The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,652 Rubik’s Cube Upgrade

The battle between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation in the mysterious alien sky is becoming increasingly fierce.

In the secret realm of subspace, Master Howard and others who stayed at the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base were also under far greater pressure than before.

The federal special fleet, which newly entered the secret subspace, participated in the siege of the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

However, upon their arrival, Master Howard and others who stayed here had also received news of the arrival of the Wizard Civilization Legion.

The situation is always better than before.

Moreover, not all of the Gallente Federation fleet was devoted to the siege of Master Howard and others.

After a period of investigation and exploration, the Gallente Federation fleet determined that the level of development of this top civilization relic by the wizard civilization has not reached too deep.

Therefore, on the one hand, the blockade and siege of the Huangsha No. 2 experimental base was maintained, and on the other hand, the Gallente Federation also sent its own scientific research ships to explore various parts of the subspace.

During this period, Bond, the Gallente Federation agent responsible for the exploration and raid of the secret realm, proposed that the missing fifth-level magician from the Wizarding World and the cube robot Wall-E captured on the Gallente Federation Legion screen may be Next is the focus of their work.

No matter what, the Gallente Federation fleet must find them as much as possible!

You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead.

It has to be said that Bond's sense of smell is still very sensitive.

And with advanced information transmission and data analysis capabilities, Bond also contacted the central information database of the Gallente Federation behind the scenes and retrieved various information about Thane.

The Gallente Federation's danger rating for Thane is still very high!

Among the "resume" of Thane recorded by the Federation, the two most eye-catching ones are that Thain sneaked into the territory of the Federation to instigate the rebellion of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, and he assisted the wizard civilization army in the destruction of the Legion on the battlefield of the Beholder World. A federal shadow fleet with great military achievements.

Yes, regarding the rebellion of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, with Bond's current authority, when he took the initiative to inquire about the matter, the federal special department released this information to him.

At the same time, this information is also the most important information!

Bond didn't know that Thain had a Rubik's Cube in his hand. At that time, this semi-finished world-class secret treasure did not attract the attention of the top federal officials. Even Michael Bay

The master and others were all destroyed by the remaining power of the Federation's doomsday weapons.

But what Bond values ​​​​is Than's unique ability to communicate with the robot family.

That cube robot is very likely to be the original creature of this top civilization ruins. If Master Thain of the Wizard Civilization uses it, he can really explore some core mysteries about the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

The action of Bond and others can almost be called a "failure".

"While exploring this subspace, we must find this group of missing magicians at all costs."

"According to General Harry, who is besieging the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base on the front line, no new wizard civilization combat troops have broken through in recent times."

"So where did they get there?" Bond asked, patting the table.

Unfortunately, no one could answer his question.

Outside the secret realm, tens of millions of legions were beaten into a pot of porridge.

In the secret realm, Master Howard and others are still struggling to resist the siege of the Gallente Federation.

Thain led Mo Yan, Ge Li and others to march straight into the center of the secret realm. In the process, he harvested a large amount of research materials and precious treasures.

This kind of day is fulfilling and happy.

Because Wall-E leads the way, and professionals like Gree and Master Gilbert conduct investigations, Thain and others can discover something almost everywhere they go.

Such a highly efficient situation is something every magician would like to see.

About a year and a half after Thain and others entered the center of the secret realm, Thain only had three fragments of world-class secret treasures on hand.

During this period, Maskless Mask provided a lot of help to Thane.

As expected of possessing extremely strong investigative abilities, Thain has found the largest number of secret treasure fragments.

Next is Qixiu, this seemingly extremely low-key fourth-level earth-type dragon beast. During the subsequent exploration of the ruins, he took out a compass.

Thain had never heard of this simple compass.

After learning that this was a reconnaissance weapon of the Immortal Domain Civilization, Qixiu unearthed two world-class secret treasure fragments with this compass, which made Mo Yao jealous.

There are three world-class secret treasure fragments, two of which are technological products from the Aiyou Landie Civilization, and one is from the Black Yin Civilization.

Regarding the Black Yin Civilization, Thain exchanged collections with Qixiu, and then all these secret treasure fragments were handed over to the Rubik's Cube by Thain to swallow the power of the laws within.

The Rubik's Cube only swallows the energy of the law. Those fragments of the secret treasure that have lost the effect of the law still have research value to Thain, so he does not feel bad.

However, after the Rubik's Cube devoured the law energy in the third secret treasure fragment, it fell into a period of silence.

Even Thain couldn't activate it. There must be some transformation happening inside the Rubik's Cube.

After all, Thain did not make the treasure himself, including when the Rubik's Cube was upgraded to a world-class secret treasure level. Thain did not intervene. The higher-ups of the wizarding civilization helped him do it. Therefore, Thain is not sure about the current situation of the Rubik's Cube.

When Thain and his team arrived at an area named "Ruins of Steel", the Rubik's Cube finally woke up.

After waking up, the color of the Rubik's Cube becomes clearer, emitting blue-purple mysterious starlight, seeping out from the Rubik's Cube.

As the master of the Rubik's Cube, Thain soon learned of a new ability of the Rubik's Cube.

"It seems that we will have to deal more with those intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron in the future."

"The current Rubik's Cube can not only be given to you for blessing and use, it can even split into multiple small Rubik's Cubes to increase the strength of more robots." Thain turned to the constructor Yuli and said.

Geli and Lot, who also heard Thain's words, showed curiosity and envy towards the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand.

Master Thain has so many treasures in his hands, and he has met some very powerful alliance gods.

Is he really a magician who is less than a few thousand years old? Geli thought in her mind.

In addition to the function mentioned by Thain, the Rubik's Cube actually has a new hidden function, that is, it has a strong ability to sense some technological products with the power of special laws.

This shows that the Rubik's Cube is far from reaching the limit of its evolution and upgrade!

The existence of this special function is to show the demon to Thane that it also wants to devour more!

At this time, in the depths of the endless "Ruins of Steel" that appeared in front of Thain and others, there were many existences that the Rubik's Cube had vaguely sensed and was eager to devour.

"This is where I work. Welcome to my home." The robot WALL-E pointed at the endless ruins of steel in front of him and introduced it to Thane and others.

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