The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,658 The Secret of the Mind

In subsequent explorations, not many valuable new things were discovered.

Maybe it was because time was tight. No matter how knowledgeable Thain and others were, they would not be able to come up with any shocking truth in a short period of time.

After recording the coordinates of this biological battleship, Thane and others left this place and headed deeper into the Ruins of Steel.

As an exploration tool, the Rubik's Cube is more useful than the Phaseless Mask in the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Generally, places with treasures are accompanied by other mysteries, and Thain is not worried about returning without success.

But before leaving the biological battleship, the dragon beast Han Liao murmured: "Mind method? The cultivators in the fairyland also talk about cultivating the mind method. I wonder if it is the same thing?"

At first glance, the mental method seems a bit like the method used by magicians in the wizarding world to cultivate spiritual power. However, if you actually dig deeper, you will find that the two are not the same thing at all. .

Han's muttering caught Thain's attention, and he couldn't help but ask: "Since the fairyland civilization has mental skills, does it have the art of taming animals?"

"Yes, there are many beast-controlling sects in the Immortal Realm, but I have never heard of any connection between these cultivation sects and the mental methods they use." Han Liao scratched his head.

"I didn't expect that even the beast skills of the fairyland civilization exist. I don't know which one is better than the summoner profession of our wizard civilization."

"I have lived for so long, but I have never been to the fairyland." The fourth-level magician Ge Li sighed.

Maybe it was his cousin's words that also aroused Mo Yan's desire for expression.

This guy also knew a lot about the situation in the Immortal Realm, and he further said: "Not only that, in addition to the art of taming animals, the civilization of the Immortal Realm also has the art of exorcising corpses."

"What is that?" Sure enough, Geli asked curiously. She had never heard of this kind of strange secret technique.

Mo Yan tilted his head, thought for a long time, and then said: "Is it similar to the necromancers in our wizarding world?"

"That is a unique method of refining and cultivating corpses as puppet battle pets unique to the fairyland civilization."

Thain and Geli looked at each other and said nothing more.

Behind the secret subspace battlefield.

Level 5 agent Bond recently deciphered and unlocked a black Yin ruins stranded in the subspace of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

As a strong man who was born in a technological civilization, Bond is actually very close to the Black Yin civilization that has embarked on the path of cultivation system.


Moreover, all aspects of his physical attributes are extremely suitable for the genetic fluid, equipment, and even the cultivation techniques of the Black Yin civilization.

The relics of the Black Yin Civilization discovered far away in the Apocalypse World Star Territory are more numerous and of a higher level than the relics found in the Aiyou Landie Civilization subspace.

So Bond and others have really discovered a lot of good things over the years.

For example, Bond began to practice a special mental method decades ago in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

He also reported this mental method to the Gallente Federal Military Department, and federal scientists determined that this was a special technique used to enhance the brain and increase willpower.

It’s just that this kind of mentality is not in line with the physique of the vast majority of federal humans. The lower-level soldiers of the Federation do not need to enhance their abilities in this area. They have genetic medicine and human body. Just the renovation project.

Therefore, the discovery of this kind of Black Yin civilization has a really limited effect on the Gallente Federation.

Bond, on the other hand, enjoys practicing this kind of mental technique.

In this art, Bond has reached a very high level.

His individual combat power has already reached level five. His growth path is completely different from that of ordinary Federation soldiers, and he does not need to command the fleet like other Federation generals.

In recent times, Bond, who has obviously felt that his willpower has improved a lot, has also taught this mentality to his new good friend-Charlie Robert.

Charlie Robert is the federal mecha pilot whose brother has died and who drove the "Dangerous Wanderer" in the previous battle.

The death of his brother and the possible end of his mecha career have made Charlie Robert feel quite depressed recently.

Bond was very optimistic and admired the performance of the Robert brothers on the previous battlefield.

It was he who provided several precious genetic fluids that allowed Charlie Robert to be quickly rescued from a state of serious injury and near death.

Because this black Yin civilization mental method has the effect of broadening the brain, Bond selflessly taught it to him.

The reason why the giant mechas of the Gallente Federation require two pilots to control them is because the brain of one pilot simply cannot support the needs of these powerful mechas.

Only two mecha pilots with brain-connected brains can control the mecha as directed.

The reason why the Gallente Federation doesn't pay much attention to the mentality of the Black Yin civilization discovered by Bond is because the Federation's brains

Domain interconnection theory is extremely mature.

Moreover, all the giant mechas produced and put into combat by major heavy-duty mecha factories across the federation are driven by two people.

During this kind of war, how could the Gallente Federation possibly rely on an accidentally discovered mental method or new technology.

Just completely interrupt or overturn the previous operating model? !

Even the Gallente Federation will not even make a small-scale attempt.

Because the war pressure from the wizard civilization has increased.

Don't look at the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization. The Gallente Federation has been fighting back and forth with the wizard civilization. Even before, it had been encircling the wizard civilization. Doesn't it seem a bit superior?

In fact, in other star field battlefields, the decline of the Gallente Federation is more obvious than in previous centuries!

The appearance of Endless Light in the Cetus Star Territory has indeed caused a very obvious ups and downs in the overall winning rate of the Gallente Federation.

But in recent times, the federation's winning rate has slowly dropped.

Yes, in the face of the Gallente Federation's increased troops inside and outside the ruins of the Aylandie civilization, even if the wizard civilization does not need to do anything, the balance of victory still favors them.

The inflection point of the Gallente Federation's winning rate growth rate actually occurred when the Federation dispatched a large number of legions and invested a lot of energy in the ruins of the Ayrandie civilization.

With the frontline facing such intense pressure, how can the Gallente Federation have the extra technology and funds to apply it to new fields?

This is the general trend. The overall process of civilized war cannot be easily controlled by fifth-level creatures like Bond and Thane.

Even when it comes to wars of top civilizations, the role of a single master is very limited.

But as a member of the Gallente Federation, Bond had long been prepared to devote himself to the Federation.

Bond, who had just deciphered the secret of the space tunnel in the Black Yin Civilization Base some time ago, was about to go out again.

Before leaving, Bond meets up with his new friend Charlie Robert to say goodbye.

As a solitary agent with a narrow social circle, Bond has always had few friends.

But Bond cherishes every friend he recognizes.

This may also be the reason why Bond has had no family ties since he was a child, so he values ​​friendship and the feelings of family and country that extend to the entire federation.

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