The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,654 Energy Absorption

Wall-E's workplace is not far from his residence.

The entire Ruins of Steel is where WALL-E usually lives and works. The place it took Thane and others to was the nearest garbage cleanup site.

This is a huge flat land.

It is really not easy to carve out such a flat open space in this steel jungle full of metal ruins.

In a corner of this open space, rows of compressed cubes of metal were neatly placed.

Due to the extrusion and deformation of the huge force, these metal cubes can no longer see what they originally looked like.

Wall-E is not a combat robot, Thane has known this for a long time.

But exactly how strong WALL-E is... Thain has never measured it carefully.

Unable to help but walk to a metal block that was piled up, Thain picked up the gold block in front of him and looked at it for a long time.

Gilbert, a fourth-level magician, also walked up to Thain. Being old and frail, he picked up a cube of metal with difficulty and said, "This can be regarded as the essence of metal, but the ingredients are very mixed."

"Such a metal ingot can be exchanged for about 10 magic coins when you get it from the City of Steel."

"Considering that the composition of these metals is alloys from the top technological civilization Aiyoulandie Civilization, the value may be higher." Gilbert analyzed.

How many pieces of metal are there in the huge open space in front of me?

There is no end as far as the eye can see!

According to the progress of WALL-E, which can compress up to 200 metal cubes a day, the wealth it has created over the years is also an astonishing number.

But it's a pity that Thain and others have no idea of ​​​​installing these metal garbage.

Although there is still a lot of space in Thane's space equipment, he really doesn't want to pack so many scraps and bring them back to the Wizarding World to sell them.

With that free time, Thain would rather collect some specimens that interest him.

"These metal ingots can also be regarded as the mineral deposits we discovered in this secret realm of subspace."

"When the wizard civilization sends more knights and magicians in the future, we can start developing them."

"As discoverers, we can get a share of the profits." Thain said to Gilbert.

Gilbert nodded.

In this place where Wall-E works, Thain did not find many valuable discoveries.

However, the upgraded Rubik's Cube faintly hinted that there was a weak fluctuation of law power not far from here.

This weak power of law

The fluctuation should be that the Rubik's Cube discovered another fragment of a world-class secret treasure.

Only world-class secret treasures can survive the erosion of millions of years!

Although other "artifacts" made by creatures of level 4 and above also have some power of law inside, they will never be able to withstand such a long period of time.

"That fluctuation anomaly point is also on the same road as the area where Wall-E discovered Hal. Let's stop by and take a look." Thain said.

Naturally, no one around him objected.

After entering the Ruins of Steel, Thane released all the low-level knights and magicians.

Since Master Gilbert said that those seemingly worthless metal ingots are worth nearly 10 magic coins each, there is no reason for Thain to prevent low-level knights and magicians from making a fortune or exploring. Your own path to truth.

In fact, in the secret subspace ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏In the past year or so, these low-level knights and magicians who followed Thane and others have all gained a lot. rich.

Among them was a demigod-level magician named Mussol, who even unearthed a fragment of a world-class secret treasure.

Entering the Ruins of Steel this time was another chance encounter for them.

The newly discovered source of the Rubik's Cube's law fluctuations is located underground in the Ruins of Steel.

When Qixiu volunteered to activate the dragon beast's true form to conduct excavation work, Thain and others soon found a deeply hidden special experimental base.

This is a technology laboratory of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization. The law wave animal found by Thain and others is a damaged energy absorber.

"The Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilized creatures rely on this special vessel to convert common energy sources, such as energy crystals, solar energy, etc., into the special energy sources they need."

"In addition to the energy absorber, there should be an energy converter, but it seems that it has been completely destroyed due to long-term erosion." Master Gilbert wore an elemental frame and held the Frame said.

Because it involves energy conversion, which is the old man's expertise, he knows more than both Geli and Lot who are conducting research on ancient civilizations.

"Then I will let the Rubik's Cube devour the source of the laws in this thing. Will the Rubik's Cube be able to absorb other energy attributes and then produce a large amount of energy amethyst?" Thain asked with a smile.

The Rubik's Cube's internal energy has always been in a state of slow self-recovery.

This also results in its inefficiency in producing energy amethyst, and it requires a longer rest every time it is produced.

And the Rubik's Cube unlocks the wisdom of the intelligent robot family.

Power is not infinite.

When part of the robot awakening work is completed, the Rubik's Cube will also be on standby for a period of time for repair.

Thain determined that this was caused by excessive energy consumption inside the Rubik's Cube.

It's just that Thain has never found a way to replenish energy for the Rubik's Cube.

This time, a world-class secret treasure fragment with an absorption effect was discovered. I don’t know if it can solve the energy problem of the Rubik’s Cube.

Faced with Thain's question, Master Gilbert and others looked at each other.

It seems that they don’t know the answer either and will only know after trying it.

"Master Thain, this world-class secret treasure of yours is really special."

"I heard that its main function is to give intelligent robots wisdom?"

"It's really unheard of. Maybe the level four and above mechanics in the City of Steel will have different opinions on this." Gilbert couldn't help but sigh.

Thain finally agreed to let the Rubik's Cube absorb the power of the original law from this world-class secret treasure fragment.

Special energy absorption rules... I don't know what new abilities the Rubik's Cube will have after absorbing this fragment.

Prior to this, the new abilities obtained by the Rubik's Cube include: detection radar, dark light barrier, and electromagnetic rays.

The dark light barrier provides a shield, and the electromagnetic ray provides a fairly good attack beam. These are the abilities obtained by the Rubik's Cube after devouring the original power of other secret treasure fragments.

It is precisely the emergence of these new functions that the Rubik's Cube has gradually shown its blessing and amplification effect on Thain himself!

Otherwise, in the past, the Rubik's Cube could only be inlaid on the Lieyan's constructed golem to achieve its maximum value.

After entering the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization, the devouring characteristic displayed by the Rubik's Cube also demonstrates its infinite growth and plasticity.

"It seems that I am really going to become a semi-machinist. Maybe after this war is over, I can consider going to the City of Steel in the Wizarding World for further training." Thain smiled at the people around him.

It was also when Thain and others left this underground experimental base and prepared to go to the area where WALL-E discovered Hal to find out what was going on.

A violent and magnificent turbulence of power suddenly came from the distant eastern sky in the Ruins of Steel.

That is the direction from which Thane and others came, and it is also the area where the battle between the Wizard Civilized Legion and the Gallente Federation special fleet is the most intense in the subspace.

"Could it be that the Wizard Civilization Support Corps has arrived and the main battlefield has moved to this subspace?" Thain couldn't help but think.

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