The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,656 Black Bone Staff (Additional update)

Biological warship technology is not the mainstream of current research topics in wizard civilization.

At the same time, it is not an area that the Gallente Federation is good at.

Only those biological civilizations that follow a special passive evolutionary path will expand and grow in this field.

The Black Yin civilization in the past and the Zerg now should be like this.

Transforming a living level 4 or 5 creature into a battleship is indeed a novel subject, especially for Thane.

He was already a little excited.

Even though Thain didn't make many achievements in the fields of warship production and biological bloodlines, he still couldn't help but want to study it.

Because this is something new that Thain has never been exposed to, the magician should maintain a high enthusiasm for research on all new things.

Thain has grown so fast over the years, perhaps it should not be attributed to his good luck or his high cultivation potential.

But Thain's spirit of exploring the truth has never changed from beginning to end.

Others only saw that Thain possessed incomparable strength at a young age, and who would care about the busy figure standing in front of the experimental table countless days and nights.

In terms of enthusiasm and devotion during research, many veteran fifth- and sixth-level magicians cannot compare to Thane.

"Cut this biological warship in batches, and then collect specimens."

"Let's go inside this battleship and take a look. I wonder if there are any mysteries inside it," Thain said.

So after leaving a few low-level magicians to collect specimens from the periphery of the ruins, Thain and his team walked straight into the biological battleship.

The entrance and exit hatch of this biological battleship should be located on its head or the base of its abdomen.

But Thane and others did not go through the normal door. They walked in directly through the huge wound where the black-scaled beast was penetrated.

After countless years of erosion, there is still a turbid smell of blood lingering in this black-scaled giant beast.

Of course, robots cannot smell this smell. They have no sense of smell, but Thain and others feel it deeply.

"I feel like there's something good in that direction." Mo Yan sniffed his nose exaggeratedly and said to Thain.

The Rubik's Cube only responds to the law factors of scientific and technological civilization. It seems that finding something good in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization depends on Mo Yan's sensitive nose.

Several relics of the Black Yin civilization previously discovered in the subspace, as well as the treasures of the Black Yin civilization, were first found by the three brothers Mo Yan.

In the field of collecting treasures, it is indeed difficult for dragon creatures to collect treasures.

To achieve superior capabilities.

Following Mo Yan's intuition, Thane and others explored the biological battleship.

In the abdominal cavity of the battleship, Thane and others found a large amount of concentrated genetic fluid, as well as the corpses of many smaller black-scaled creatures.

It may be that with the external protection of this biological warship, those black-scaled creatures that are smaller in size and whose life level may only be below level three in life can survive the long period of erosion and survive to this day.

You must know that many of the remains of Black Yin civilization creatures discovered by Thain and others before this had a minimum strength of level four during their lifetime.

But unfortunately, the erosion of time has greatly reduced the value of these remains of Black Yin civilization creatures.

They cannot be treated as fresh corpses of level four creatures at all. The value areas involved are only prehistoric creatures that help wizards, civilizations and magicians explore ancient civilizations. science and technology.

"Damn, those genetic potions we drank before turned out to be so disgusting, right?" Mo Yan looked at the black-scaled creatures whose corpses were soaked in the original genetic fluid with disgust, and couldn't help but cursed.

Thain glanced at Mo Yan and said, "It looks disgusting, but it tastes delicious."

"How about you stop drinking from now on?" Thain asked.

After Mo Yan returned to his human form, his cheeks twitched involuntarily, and then he turned his head and looked away.

Yes, as long as you ignore what it is like, you should still eat and drink.

Members of the drake family are not picky eaters.

The concentration of these newly discovered genetic fluids of the Black Yin civilization is higher than that previously collected by Thain from other ruins.

And probably because of the proper preservation, after a brief investigation, Thain found that these gene solutions contained some trace particle elements that were not found in the gene solutions of other Black Yin civilizations.

No wonder Mo Yan didn't say no to drinking even though he looked so disgusting.

They are really attracted to them!

In addition to these concentrated genetic fluids, Thain and others collected some inactivated white eggs from another chamber in the belly of the biological battleship.

These white eggs should be the original embryos used by the Black Yin civilization to cultivate war beasts, because in addition to these white eggs, this chamber also has a complete biological incubation system.

The genetic liquid collected by Thane and others was also an important nutrient and catalyst used by the Black Yin civilization to cultivate war beasts.

"That's probably where Hal originally came from."

"The combination of technology and biological power over a long period of time is incredible." Thain pointed at a person in front of him.

Said the pile of smashed white eggs.

Surrounding these white egg fragments, there are obvious technological components of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization.

Judging from the crash location of this biological battleship and the wounds inside and outside its body, it seems that the Black Yin civilization finally reached the center of this secret realm of subspace.

I just don’t know if this biological warship is the only one, or if there are other undiscovered biological warships of the Black Yin civilization in this huge area of ​​​​steel ruins.

In the central area of ​​the biological battleship, Thain and others discovered a somewhat abrupt hollow door.

What is the function of this cavity? Thain and others stopped for a moment, but no one found any clues.

I really don’t know much about this kind of biotechnology, and too many elemental fluctuations have been buried over a long period of time.

Otherwise, just by analyzing the elemental composition of the space around it, you can also roughly explore a direction.

"Record this, let's go further inside first." Thain said.

After knowing that the Gallente Federation fleet and the wizard civilization army had gradually moved the battlefield to the subspace ruins, Thane and his team felt a sense of urgency.

Everyone hopes to get more exploration results in a shorter period of time.

Therefore, we can only give up temporarily on such research objects that cannot produce results in a short period of time.

Putting aside the hollow door that had no purpose, Thain and others later discovered many valuable treasures in this biological battleship.

A heart that has stopped beating is the central organ of this biological battleship.

Although there are no active cells in the heart, Thain and others concluded through research that the heart must come from a level six creature.

In other words, this biological battleship was also a level six, or even a peak level six individual.

In addition to the heart, Thain and others later discovered treasures such as biological crystal nuclei and brain marrow in the head of the biological battleship.

However, the most valuable treasure among them was the black bone staff Mo Yan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, was the first to grab it.

This is a world-class secret treasure!

The long period of erosion has not completely destroyed the power of the original laws within it.

And with this biological warship as external protection, this bone battle has not fallen down to the world-class secret treasure level.

The weak law fluctuations like a candle in the wind indicate that this bone staff is at the bottom of the world's secret treasures, even worse than the Thunder Knight's Thunder Sword!

But it is indeed a world-class secret treasure!

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