The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,653 Ruins of Steel

Ruins of Steel is the center of this secret realm of subspace.

It took Thane and others more than a year to get here, which was not easy.

Unlike most areas in this subspace secret realm, it is composed of a yellow sand environment.

At a glance, this body of steel is an invisible steel ruin.

It can be predicted that a few years ago, this area was lined with many towering steel buildings, and what a splendid technological civilization it created.

But now, there are only ruins and ruins, proving the strength of the Aiyoulandie civilization in the past.

Under the leadership of Wall-E, Thain and his party walked towards the depths of the Ruins of Steel.

This is where WALL-E mainly works and lives. Tens of millions of years have not allowed WALL-E to clean up the "garbage" of this huge ruined city.

And if you want to completely clean up this endless ruins of steel, you don't know how long it will take WALL-E.

The life of aiyoulandie civilized creature is a trinity of sea, land and air.

Underground in this ruin of steel, there is still an extremely vast space.

Even the vastness and complexity of the underground exceeds the surface of the body.

After all, the high-rise buildings on the surface have collapsed and been damaged by erosion over millions of years, but the buildings underground are relatively well preserved.

Wall-E's small home is located in the middle and outer areas of the Ruins of Steel.

The reason why he settled here is because the yellow sand storm outside was too violent, and Wall-E rarely went out for nearly a million years.

The reason why they did not choose to settle in the center of the Ruins of Steel is also very simple. Wall-E said that it has not even completed the garbage cleaning work on the periphery, so why go to the center to increase the distance to work.

A low shack on the flank of a mountain of garbage is Wall-E's home.

It can be seen that this home is decorated for peace of mind.

Although it is a bit shabby and cramped, various items are placed in an orderly manner.

Wall-E even specially collected some small things that he was interested in as decorations at home.

A metal flower made of silver metal branches was inserted in the corner of this small shed, looking unique.

Before Thane and others were completely close, an extremely small figure emerged from the shack.

Jumped out.

It's an electronic cockroach, only the size of your thumb.

It pounced directly on Wall-E's location, and seemed to be vaguely afraid of the new "strangers" such as Thane.

This is an electronic cockroach that has awakened to lower intelligence.

Wall-E's ability to awaken to his own wisdom surprised Thain. He didn't expect that even this little thing had some wisdom.

However, due to the material and size, this electronic cockroach does not have the ability to speak and translate.

It can only emit an extremely weak current sound of "hissing". Only Wall-E, which has been with it for millions of years, can understand what it expresses.

Seeing this extremely compact electronic cockroach hiding in the cracks of Walli's metal, Lieyan, who has become friends with Walli during this period, has been with him since In the mecha space, a relatively small energy amethyst was taken out.

This energy amethyst is relatively small for the Flame, but for Hal, the electronic cockroach, it is larger than its size.

The special energy fluctuations emitted by the energy amethyst made Hal's two metal tentacles tremble. Then he mustered up the courage to jump out and lie directly on the surface of the energy amethyst, seeming to absorb the energy in its unique way. .

The purple shimmer transitioned from the energy amethyst into Hal's body.

The electronic cockroach, which was originally only the size of a thumb, actually expanded in size later on.

After Hal's size expanded, a faint red light appeared in his body.

Hal himself was staggering a bit at this time.

It seemed like he had eaten too much, but also like he had drunk too much.

Then he fell soundly on WALL-E's robotic arm, his belly rising and falling, as if he was asleep.

"Huh?" Thain, who also paid attention to the electronic cockroach, couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

What he cared about was not the mechanical mystery contained in this electronic cockroach, but that in addition to the mechanical structure he saw, Hal's body actually contained a trace of the special blood essence of the black Yin civilization creature.

Yes, this is not a purely mechanical cockroach, but more of a half-biological, half-mechanical cockroach.

The red light emerging from its body is actually the blood essence that represents the creatures of the Black Yin civilization.

In recent times, Thain has explored many ruins of the Black Yin civilization, and has also provided services to Mo Yan and others.

People have produced many genetic solutions.

Therefore, he has a good understanding of the ancient creatures of the Black Yin Civilization, and he will definitely not be wrong.

Gilbert, Geli and others around him also looked thoughtfully at the electronic cockroach Hal who was gradually falling asleep in WALL-E's hands, wondering if they had also discovered the mystery.

He couldn't help but take out a bottle of concentrated Black Yin Civilization Gene Liquid. When the three Mo Yan brothers looked at Thain curiously, the electronic cockroach Hal who was already lying down turned out to be two slender metal tentacles. Shaking, he suddenly stood up again.

After a drop of the concentrated genetic fluid was dropped onto Hal's body, Hal, who had already grown in size, changed slightly, and the red light in his body became a little deeper.

The direct result of this feedback is that its metal claws are a bit sharper.

Compared to the simple-looking garbage cleaning robot WALL-E, Hal, the now small electronic cockroach, seems to be more capable in combat.

"Interesting, can it not only be upgraded through technological means, but also have some characteristics of living creatures of flesh and blood?"

"How was this little guy generated? The artificial man developed by the Norman Federation is somewhat similar to it." Thane said in deep thought while touching his chin.

Of course, no one can answer Thane's question. Hal was only discovered by Wall-E deep in the garbage dump, not made by it.

As for where Hal came from, such a profound question is not something Wall-E usually thinks about.

Just like WALL-E often recalls his master, but never thinks about how he was created.

There is no fragment of this in its memory.

After spending some time in Wall-E's residence, Thane didn't find much of value.

It can be seen that Wall-E did not deliberately collect the world-class secret treasure fragments in this ruins of steel.

The things in Wall-E's home are ordinary things that he has collected over the years for decoration.

Also, whether it is a world-class secret treasure fragment or an ordinary metal product, what difference does it make to Wall-E who has been living in the secret subspace for tens of millions of years?

Perhaps in Wall-E's eyes, they are all just "junk".

"Take us to where you work and where you found Hal." Thain said to Wall-E.

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