The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,657 Ancient Civilization Techniques

This biological battleship was discovered jointly by Thain and others, and the exploration of the battleship was also carried out by everyone together.

It can't be said that Mo Yan was the fastest to get this bone staff. This world-class secret treasure belongs to him.

After asking for the bone staff from Mo Yan, Thain looked up and down with interest for a long time.

This bone staff is completely black and has a faint skull shape on the top. However, after Thane carefully analyzed the power of the law in it, he determined that it was not a world-class secret treasure with the attributes of death or darkness, but involved the relatively rare blood. the rules.

It seems that a certain strong man from the Black Yin Civilization countless thousands of years ago held this bone staff and led his army of war beasts to fight to the death against the fleet of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

When Thain carefully observed the power of the original law contained in the bone staff, including Gilbert, Ge and Li, they also came over to watch,

A demigod-level male magician stepped forward, interrupted the thoughts of Thain and others, and said to Thain: "Master, look at this."

A black turban-like strip of cloth was presented to Thain and others by the demigod magician.

This strip of cloth itself has no value, and its material looks relatively ordinary.

But what caught the attention of Thain and others was that there seemed to be some rune lines faintly recorded on this black cloth strip.

"It's the writing of the Black Yin civilization." Lot, a fourth-level magician who had been exploring the ruins for some time, suddenly said beside Thain.

Thain can also roughly understand the Heiyin civilization font, but if he wants to translate it quickly, he will need experts like Lot and Geli.

Geli has become familiar with Thain during this time. This fourth-level magician who looks young but is actually tens of thousands of years old grabbed the black cloth in front of him and murmured to himself while quickly drawing a six-pointed star with his right hand. The array is recording something.

"It seems to be the cultivation techniques of the Black Yin Civilization, a top civilization that has embarked on the path of beast control. The contents of their techniques may be of great reference to the knights, summoners, and the Warcraft clan in our wizarding world." Li said.

Geli's words caused Lot and others to look away from the world-class secret treasure bone staff.

Although world-class secret treasures are good, the secrets involving the inheritance of this kind of skills and knowledge are what most magicians are interested in.

Thain did not devote himself to ancient civilization at this time.

In the translation and decryption of the law, this is not what he is good at.

After throwing the bone staff back into Mo Yan's hand and letting him keep it temporarily, Thane turned his attention to the demigod-level magician who discovered the black cloth in front of him.

"Musole, you did a great job."

"After this exploration of the ruins is over, I will report your contribution to the Wizards Alliance, and you will also receive your share of the benefits." Thain smiled.

Many of the results discovered this time in the secret realm of the subspace of the top civilization do not belong to individuals.

The black bone staff Mo Yan was holding in his hand was just one of them.

Including the numerous relics points, resource vein coordinates, and the discovered knowledge and information about the Black Yin Civilization and the Ai Youlan Die Civilization previously discovered and marked by Thain and others, all belong to the team‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎ ‏​‏‏‏Yes.

The difference is that as magicians of level four or above, Thane and others will naturally get more points.

Those low-level knights and magicians below level four will receive a smaller portion of their final mission share.

But for knights and magicians at that stage, it was an unimaginable huge gain.

The demigod-level magician Mussol is obviously the best performing low-level magician among all the people in recent times.

In addition to the piece of cloth found in front of him that recorded the skills of the Black Yin Civilization, this demigod-level magician was also very lucky to collect a fragment of a world-class secret treasure some time ago.

Some people may attribute Mussall's discovery to his "luck."

But Thain looked at Mussol who found the black cloth at this time and thought that this result of this demigod-level magician with a resolute face could not be simply attributed to luck.

There is also a small interesting story about the world-class secret treasure fragments that Mussol discovered some time ago.

The general situation is that Jiaolong Moyan has taken a fancy to the world-class secret treasure fragment of Mussol and said that he can exchange it with him for some of his collection.

Whether it was the elixir from the fairyland civilization or the wealth of magic coins that Mo Yan had on hand, Mussol should be satisfied.

But Mussol declined Mo Yan's transaction request in the end, even though the fairyland elixirs that Mo Yan took out made Mussol curious.

Mussol's reason for rejecting Mo Yan was also very simple. He was a demigod-level magician who had begun to initially touch the power of the law and was preparing to be promoted to the fourth level.

Although the elixirs from the fairyland civilization were rare, and although the magic coins that Mo Yan took out were very rich, these elixirs and magic coins could not help Mussol analyze the secrets of the law.

The world-class secret treasure fragments are something that all creatures above level four are jealous of.

Generally, it would be great for a demigod knight or magician to be able to obtain some "artifacts" or "artifact fragments" used by creatures of level 4 or above to analyze the power of laws in them.

What chance is there to get even more precious fragments of a world-class secret treasure?

In order to grow more smoothly in the future, this demigod-level magician gave up the huge wealth that Mo Yan had promised him.

This kind of character and foresight made Thain, Geli and other level four magicians couldn't help but nod secretly.

Sean’s statement made Mussol’s face light up.

But he still restrained his smile and gave Thain a mage salute in a very solemn and respectful manner to express his gratitude.

Not long after, Ge Li and others also completed the work of deciphering the text of the Black Yin Civilization Technique.

Although it is just a black cloth strip with an inconspicuous length, the black Yin civilization skills contained in it are really complex.

"This is a Black Yin technique that is enough to reach the level of sixth-level creatures in the star world. The Black Yin civilization named the sixth-level creatures 'dolphin level'."

"It's just that this technique is not complete. The cloth itself has become somewhat damaged due to the long period of erosion."

"More importantly, we lack the 'mind method' that is commonly practiced by creatures in the Black Yin civilization and other 'beast control techniques' that are mastered."

"After all, it is a top-level civilization, and the complexity of its cultivation system far exceeds that of ordinary small and micro worlds."

"But...even if it's just a incomplete 'dolphin level' technique, after all, its level of technique is here."

"Just the many secrets of cultivation involved in it, if sorted out, will be enough to benefit the fourth and fifth level creatures in our wizarding world."

"Especially the professions such as Knight, Summoner, and Warcraft I mentioned earlier," Geli said.

"When we return to the Wizarding Civilization, we will immediately report our findings to the Wizarding Alliance!"

"Now, let's continue to explore and see if there are any other new ancient civilizations left in this biological warship." Thain ordered.

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