The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,649 Support Arrives (Additional update)

Bai Xing was able to block Salem's attack not by her own strength, but by the Poseidon Trident in her hand.

As a dominating weapon, the Poseidon Trident contains a trace of dominating power left in it by Avril, the mermaid dominator of the wizarding world.

As expected, this world still depends on wealth and wealth.

Back then, the God of Justice in Faerûn tried to see through the true identity of Rose, the Spider Queen, but was severely damaged by a trace of the power of domination arranged by the Black Demon True Spirit Nagel into the Spider Queen's body in advance, and the goddess of luck was also lost. Nearly half of life.

This prompted Goddess of Luck to take a stand in advance and choose the side she thought was right, which would also lead to the unknown destiny of Faerûn in the future.

It is not known whether there are any means arranged by the master in the white star in front of her, but the Poseidon Trident in her hand does have a trace of the power of the master.

Because Bai Xing possesses half of the mermaid blood of the Wizarding World, and is the heir to the Sea Tribe trained by Avril, she can certainly exert some of the power of the Trident of the Sea King. !

The slight whiteness on his face showed that Bai Xing also suffered a lot of backlash from the collision of forces just now.

The power of domination is not so easy to control.

It's just that Bai Xing's skin is very white, so there is no clue at the moment.

With a cold snort, Salem, wearing the wasteland armor, struck at Bai Xing's position again.

Reminding the narwhal to leave this place quickly, Shirahoshi let out a scream and faced Salem.

Salem has two world-class secret treasures, and White Star is not bad either.

Even in terms of world-class secret treasure level, Bai Xing's equipment advantage is even greater than that of Salem.

But the huge gap in life levels is a flaw.

Salem is not as easy to control as Orm. Even Salem's master, Triris, had to suffer a little loss when she faced him.

Shirahoshi, who was holding the Trident of the Sea King, finally showed all his cards when fighting Salem.

When he fought Orm before, the young sixth-level Sea King was unable to force Shirahoshi to use all his methods.

In addition to the Sea King Trident and Sea-Suppressing Pearl that have been exposed, Bai Xing also had a layer of light silver dragon scales faintly appearing on the surface of Bai Xing's fair skin during this battle.

There is also a sense of dragon power in the constant screams.

This dragon fish violently stirs the water element on the battlefield. If she can successfully survive this battle, then Bai Xing's future will be smooth!

In fact, Bai Xing had already touched a trace of sixth-level power when fighting on the battlefield of the strange plane before.

It's a pity that the time is too short, and Bai Xing cannot calm down for a while and make breakthroughs in detail.

When Bai Xing confronts Salem, her army of wizard civilization also confronts the ancient desert wasteland.

The original world legions fought together.

The result of the melee between the lower-level legions could not be seen for a while.

Because both sides have invested too much, even the number of creatures above level 4 has exceeded 100!

A melee of this level may not come to fruition even if it lasts for decades, because both sides have backup support.

Until now, the ancient desert wasteland world is still mobilizing the power of its home star field.

The Gallente Federation's transport ships and wormhole technology have helped the ancient desert wasteland world a lot.

Including the middle and lower-level legions in the ancient desert wasteland world, there are also many traces of Gallente Federation technology.

The low-level knights in the wizarding world are all equipped with magical weapons, while the savage indigenous creatures in the ancient desert world are wearing individual combat uniforms or exoskeleton armor prepared for them by the Gallente Federation.

There is no such thing as habit. As long as you can improve your ability to save your life on the battlefield, the barbaric creatures in the ancient desert world also know what to do.

In the past, most of them went into battle shirtless, mainly because the environmental conditions did not allow it. It is not that they were born to like to fight with others shirtless.

While the warring legions of both sides were fighting fiercely, behind the sea legion brought by Bai Xing, the mercenaries of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce who had signed a contract with the wizard civilization were also ready to join the war.

Nearly twenty hired gods are definitely a considerable force!

Among them, the one who has become most famous in recent times is Dexes, a fourth-level creature from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, in front of Dexes, a special creature with blue skin and an extremely long head was looking at the center of the battlefield in the distance with some sadness.

This blue-skinned creature is not a hired god, but the head of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce near this star field.

The Dexes in front of him was invited all the way from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension.

As the person in charge of an area, this blue-skinned creature with a long head has level six strength.

Without level 6 strength, it would be impossible to control the situation.

Perhaps a group of relatively powerful interstellar bandits can completely destroy the interests of their chamber of commerce.

Not to mention, they are still conducting cross-star and cross-civilization trade, which has even greater variables.

This blue-skinned creature muttered with a somewhat sad face at this time: "We, the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, have always adhered to the principle of neutrality. Even if the two civilizations are at war, we can trade with both sides at the same time without changing our expressions."

"At this time, the Gallente Federation has not completely cut off contact with us?"

"In this situation, should I take action? Or should I pretend not to see it?" The blue-skinned creature struggled.

"You already have it in your heart

We already have the answer, don’t we? "Dexes said as he adjusted his combat uniform.

If this blue-skinned level 6 creature didn't have the answer in its heart, it wouldn't be struggling here. It would just follow the purpose of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

"Lord Chaofeng is the honorary president of our Alibaba Chamber of Commerce. It is said that he also holds the largest shareholding in the entire chamber of commerce."

"If I pretend not to see it here today and let Master Chaofeng's niece die here, I, the regional leader, will probably be done with it."

"Lord Chaofeng will never let me go." The blue-skinned creature said with a grimace.

"It's a pity that I haven't had a fight with anyone in almost tens of thousands of years. I hope I won't be chopped down with an ax by that level 6 barbarian from the ancient desert wasteland world." The blue-skinned creature lamented.

Level 6 creatures are also different from level 6 creatures.

The blue-skinned, long-headed creature in front of me has done so much business that he has almost forgotten how to even fight.

But he had to bite the bullet. If he offended Chaofeng, he would definitely no longer have a foothold in the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

And as a senior manager of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, this level-6 creature also knows that the Chamber of Commerce adheres to the principle of neutrality, and the top civilizations on both sides are not offended.

But in fact, the position of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is slightly in favor of the wizard civilization.

The clues can be seen just from the volume of transactions with wizard civilization in the past tens of thousands of years.

"I'm going to fuck you, you'd better not hesitate for too long."

"The wizard civilization will not give up here. Haven't we already received news that a large number of legions are coming here from the Black Bat Civilization Front?" After saying that, Dexes turned into a ray of light and flew straight towards In the center of the battlefield.

"Hey, don't die. I promised your uncle that I will bring you safely back to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light in the end." The level-6 blue-skinned creature shouted to Dexes as he walked away.

Texas didn't reply to it.

After muttering in confusion for a long time, the blue-skinned creature finally bit the bullet and took out a weapon it had not used for a long time - a world-class secret treasure spike.

"I hope my old bones can withstand that guy's electric axe."

"The wizard civilization army must come early." After lamenting, the blue-skinned creature rushed towards the central vortex of the battlefield in front of it.

I don’t know if the lament of this level six blue-skinned creature had an effect, or if it just happened to be such a coincidence.

When it had just rushed to the center of the battlefield and cooperated with White Star to resist the attack from the sixth-level peak creature Salem, at the edge of this vast starry sky battlefield, a large number of wizard civilization reinforcements finally arrived.

The leader of this army of wizard civilization is none other than the sixth-level magician Trilis!

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