magicians can use this to gain access to higher-level mysteries. Knights simply obtain the genetic fluid of the Black Yin Civilization to improve their bloodline transformation methods, which is a huge gain.

The only disadvantage is that there are very few low-level knights and magicians.

Fortunately, Master Gilbert and others put up a large elemental shield in time to protect these low-level little guys.

And during the battle, Thain also spilled a handful of green seeds.

As long as everyone persists for a while, the situation will obviously change.

"Roar!" A pitch-black ferocious beast head appeared in front of Thane.

When Thane responded with an elemental ray, the shattered beast's head transformed into Bond's right leg.

It has to be said that among the weak Gallente Federation creatures, Bond is definitely an outlier.

Thain originally thought that federal humans would only dare to fight against the powerful wizard civilization by hiding under the protection of a hard metal shell. (ps: Whether it’s a battleship or a giant mecha.)

But Bond has clearly reached a peak in the individual evolution of the Gallente Federation.

Although the Gallente Federation also has some marshals or generals who have been genetically modified to such an extent that they even have combat prowess that is not inferior to that of the gods of the astral world.

But their main occupation is to command fleet groups to fight.

It is almost impossible to stand alone and challenge some powerful people in the wizarding world.

Bond's fighting moves are very skilled, and his style is different from the wide-open and cooperative style generally respected by knights in the wizarding world, but focuses more on technique.

Another ferocious beast head appeared from Bond's right fist.

After directly shattering Thain's protective elemental shield, he hit Thain's lower ribs directly.

The vague power of law vibrated and pitch-black energy ripples appeared.

In response, Thane shouted, and the original magician's body instantly transformed into a terrifying ash demon.

The growth in body size brings an all-round improvement in strength and elemental power.

Pale ash fire burned slowly on Thain's body surface and on both sides of the demon wings behind him.

This extremely powerful flame, when in contact with the black ripples on Bond's wrist, made a harsh burning sound of "hiss!" and "hiss!"

A large area of ​​embers and sparks after the collision burst out from where the two met.

After several confrontations, Thane looked at the few black marks left on his demonic body.

Bond shook his black battle suit vigorously, but unfortunately the ash flames attached to it were not extinguished.

The fire of ash is still slowly burning, causing damage to Bond every moment.

Judging from the results of this short-term confrontation, Thain has a certain advantage.

"The power of the Black Yin Civilization Technique?" Thain couldn't help but said in astonishment after looking at the phantom of the beast's head that had once again condensed between Bond's fists.

Thain and others also got a copy of the top skills of the Black Yin Civilization some time ago.

But how to specifically modify it into a method suitable for biological cultivation in the wizarding world is not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Moreover, it seems that the Black Yin civilization skills must be combined with the beast-taming skills and unique mental skills to achieve maximum effectiveness.

How did this Gallente Federation level five genetic warrior in front of him do it? Thain was puzzled.

Bond was naturally not interested in answering Thane's doubts.

The fifth-level creature in the wizarding world in front of me is indeed as difficult to deal with as recorded in the federal central database. It is worthy of being a powerful enemy with a high threat level.

Bond had tried to get close to Thane, because it was recognized by the Gallente Federation that wizards, civilization, and magicians were not capable of close combat.

But when Thane then showed him the true form of the Devil's Law and confronted him at close range several times, Bond did not get any benefit.

In terms of strength and physical strength, Bond is really not as strong as the perverted fifth-level magician in the wizarding world who has been conducting body refining experiments all year round.

Bond's advantage lies in his flexible combat skills and the ever-changing Gallente Federation technological weapons.

After quickly throwing out several V7 particle blast bombs to repel Thain's attack.

When the surrounding smoke and concussion effects dissipated, Thain rushed out again and was shocked to see Bond half-crouched on the ground of the metal ruins, shoulder-to-shoulder with a plasma cannon nearly twenty meters long.

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