The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,648 Legion Collision

In the starry sky outside the secret realm.

The first two sides to fight were the army led by Bai Xing from the battlefield of the mysterious plane, and the army of the ancient desert wasteland world that had been transferred from the Black Bat Civilization Front.

The Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion will arrive earlier.

When they appeared outside this subspace secret realm, tens of millions of ancient desert wasteland world legions directly combined with the Gallente Federation's special operations legions to drive back the wizard civilization legions that were still struggling to defend outside the secret space. In the secret realm.

However, before the ancient desert wasteland world could expand its victory, the army led by Bai Xing followed closely behind!

Because Bai Xing was worried about the safety of his three younger brothers, he directly ordered a dozen sea kings above level 4 to act as vanguards and rush straight towards the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion.

Following closely behind these Sea Kings are tens of millions of Sea Legions and mixed legions of the Wizards Alliance.

It has to be said that in terms of elite nature and individual combat capabilities, the ancient desert wasteland world is much better than the sea planet.

Long before the power tentacles of the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation extended to the surrounding star fields, the ancient desert wasteland world was a famous and powerful world in the surrounding area, and had a tendency to grow into a large world.

If Orm, the second prince of the Planet of the Sea, had not usurped the throne, according to the original civilization pattern around this star field, the Black Bat Civilization should have united with the Planet of the Sea to jointly resist the expansion of the ancient desert wasteland world.

The elite ancient desert wasteland world army was not dispersed by the Sea Kings under Bai Xing's command.

But I was also shocked by the sudden appearance of this army of wizard civilization!

A vast expanse of water, condensed by the power of rich water elements and corresponding laws, appeared on this battlefield in the starry sky.

Interfered by Bai Xing and others, the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion headed by Salem had to stop and deal with the enemies coming from behind first.

The longer war gave the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion a strong and ferocious aura.

They were originally the strongest legions in the surrounding star fields. Hundreds of planes were reduced to desolate wastelands under the iron heel of the ancient desert world army.

Wonderful Plane If not for the timely support from Thain and others, she would have been another stepping stone to prove her bravery in the ancient desert wasteland world.

After discovering the incoming sea army from the Wizarding World, Seren, the sixth-level peak powerhouse, forcibly restrained himself from entering the ruins of the Aiyou Landie civilization.

He turned stiffly and looked at the wizard civilization army behind him.

In fact, Salem does not want to take care of the wizard civilization army behind him, but the order from the Gallente Federation cannot be violated!

When Salem led his army to fight against White Star, the federal special fleets that had already arrived nearby quickly entered the secret realm of subspace one by one.

Triris once called Salem a "pathetic guy" while fighting him.

I don’t know what the purpose of Trilis’s comment is.

The ancient desert wasteland world was startled by the sudden appearance of the Sea Clan army behind them. Bai Xing, who was leading the Sea Clan army, was also frightened and angry at this moment.

There are actually enemies like Neptune that can't be defeated by a wave of charges?

The number of Neptunes that Shirahoshi transferred this time was not large, and he did not take the sixth-level Neptunes away from the wizarding world.

Otherwise, no matter how elite the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion is, they will never be able to withstand the charge led by the sixth-level Sea King of the Wizarding World!

(ps: Bai Xing did not bring the sixth-level Neptune species to the front lines of the civilized battlefield. This is because the Wizarding World needs these level-6 behemoths to suppress the deep oceans, and also because Bai Xing’s life level is only level five, although he can also mobilize and arouse the favor of the sixth-level Neptune species. , but after all, there is no way to command the fourth and fifth level Neptunes, so they can give orders like an arm.)

One blow failed to break through the blockade of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion. Bai Xing couldn't control it so much. She took out a pure white conch from the shell space.

He aimed his red lips at the tip of the conch, and then, a soul-stirring horn song echoed throughout the battlefield!

Similar songs were sung by Bai Xing around the battlefield in the strange plane.

At that time, the singing melodies were mostly melodious, but now they are full of majesty and solemnity.

Affected by the sound of the conch, the tens of millions of sea legions on this starry sky battlefield suddenly entered a state of frenzy.

The dozen or so sea king species above level 4 were the most crazy.

One of the level five peak narwhals rolled its body and rushed straight towards the hinterland of the ancient desert wasteland world army.

Several Level 5 creatures from the Ancient Desert Wasteland came up to intercept, but they were unable to completely stop them.

In fact, just now the Sea Legion under Bai Xing almost broke up the front line of the ancient desert wasteland world army.

There is the sixth-level peak powerhouse Salen sitting in the center, and he has many powerful fifth-level biological subordinates to assist him.

With help, the front line did not collapse.

If these sea clan legions, especially the sea kings, continue to interfere on the front line of the battlefield, they will really be broken by the wizard civilization.

"Thunder!" The electric ax shining with dazzling white light appeared in Salem's hand.

This world-class secret treasure "tailor-made" for him by the Gallente Federation seems to be connected to the many mysterious steel needles on Salem's body.

These steel needles are also an important medium for Salem to break through the shackles of his original life and reach the peak level of level six.

Who said the Gallente Federation only knows how to develop technology?

Judging from the fact that they can help Salem stimulate its life potential and have higher combat power, the Gallente Federation's achievements in this regard cannot be said to be low.

Selen, holding an electric ax in one hand and wearing the world-class secret treasure "Wasteland Armor", looked at the sea army in front of him with cold eyes.

The inherited secret treasure of the ancient desert wasteland world is a full-body armor.

Salem was wearing a pointed helmet, with only a pair of narrow red eyes peeking out from the gap in the helmet.

Swinging the electric ax fiercely, Salem, who was in the midst of thousands of troops, struck hard at the level five peak narwhal.

The narwhal, which had fought many level five creatures in the ancient desert world and had some scars on its body, seemed to smell the coming of death at this moment.

The mournful whale call sounded, and the dense eyeballs on the head of this giant whale, a sea king, revealed the desire for life.

As the leader of this group of Neptunes, how could Bai Xing sit back and watch his mount be chopped down on the spot by the sixth-level powerhouse Salen.

The originally high-spirited Song of the Sea paused, and Bai Xing, holding the Trident of the Sea King, faced Salem's attack.

The violent electric light and the force of ten thousand tons of sea pressure collided in this starry sky.

Heavy rain and tides were scattered all around, and countless smaller lightning lights shuttled between these sea and sky curtains.

After the energy turmoil, Bai Xing stood in the center of the battlefield with a pale face.

On the other side, Seren, the sixth-level powerhouse in the ancient desert world, remained motionless. His cold red eyes seemed to be sizing up Bai Xing who blocked his attack.

They are also at the sixth level of combat power. Obviously, the Sea King Orm from the Planet of the Sea is far from the Salembi in front of him!

The Poseidon Trident held by Bai Xing at this time was constantly making a small chirp, as if it had not recovered from the collision just now.

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