The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,662 The Gluttonous Feast

As Thane and others continue to advance deep into the center of the Ruins of Steel, some flashbacks will appear in WALL-E's mind from time to time.

Some of these scenes were recalled by Wall-E before, such as some things about his owner, and he remembered that his owner said he would come back to pick him up.

There are also some scenes that Wally has newly remembered.

For example, in a secluded scientific research laboratory, WALL-E assists his master in doing some research.

Thain once asked about the appearance of Wall-E's master. Wall-E thought about it for a long time. In the end, even his body was covered in smoke and he couldn't recall it completely.

He just remembered that the owner seemed to be quite old and always liked to wear a white coat.

Thain is different. In the laboratory, Thain most often wears a black magic robe.

"I have no impression of this place. I probably haven't been here before." Walli shook his head and said.

The location where Thane and others are at this time is an underground research institute near the center of the Ruins of Steel.

The fluctuation of the power of the hidden law prompted by the Rubik's Cube guided Thain and others to come here.

"Search for everything of value and record the coordinates here. We won't stay here long." Thain said to the people around him.

Maybe it was because he knew that the fighting legions on both sides had moved the main battlefield to the subspace, or maybe it was because of the uncomfortable feeling that suddenly occurred just now, which made Thain feel a little pressured. He urged everyone.

In fact, since knowing that the combat legions of both sides entered this subspace, Thain and others' stay time at each ruin discovery point has been significantly shortened.

As a rational magician, he cannot expect that the first person to find him and others must be the support team of the wizard civilization.

Thane and others also have to worry about the threat from the Gallente Federation.

However, in recent times, the discovery of successive treasures and valuable information has filled the Thain team with an atmosphere of excitement.

After the demigod-level magician Mussol, another second-level female magician named Laura Ti discovered a fragment of a world-class secret treasure.

Although the fragment is only the size of a thumb, and the law fluctuations are extremely weak.

But Laura Ti's discovery undoubtedly excited the low-level knights and magicians.

The fourth-level magicians Lot and Geli have recently become

Cool down quite a bit in the treasure hunting realm.

It is also possible that they have earned enough, and the two finally remembered their main duties in this subspace ruins.

The Aiyoulan Die Civilization Technology Base led by Rubik's Cube and guided Thain and others to arrive. Since there are items with weak power of law that have survived to this day, this shows that the preservation of those bases is relatively intact.

In these technological laboratories and secret research bases, Geli and others relied on their excellent professional methods to obtain a lot of scientific and technological knowledge about the ultra-ancient Aiyoulandie civilization.

Knowledge is universal in the star realm.

Magicians in the wizarding world have verified through research that the star realm is composed of tiny elemental particles, and the power of laws runs through it.

It is the various laws that shape the different plane worlds in the star world.

Derived from this are different ecological environments and different racial civilizations.

Low-level magicians study elemental particles, while high-level magicians begin to understand the laws.

Although the Aiyou Landie civilization is on the road of scientific and technological development, if their scientific and technological achievements are thoroughly analyzed and translated into the universal understanding of the wizarding world, then the wizarding civilization can use "magic" to achieve the same goal as "technology" "Means the same effect.

Thain and his team, who have penetrated deep into the center of this subspace, are not many in number, but they are well-equipped and have all types of talents.

In a very short period of time, the total research results of Thain and others were almost as high as those of Master Howard and others who had struggled for several years outside the subspace.

Even the very few knights in the team were originally assigned as guards.

But after following Thain and others for so long, I have always developed my discernment.

Some props that they are not sure about can always gain something if they are brought directly in front of the group of magicians.

After entering the Ruins of Steel, Thain and others found fragments of technological secret treasures more and more frequently.

Not all the world-class secret treasures of scientific and technological civilization are used for war purposes.

For example, in the research institute in front of us, the source of law fluctuations that Thain and others finally discovered was a spherical metal device similar to a "boiler".

Thain and his team, look at me, I look at you, no one knows what this thing is used for.

If you have more time, you can study it in detail and study it in the supplementary research institute.

Other texts or experimental equipment discovered may not necessarily be able to deduce the function of this boiler.

but now……

"Let's leave it to the Rubik's Cube to devour the source of the laws. As for this boiler... pack it up and take it back together."

"It would be best if something can be researched, but if it cannot be researched, it would be good to sell it as a world-class secret treasure fragment," Thain said.

This is also the main way that Thain and others deal with such discovered treasures recently.

These law fluctuation points where fragments of world-class secret treasures exist were found by Thain through the Rubik's Cube.

Including everyone present, almost all of them had been saved by Thain before.

Since he was the strongest, Thain took the lion's share of all the gains in the Ruins of Steel.

Other people don’t have any objections.

After devouring the power of law in the boiler, Thain obtained from the Rubik's Cube that it had another function similar to "smelting".

Thain's world-class secret treasure seems to have become more and more comprehensive in function after recent "gluttonous eating".

It's so comprehensive that even Thain is a little unsure of the grade of the Rubik's Cube.

For a treasure, the more functions the better.

The more it means, the more complicated it is, and it also means that the learning skills are not refined.

For example, the new abilities obtained by the Rubik's Cube in recent times are not necessarily as powerful as the new abilities obtained because the power of the original law obtained is limited.

Just like Thain would not blindly dabble in all the magical knowledge of all genealogies, the same is true for the production of world-class secret treasures and alchemy equipment.

An all-powerful world-class secret treasure may also mean "incompetence".

But Thain did not prevent the Rubik's Cube from swallowing the origin of other secret treasure fragments.

Such an opportunity is really too rare.

If he hadn't entered this top civilization ruins, how would Thain have the opportunity to swallow such a huge and diverse set of technological laws for the Rubik's Cube.

Thain's current attitude towards the Rubik's Cube is a bit like not caring about anything else but putting food first.

Later, we will think more carefully about how to use the power of those huge and diverse laws.

Anyway, it’s not bad to eat!

After devouring the power of laws from many world-class secret treasure fragments, the Rubik's Cube has shown signs of transformation and upgrading recently!

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