The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,655 Biological Warship

After looking toward the east for a long time, Thain finally withdrew his gaze.

The violent energy fluctuation just now came and went quickly.

To be able to transmit it so far, it must be a battle involving creatures above level six.

And it is definitely not the ordinary level six that Thain has been exposed to before!

When a green fire cloud appeared on the distant skyline, the ash flames in Thane's body also faintly resonated.

"Have Master and the others arrived?" he sighed.

In addition to the green fire clouds, there were also some fine black spots appearing in the distant sky. Thain had to guess whether those black spots were the Gallente Federation fleet.

Fortunately, there are countless energy barriers in the secret realm of subspace.

Even if the main fleet of the Gallente Federation has entered here, it will be impossible for them to cross the long space and appear in this ruins of steel in the short term.

Unless they also have the legacy of an ancient civilization similar to Wall-E to lead the way.

The Gallente Federation fleet cannot invade here in a short time, and for the same reason Thane and others cannot go back immediately to assist Triris and others.

Because it is speculated that the main force of both civilizations has gradually moved the battlefield into the subspace, Thain and others must also speed up their pace.

For more than a year, the ruins nodes along the way that were understood and recorded through Wall-E are valuable information that Thain and others will submit to the wizarding civilization in the future.

In addition, Thane also believes that the Ruins of Steel, which is the center of this subspace, should have some secrets hidden.

One of their next tasks is to uncover the secrets here.

Of course, if any world-class secret treasure fragments or other treasures are discovered during this period, it will be considered an additional gain.

"Let's go and see where Hal was found." Thain turned to everyone and said.

The area where Wall-E first discovered Hal was a deep pit area with extremely complex terrain.

In the past millions of years, Wall-E has come here frequently, hoping to find other living creatures besides Hal.

It was so lonely. If Hal hadn't been with him, I really don't know how lonely he would have been in those millions of years.

It is precisely because of such friendship and millions of years of coexistence experience that the relationship between Hal and Wall-E is extremely close.

After Hal absorbed the energy amethyst and the original liquid of the Black Yin civilization gene and fell into a saturated state of transformation, the electronic cockroach was unwilling to leave Wall-E's side, but crawled directly into Wall-E's body.

It has settled somewhere in the cracks of the body.

Hal seemed to be very familiar with WALL-E's body structure. He probably did this because he was worried that WALL-E would disappear for several years without any reason while he was asleep.

As a cyborg, he actually needs to sleep.

Hal's special physique, as well as the blood essence and blood of Black Yin civilization creatures in his body, gave Thain a great desire to study it.

It's a pity that conditions don't allow it now and time is tight.

We can only conduct in-depth research on it in the space fortress or the Holy Tower Laboratory after leaving the subspace secret realm in the future.

The only problem at the moment is that the robot WALL-E has not shown any intention of leaving this subspace ruins for the time being.

There are many secrets inside WALL-E!

About its owner and how it possesses wisdom, it is all a topic of research for Thain.

I guess I'll have to ask the Flame Demon Puppet to help persuade him then.

Unless absolutely necessary, Thane would not use force against the robot that had helped him and others.

After arriving at Hal's discovery site, the dragon beast Qixiu started digging.

Because Thain mentioned that it is very likely that there is a large-scale Black Yin civilization ruins here, and it is of a scale that he and others have not explored before.

So Mo Yan and Han Li each opened the dragon beast's true form and started excavation work.

Letting several strong level four dragon beasts participate in the excavation process of the ruins is something that Gilbert, Geli and others had never dared to think of before.

At this time, the robot WALL-E also looked at the busy people curiously.

Other low-level knights and magicians, including Thain and others, were not idle at this time.

Either assisting in the excavation of the ruins on the periphery, or guiding Mo Yan and others to dig towards the center of the ruins like Thain holding a Rubik's Cube.

The progress of excavation of the ruins of knights and magicians in the wizarding world is much faster than that of Wall-E back then.

Moreover, Thain and others are obviously more organized and targeted, which is completely different from WALL-E who found Hal by pure luck.

Not long after, Thain and others excavated the overall outline of the ruins.

When he saw the appearance of the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization buried under the deep pit, not only WALL-E, who had his probe-like eyes open, was stunned on the spot, but Thain and others also took a breath of cold air.

"This is... a biological battleship?" Thain asked uncertainly.

Next to him, Gilbert, who was older and more knowledgeable, nodded with bated breath and replied.

:"should be."

The overall appearance of this ruins is that of a black-scaled giant beast with sharp edges and corners. It is very long and has centipede-like jointed limbs.

The direction where Thain and others initially dug was in the lower abdomen of the black-scaled beast. There was a large hole there, which was also the area where Wali first discovered Hal in his early years.

But overall, the most serious injury on this black-scaled beast should be located on its head.

There was an obvious dent there, and traces of charred black energy penetrated it, marking the kind of blow it had suffered back then.

In terms of size, this black-scaled giant beast is even larger than the full body of Mo Yan, nearly 10,000 meters in length.

It's equivalent to a wizarding world space fortress, or a giant mermaid white star lying here.

The Galent Federation also has space battleships with a length of more than 10,000 meters, but most of them are from the dominant fleet.

Generally, the Gallente Federation's war fleets are comparable to level 5 or 6 combat fleets, and the length of their capital ships is only two to three thousand meters.

Thain calls this black-scaled beast a "biological battleship" because it is not a simple creature of level four or above, but a special platform capable of carrying the lower-level legions and even commanding surrounding legion battles.

Transform a living behemoth of level four or above into a war platform similar to the space fortress in the Wizarding World? !

This is not a joke, this is a fact.

And Thain has also seen relevant descriptions in some books in the wizarding world.

Gilbert then added: "One hundred thousand years ago, when I was just promoted to level four, at that Wizards Alliance conference, an important force in our Wizards Alliance, the Zerg, participated."

"In terms of strength, I heard that the Zerg were already on par with the Titans and were one of the two most powerful members of our Wizards Alliance."

"At that time, the Zerg Blade Queen and many of her blade warriors who went to attend the Alliance Conference arrived on Zerg biological battleships." Gilbert sighed.

Living long enough is also a qualification.

At least there is not much news about the Zerg, even the fourth-level magician Geli, who is more than 60,000 years old, doesn't know much.

Because in the past tens of thousands of years, there has been very little news about the Zerg within the wizarding civilization.

They seemed to have migrated elsewhere.

"Zerg, I think I heard a little about it when I was in the Sky City." Thain said.

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