The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,663 Level 6 Melee

After leaving this research institute, Thain and his team continued to move towards the Ruins of Steel.

They had reached the middle of the Ruins of Steel at this time, and walking further inside would be the real core of this secret realm of subspace.

For this area, Wall-E has not visited much in the past tens of millions of years.

In its words, “The garbage cleanup work outside the Ruins of Steel has never been completed, so we generally don’t come here.”

Under what circumstances will it come?

Only when WALL-E's body parts are obviously damaged will he come here to look for replacement materials.

Although WALL-E is just a garbage cleaning robot from the outside, it is definitely not a civilian robot!

What ordinary robot can survive the erosion of tens of millions of years? Which garbage cleaning robot can withstand the attack of the eight-winged angel?

Although there are many laboratories and secret research institutes in the peripheral areas of the Ruins of Steel, Thain believes that this is not the core center of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

The wizard civilization is also a top-level civilization.

Thinking about it from his perspective, Thane believes that Wall-E and his master were definitely not ordinary existences in the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization tens of thousands of years ago.

At least he is standing in the middle or upper level of civilization, or even a higher stage.

Those robots chosen by WALL-E to replace parts must have been robots with level four or above combat power countless thousands of years ago.

"The treasures of scientific and technological civilization are difficult to preserve. How come we have come so far, and all we have found are fragments of secret treasures?"

"When can I find a complete world-class secret treasure like that bone staff? It doesn't matter even if it is of a lower grade."

"Sain, how about we go look for the remnants of the Black Yin civilization? Maybe we can find other treasures." Mo Yan suggested to Sain.

Along the way, many treasures have been discovered, and Mo Yan's appetite has been whetted.

Even the fragments of the secret treasure are a bit disdainful, and this guy is eyeing other world-class secret treasures.

Thain couldn't laugh or cry at Mo Yan's performance.

A world-class secret treasure, a treasure that represents the power of law and great functionality, has transcended the level of ordinary "artifacts".

The vast majority of medium-sized world civilizations only possess one or two world-class secret treasures, and they are often in the hands of sixth-level creatures.

In some relatively poor medium-sized worlds, such as the Ghost Crow World Group that Thain had come into contact with before, the King of Ghost Crows, a level six creature, didn’t even have one on hand.

A world-class secret treasure is close by.

Why is it that the world-class secret treasure is so "disrespectful" when it comes to Mo Yan's mouth?

It seemed that if he just looked for it, he would definitely find it.

In this regard, Thain said earnestly: "We can maintain extremely efficient ruin exploration efficiency because there are Rubik's Cube and WALL-E to guide the way."

"The bone staff we discovered before happened to be the birthplace of Hal, the electronic cockroach, and we discovered it by chance."

"Do you know where the other ruins of the Black Yin civilization are?"

"Besides, I judge that the Black Yin civilization did not penetrate into the deepest core of this ruin of steel."

"If you want to find the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization, you can only try your luck outside the Ruins of Steel."

"I suggest you not to do this, because you may end up in vain. It is better to get these benefits from us first." Thain warned.

Thain's admonition obviously had an effect.

As expected, Mo Yan did not mention the search for the remains of the Black Yin Civilization.

And this guy is quite self-aware, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Luck? I never seem to be good at this thing."

It was Mo Yan's words that reminded Thain that he had taken him to the famous Reno Star City outside the wizarding world, also known as "Rockstar Port", for a shopping trip.

In addition to its huge internal space and extremely high commercial and military value, Renault Star City is most famous for its "Gambling City" in recent years, as well as the largest auctions in the Wizards Alliance, which are often held in Do it here!

Mo Yan's performance in the casino... was indeed not comparable to his luck.

On the other hand, Thain himself made his first fortune in the casino after being promoted to level four, and also received a copy of the coordinates of the White Sand World.

This led to the subsequent missions to Hengsha World and Ghost Crow World.

Judging from this, Thain's luck is better than Mo Yan's?

Shaking his head, without thinking too much about this, Thain led everyone to quickly approach the next discovery point.

Outskirts of subspace.

The intensity of the war here is a bit more intense than when Cuillis and others first entered here.

On the side of the wizard civilization, in addition to Cuilis, Bai Xing and others who have entered this subspace, there are also two sixth-level knights including Scat and Harrison, as well as the King of the Mountain Jungles, the Spirit of the Fire Spirit,

The God of Corruption and three other level six alliance gods arrived.

Scat is a sixth-level knight from the Knights of Ely League. In the wizarding world, the Conclave of Fire itself borders on the Knights of Ely League.

This Knight Scat seems to be an old acquaintance of Triris, and the two of them cooperated well in battle.

Harrison Knight comes from the desert kingdom of Jahana in the wizarding world. He is a strong man who carries a heavy ax and does not like to wear negative armor.

Harrison Knight seemed to be a little bald. He only had some scruffy hair around his forehead and a smooth patch in the center.

But Harrison Knight doesn't seem to care about his external image at all.

Logically speaking, if he shaved his head, he would be more pleasing to the eye than the dignified appearance in front of him.

However, Harrison Knight's performance in battle‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is much more powerful than his image.

Holding a heavy ax in one hand, Knight Harrison's aggressive momentum in battle put more pressure on the Gallente Federation than Knight Scat, who was gentle and more aristocratic.

Moreover, Knight Harrison never wore armor. He only wore a brown vest that was slightly greasy.

A powerful sixth-level knight with a distinguished status, it is considered strange to live like Harrison Knight.

Harrison Knight himself didn't feel much. His free and easy attitude also won him some friends and admirers.

"This guy doesn't look like a knight, but looks a bit like a butcher." More than one foreign god from the alliance noticed the scene of Knight Harrison fighting shirtless on the battlefield, swinging a giant ax in one hand, and couldn't help but secretly murmured.

The King of the Mountain Rong is a sixth-level earth creature from the Purple Crystal World. He is a well-known elemental king in the Purple Crystal World.

The Fire Spirit Essence comes from the Purple Sha Flame Soul World. It is a newly breakthrough level six fire element creature. It has a very good relationship with many powerful people in the wizard civilization and has always wanted to revive the former glory of the Purple Sha Flame Soul World.

The God of Corruption comes from the medium-sized world of the Alliance - the Plane of Corruption. This is a special god who masters rare law attributes such as "death", "corruption" and "pollution".

Originally, this guy was going to be sent to the front lines of the civilized battlefield, or even deep into the star field within the Gallente Federation, to play a role.

But later on, I don’t know what kind of maneuvers it went through. Finally, the Wizards Alliance interrupted its previous mission and threw it to the battlefield around the top-level civilized secret realm that Trilis was responsible for.

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