The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,664 The Lord is Coming

More legions and more sixth-level creatures indicate that the battle in the subspace of the secret realm of Aiyoulandie Civilization will become increasingly fierce.

These level six knights and alliance level six creatures did not come alone.

Under their command, they also carried a large number of combat legions and even vassal gods.

For example, the sixth-level knight Scat brought a dozen fourth- and fifth-level knights from the Erie Knights Alliance.

Harrison, who came from the Kingdom of Jahana, also had several fourth- and fifth-level desert knights, but what he brought more was a wave of alien gods from the alliance.

Not to mention the King of Mountain Rooks, the Spirit of Fire Spirits, and the Lord of Corruption.

They are all prestigious existences in their respective planes.

There are also gods and subordinates under his command.

The wizarding world’s local level four and above strong ones may not bring many knights and magician legions.

There may be only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of knights under a fourth-level knight.

But those foreign gods of the alliance are different. Almost every foreign god has brought hundreds of thousands or even millions of low-level cannon fodder troops to participate in the war!

There was no way, after the Wizards Alliance declared war on the Gallente Federation, every alien god in the alliance received a war mobilization order.

As early as after the alliance conference is over, it is necessary to forcibly raise combat corps in the appropriate amount.

The war with the Gallente Federation has been going on for thousands of years now.

Billions of creatures died in the war, but the wizard civilization's recruitment instructions for the major alliance planes have not changed.

The wizarding civilization doesn't care how much population and bottom-level combat power you have lost in this alien plane in the war.

The higher-ups in the wizarding world will only stare at the eyes of those foreign gods and let them gather the required share of the participating legions!

If the legions sent are not enough, why don't you give it a try?

The civilized war has progressed to this point, and there are indeed many alliance planes. During the war, they have gained a lot of spoils and benefits, and have also received rewards from the Wizards Alliance.

But there are also a very small number of alliance planes that are treated as surrendering to the enemy or betraying the Wizards Alliance.

Some of these alliance planes are really involved with the Gallente Federation, and some are simply caused by poor combat and recruitment.

If a god from a foreign land feels that he can't do it anymore, he really can't recruit enough legions to join the war from his own plane.

Then it doesn't matter, wizard civilization is fair and reasonable.

If you can't go on, then go down

Well, the wizard civilization will support another fourth-level god to come to power in this plane.

As for where the original fourth-level gods went?

It may be reduced to cannon fodder on the edge of a dominating battlefield somewhere, it may be sent by the wizard civilization to perform certain near-death combat missions, or it may be a sacrifice for the breakthrough of a new fourth-level creature in its original plane.

There are indeed some low-level planes that are so poor that they can no longer squeeze out even a cent of money.

It is almost impossible for these planes to give birth to new fourth-level gods based on the original ones!

Under this premise, the godhead, priesthood, divinity and other treasures of the previous generations of gods are the only help for the growth and rise of those who come after.

Not to mention, the Wizarding Civilization dealt with it in this way, and after replacing a group of foreign gods from the alliance who were not doing well, the political orders of the entire Wizarding Alliance became smoother.

No matter what requirements and combat assignments the higher-ups of the wizard civilization put forward, those alliance creatures will do their best to implement them.

In terms of war potential, although the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation have only fought for more than a thousand years, both sides are showing full momentum on the front line, as if the follow-up power is endless.

Today, the total strength of the warring legions of both sides in this subspace battlefield has exceeded 100 million.

Thanks to the depth and breadth of this subspace, it is comparable to a large world.

Otherwise, a small world like the Wonderful Plane might not be able to support so many level four, five, and six beings and over 100 million legions, fighting unscrupulously in it.

At the same time, the influx of such a huge number of legions and high-level combat forces has caused the secret realm of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization Center, which was originally only about 3% developed, to expand to about 10% during this period.

And this number is still increasing.

The energy barriers left by the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization creatures tens of millions of years ago cannot stop the continuous breakthroughs of the warring legions from both sides.

During this period, the powerful wizard civilization also discovered traces of information left by Thain and others.

It's a pity that they can't contact Thain and his party now, but they only know that they are continuing to explore the deepest part of the secret realm.

Being in the same subspace, the powerful wizard civilization could not contact Thane and others. At first, they thought it was the Gallente Federation that was causing interference by releasing interference light waves.

But later, several level six wizards in the wizarding world discovered that it seemed that certain laws and energy in this subspace secret realm itself were at work.

If the distance is relatively close, of course there is no need to communicate.

problem, but the farther away you are, the greater the interference.

This relic of the Ai Youlan Die civilization has gone through tens of millions of years, and there are still so many energy barriers in the activated state. This situation also made the top leaders of both parties speechless.

"We have received news that the dominator-level existence that is about to arrive on this battlefield with support is a seventh-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization who has newly joined the Wizards Alliance."

"In addition to the dominator-level reader, there are also many mechas and reader legions from the Rose Dynasty civilization arriving." Sixth-level knight Scat said to Triris after the latest battle.

"A really skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even the civilization of the Rose Dynasty has been destroyed in their mother plane, but their strength still cannot be underestimated."

"No wonder the group of Sanoras Burners are so fearful and repulsive towards their new neighbors." Cuilis said with a smile.

"This‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏may also be related to historical factors. I heard my wife say that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Sanoras clan had a rift with the civilization of the Rose Dynasty." Scatter said, rubbing his chin.

The wife of Knight Skater is a fifth-level magician.

With a magician as his wife, even a rough knight like Scat could know many secrets buried in long history.

"Maybe it's because of this. During this period, we can continue to increase our offensive intensity and don't give the Gallente Federation a chance to breathe." Cuilis said.

"By the way, when will the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class war fleet arrive? Is there any information coming from behind the wizarding civilization?" Triris asked.

The Gallente Federation's Dominator-class war fleet is closely watched by everyone in the wizarding civilization.

Not only are there specialized investigators for detecting powerful people, but astrology and other methods are also used.

Including the Gallente Federation, there are also secretive lurkers newly sent over by the wizard civilization.

Of course, the same is true in the wizarding world. The Gallente Federation can know in advance which master-level combat force will be dispatched.

It is estimated that the Gallente Federation already knows at this time that the master-level existence that is about to arrive at the secret realm of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization to fight with them is the old enemy of the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion.

Faced with Trilis' question, Knight Scatter remained silent for two seconds and replied: "The dominance-level combat forces from both sides seem to have arrived at the same time."

Triris glanced at Scat and said nothing for a while.

After a long time, Cuilis sighed: "My disciple, I don't know how far he has explored this secret place of top civilization."

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